I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 226.

As for being defeated theatrically, being defeated is just too normal, it's strange not to be defeated.

Barrett's strength and abilities Carlos thought he was extremely compatible with the Shura-do in the Six Paths of Payne, and the combined fruit with the Shura-do was definitely strong!

Another known world destroyer, Bondiwald, while not seemingly as pushy as Barrett, is no less powerful, and his Momo fruit is very powerful too!

The so-called Momo is actually more, more meaning, able to increase the size and speed of the objects it touches by a hundredfold, and maybe that's not the limit of this demon demon!

Carlos thinks that Bondiwald is a perfect fit for the abilities of the Bastard Path in Six Dao Penn!


Making those specially modified psychic beasts increase in size and speed a hundredfold seems a bit terrifying when you think about it!

If creatures that were already very large such as the snake he had subdued in Air Island, or the large sea king type in the Windless Belt were to increase in size and speed by a hundred times, tsk to think about it would make one's head spin and tremble with fear!

Shura Dao Payne, Bastard Dao Payne has a candidate, Heavenly Dao Payne currently Carlos has stopped the idea of cultivating with the ringing thunder fruit, all he needs is to pick a purely physical or swordsmanship strong person from this piece, in short one who has never eaten the devil fruit, just choose the strongest.

How to count the strongest?

The current approach is most intuitively through bounties, but also by asking those in the know in the advancing city.

Three of the six Road Payne's Carlos has a choice of targets or ranges, leaving three, the Road of Earth, the Road of Hell, and the Road of Hungry Ghosts.

Carlos has some idea about the choice of the earthly Way Payne, the ability of the earthly Way Payne is to read information and extract souls, the soul is extracted, even the strongest monster has to die.

So Human Road Payne Carlos wanted a strong physical or melee criminal, with or without the ability to eat the Devil's Fruit.

It really helped that Carlos had found a very good fit, arguably the best of many criminals.

From the information, this criminal was a little bit ahead of Roger's time, and Roger happened to be a little bit famous when he was criss-crossing the sea.

This man himself specialized in a special secret physical technique, similar to, but much more perverted than, judo yoga, which was truly bony as if it were a snake, yet extremely powerful!

One by one, the bones of those who died among this criminal were entangled, and it could be said that this woman had taken the so-called word entanglement to its fullest extent!

Yes, this is a woman who, despite her looks, is really good at what she does, and few people can escape if they get entangled up close!

So slippery, Carlos thought this man should be able to use his humanistic abilities well, touching brains and pulling souls!

Hell-do this Paine in the six Paine basically acted as a logistical role, Carlos is for this Paine's requirements are strong life preserving ability, other abilities are second to none, not too important, but the strength is not too bad.

As long as the Hell Road Payne wouldn't destroy, then the other Payne could be resurrected even if they were beaten to a pulp, leaving their opponents in utter despair!

By the way propelling the city Infinite Hell is really a treasure trove, from the criminals inside Carlos also found someone quite suitable.

This person's bounty, strength in the Infinite Hell was middle of the road, but the ability to preserve life that was top of the line, the demonic fruit that this person possessed was a superhuman line of bilocation fruit that could split!

Although the more bilocations there were, the more the strength was dispersed, his peak strength was at a certain limit of bilocation number, without crossing that limit he hadn't reached his peak, and after that the overall strength dropped.

The Navy was able to capture this man in addition to expending a great deal of manpower and resources, but also hired an extremely adept tracker from the world government, the Devil Fruiter, in order to capture all of his bilocations at once.

With this ability, Hell-do-Payne would be very safe in battle.

After ticking a box to indicate selection, Carlos searched for a suitable candidate for the Hungry Road Payne, a Payne that could absorb Devil Fruit elemental energy attacks and was the main defense Payne.

Originally Carlos didn't expect much from this Paine, not good or bad, but life had thrown him a big surprise!

Carlos was happy when he chose the right person for the other Payne, but his mood swings were low, but when he saw that this was extremely suitable and there was no one better than this person, Carlos' mood swings were high and he smiled unconsciously.

No matter how awesome this person actually is Carlos doesn't really care too much, the point is that this person's demon fruit is awesome right!

This guy turned out to be exactly like Bartolomeo's Demon Fruit ability, the Superman Department Demon Fruit Barrier Fruit, meaning this guy was the last Barrier Fruit ability!

With the ability of the Barrier Fruit combined with the Hungry Ghost Way, that defense would be impeccable!

In fact, with the Barrier Fruit, it didn't matter if the Hungry Ghost Dao's abilities were wanted or not, because the demonic fruit was indeed powerful enough to defend itself!

Of course the barrier fruit is not invincible, no demon fruit is invincible, the world will not be born any kind of invincible demon fruit, the barrier fruit also has some kind of break.

As far as Carlos observed the dawning there is the release of the ability must rely on gestures, you can not read the ability and release, this has some limitations, in the fast and strong may not be able to release the ability in time.

There is also a major problem for the defense behind it, easily attacked from behind, though this problem may be solved by development.

There's also whether or not the barrier can't really be broken by any attack, just because no attacks have been able to break it so far doesn't mean it can't be broken, after all, the top strongmen who out attacked Bartolomeo simply don't have it.

But despite the pitfalls, it still couldn't hide the glory and power of this demonic fruit, and Carlos felt like he'd earned it!

Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!

Don't get too excited. It's not good to be seen.

Chapter 254 - Douglas? Barrett.

"Commissioner Hannibal is it, the man I want is checked off the list, trouble." Carlos handed the piece in his hand, the dossier of all the criminals in Infinite Hell, to the bespectacled Hannibal.

"Administrator Hannibal? Without that byword?"

That would have pleased Hannibal, who hated it most, and whose greatest dream in life had been to get rid of that byword, and to-day, though it had not been removed, it was excellent to hear, and cheerful!

"Mr. Carlos is gracious, don't worry, it's absolutely fine." A beautiful, floating Hannibal took the piece, not even looking at the ticker, it didn't matter who was on top anyway, they were all within the scope of this deal.

Carlos nodded with a smile and stopped talking.

A few minutes later, the group arrived at the entrance to Infinite Hell, and instead of going in, they waited in the stone room outside.

Only then did Hannibal open the piece to look at Carlos' distant people, sending twelve elite old guards with various instruments to step into the dim as an abyss of the Infinite Hell.

Half an hour later, criminals injected with special and uncured poisons as well as large amounts of highly concentrated psychedelics were bumped and dragged out in a single black twisted band, five troublemakers in all, but two less jailers.

"Well? What's going on?" Hannibal saw that there were fewer people and his face fell.

The guards looked at each other, not knowing what to say, Infinite Hell was not small and there were many cells, they went to each cell separately, not knowing much about the other groups.

Carlos's eyes turned white, his white eye penetration powers were used to see through the sack and found all five of the criminals he had his eye on were there, except one, Douglas Barrett!

"Administrator Hannibal, less Douglas Barrett." Carlos intoned, his mind at peace, a prisoner of his class could hide for a while if he could, not for a lifetime!

"How is that possible? All of the prisoners in the Infinite Hell have little food and water to drink, and it has poison added to it that makes them feel weak and unable to lift their strength."

"Every prisoner also wears sea floor stone alloy handcuffs and shackles on their bodies, so that even the prisoners have the power to resist?" Hannibal was incredulous.

"Not that there would be no resistance if it were Douglas Barrett, he's proficient in the three colors of domination, and there's really nothing those two guards can do under the color of domination." The slack-jawed green pheasant spoke in a slow tone.

"Then what about this?" Hannibal was at a loss for words.

"I'll go myself."

"For this Barrett, known as the Devil's Descent, I'd like to meet him before he dies." Carlos' eyebrows rose as if he had sheathed two long swords and took a step forward.

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