I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 214.

"Mr. Carlos is trying to sail in a windless zone, isn't he?"

"It's not enough to have sea floor rocks, it's necessary for the ship to have a second power source other than sails."

"There is no need for Ms. Gion to worry about that, the Stygian Moon has a second power source, just not as advanced as your navy's, but enough to sail in the windless zone."

"By the way, Ms. Gion has kind of reminded me of that, I'll add one more condition."

"I would like the world government to send at least one power expert to improve the Stygian Moon, to bring it up to the speed of a warship in the windless belt, well."

"Mr. Morgenson, these conditions aren't too much to ask, I'm not asking for your technology."

"Er" Peach Bunny all of a sudden did not know how to say it, he seems to have added to the burden of the world government should have known better than to open his mouth, would have wanted to dispel the other side of a condition.

Morgenson's heart was a tough batch, isn't this adding to the mess? But although the two belong to the same negotiating team, but the work unit is far from the same, not under each other, he can not say more, the other side is still waiting for him to reply, just a little upset.

"Mr. Carlos' request is a little difficult" Morgenson was used to saying difficult, but when he saw Carlos' brow furrow, he was busy saying what he really thought, "but it's not impossible."

Carlos's eyebrows loosened, that's right, this is not a difficult task for the world government, the latter condition is a bit sensitive.

"Good, I feel the sincerity of the world government, then I'll talk about the last condition, as long as a consensus is reached, then the negotiations will be completely over." Carlos smiled and backhandedly said something nice about the world government.

"Mr. Carlos, go ahead." Morgenson smiled slightly, in a good mood, not far from a political achievement and a promotion.

"I need to advance the bodies of some of the strongest people the city is holding in the lowest level of Infinite Hell, the exact number is six."

"This" Mogensen and the others were dumbfounded, how was this possible, the criminals in Propulsion City were very dangerous existences, let alone the lowest level, how could they be released?

Wouldn't this be a slap in the face to the Navy if released, ignoring the effort and sacrifice the Navy has made? Maybe the Navy would centrifugalize with the world government and the Navy would definitely not agree!

As expected, the two naval representatives blew up, thinking that they were here to fight, but they didn't want to have such bad conditions waiting for their navy!

"No, absolutely not, this condition cannot be agreed to, this will never be agreed to by the Navy!" Peach Bunny Gion stood up in a sudden burst of excitement, cut off, unquestionable, and full of determination.

The goddess had acted, how could Cha-dolphin still be sitting? It's a great opportunity to show off. If you do it right, you'll get the girl!

Tea Dolphin jumped three feet, looking agitated and sputtering, "This condition is just as Gion said, we will never agree to it, and neither will the entire Navy, this condition is blasphemous and ignorant of the Navy!"

"Mr. Carlos your terms are so arrogant that you don't give a damn about our Navy!"

Carlos didn't get angry at the situation, he raised his hands and pressed them down, smiling calmly, "Easy, easy, things aren't what you think, just hear me out okay."

Peach Bunny, Cha-Dolphin and the others, including the crew of the God's Eye Bandits looked at Carlos, all eyes focused on Carlos, wanting to see what Carlos' story was all about

It's a condition that even the crew of the God's Eye Pirates absolutely thought the world government wouldn't agree to, because it was a matter of naval pride!

"I'm asking for six super pirates from Infinite Hell, but I'm not asking for living people, I'm asking for six corpses, dead people!"

"They can be killed by my hand or by your navy's."

"If it is your Navy that does it, it must be done by poisoning, so as not to destroy the exterior of the corpse and save me from having to mend it later."

"As a reminder, I need fresh, strong corpses, which means I need to be present when the poisoning is done."

"If your navy does not want me present, then your navy will have to control the dose of poison, so that it cannot die when handed over to me, but can cause death later!"

"It doesn't really matter if it doesn't result in death, I'll take care of the heads and tails for your navy and kill them all."

"I don't need strong people who are alive, much less strong people who have regained their strength, I only need strong people who are dead!"

"That's all I have for my crew, no need for any new crew."

Carlos's words confused everyone, especially on the World Government side, who had gone to the trouble of trying to get six bodies? What exactly is the purpose of doing this?

"What are you doing with those bodies?" Peach Bunny Ton Toni looked a little better when she heard that she was going to die, but she was still cold.

"Naturally, I can't reveal to you what exactly I do, but you can think of it as a kind of experiment, an experiment to develop my own Devil Fruit abilities."

"Advancing the failures among those pirates in the city isn't much use for the navy except to warn the world and punish them, is it?"

"So wasteful, well, to say the least, I really didn't agree with your world government, the navy's actions at the time."

"Pirates should only be good pirates if they die, death is the most terrifying deterrent!"

"How much use is punishment alone, and how can any of the pirates who aren't caught know the specific horrors of the advancing city?"

"Building a big undersea prison specifically for the purpose may seem solid, but it's actually full of hidden dangers, and if something happens to Propulsion City one day and those pirates get out, hehe, that's the real trouble."

Chapter 241 - Reaching Consensus

The peach rabbit and the teal dolphin are both very speechless, explaining it all, how to drag in the Navy's views on the treatment of pirates?

Aren't you pirates? Surely pirates are still tougher on pirates!

"Dead sea pirates are more acceptable than living sea pirates, but what if my navy still disagrees?" Peach Bunny gathered her bearings and grimaced.

"If the Navy is stubborn, forget it." Carlos spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

What? Forget it?

The crowd was taken aback, so much talk and explanation is fine?

You're kidding!

Are you that easy to talk to?

"Forget it?" Peach Hare's brow furrowed.

"Yeah, forget it, what else can you do but forget it?"

"Your world government's sincerity is fine, and I don't want to scrap everyone's previous efforts just because of the last condition."

"Since the pirates in Propulsion City can't do it, I'll only lead the crew to kill other strongmen."

"But there aren't many strongmen that can match the quality of the Propulsion City Wireless Inferno, so maybe the water will wash away the Dragon King Temple and a family will be hurt" Carlos smiled slightly, meaningfully.

What does this mean?

A time peach rabbit and other people have not turned around to finish, but the crew who know Carlos's style of acting more quickly understood Carlos's meaning, which is obviously said that the navy's strong man is also in the killing range.

At that time, the agreement was reached, everyone's identity was washed, killing the strong navy would not be a family wounding a family, right?

Everyone's identities shake out, even if they kill the Navy's strongest man, as long as the Navy has no hard evidence, how will they be able to do anything about the God's Eye Bandits who wash their identities then?

Their captain was a world government franchise at the time, a serious king, and it was a serious matter to suspect His Majesty the franchise without proof!

Peach Bunny and the others were no fools, and their reactions were a little slower, but they understood what Carlos meant.

"Are you threatening me, threatening our Navy?" Peach Hare's face turned pale, his eyebrows tightened, and his body emitted a fierce aura.

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