I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 211.

Then Morgenson introduced the others in the negotiating team to Carlos, two navy Carlos knew something about, the rest of the people except for the middle-aged man who brought him a sense of threat, he did not care.

From Morgenson's mouth, Carlos also learned the name of the other party, not really a name, just a code name, codename number four, can be called Mr. Four.

This codename, this style, this temperament, Carlos felt that this person should be the boss from the world government spy agency CP0, this person should be the real power hidden by CP0, Big Brother!

Chapter 237 - One Hundred Billion

Carlos had always believed that the strength of the world government's spy agency, at least the high-end warfare shouldn't be weaker than the navy.

From the original five old stars for the navy's attitude, saying that the navy was just the face of the world government, saying this and doing that, should have a certain bottom line.

There is a position in the world government is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, that is, the position held by the later air, this three armies, the navy and the army stationed in the red earth continent is definitely there, as for there is also a military, may be the air force or the joint forces of the joined countries.

The world government spy agency is directly under the world government, to the direct leadership of the five old stars, is a close friend, there is no reason why the world government spy agency's strength is worse than the Navy!

Aside from these overt powers, it's less known what other hidden powers the world government has.

When Morgenson finished the introduction, it was Carlos' turn to be the introduction, the two sides introduced, the pleasantries were finished, and only then did this step into the main topic.

The group came to a long table and sat down, Carlos and Morgenson, the negotiator, sat opposite each other, the rest of the group sitting on either side.

"Everyone is willing to sit together this time, we must all have some sincerity."

"Negotiations, it is definitely unavoidable to have differences, and if there are differences, we can talk about them slowly, and we don't expect to settle all issues once or twice."

"Although I personally negotiate on behalf of the world government, I can't decide everything, and there are quite a few things that still need to be reported to the top for a ruling."

"So I hope we can all restrain our tempers and argue and debate what we are not happy with, but don't get to the point of getting hands-on."

"What does Mr. Carlos think?" Morgenson sat down and said with a smile.

"Mr. Morgenson is quite right, and where there are differences we can talk about them slowly, without getting physical, it will do neither side any good."

"You will have to keep that in mind." Carlos sat sideways in his chair and tapped his fingers on the table, slow and deliberate.

"Aye, Captain." The crew spoke in unison.

"Well, it's good to have that consensus, so come, put the terms we've drawn up on the table for Mr. Carlos and the others to read first."

"After you've read them, bring up anything that needs to be added, deleted, or modified, and negotiate slowly."

Mogensen spoke again, and as the words died down, an able woman sitting next to Mogensen got up and walked over to Carlos to drop off a copy of the piece in her hand, and then handed out copies to the rest of the crew of the God's Eye Bandits.

This negotiation Carlos did not intend to exclude the crew, he is a dictator, such a big thing or need his future backbone to participate in the more appropriate, not to mention the strength of many people, he alone is not expected to cope with the world government professional team's lip service.

Carlos's lips are not bad, but they are not as good as those of the world government officials who live by their lips, unless he lifts the table and uses other means.

But in public, the world government had deliberately sent many strong people to escort him, he might not be able to use his power to use other means, instead, he could easily ruin the negotiation.

For this negotiation, as long as he reached some of the objectives he wanted, and held on to this bottom line, it was fine to suffer a little loss elsewhere.

The piece is quite thick, Carlos and others picked it up and slowly looked at it, look at the pieces, contracts and other things can not be rushed, in case you ignore what traps that would be bad.

Although there is a saying that the contract is used to tear up, but this is a premise, depends on the gain or loss of tearing up the contract, the gain is greater than the loss, tear up also tear up, the gain is not worth the loss that is completely unnecessary.

Working with the world government would definitely be used, but it didn't matter, Carlos didn't mind being used, the world government used him and he used the world government, the nature of this world was originally to use each other, but some of it was naked and unacceptable, and some of it was just a layer of clothing.

"Mr. Carlos, this contract is modified from the universal contract for joining the world government in the franchise."

"The content in it is similar to the contracts between other joining countries and the world government, but it differs based on the strength of the country."

"Our world government as the world ruler will never pit a country that is willing to join the world government."

Carlos looked at the pieces while listening to the other bb, and almost didn't burst out laughing when he heard Morganson's grandiose words behind, are there still few examples of world government exploiting, oppressing, and screwing franchise countries?

This is bullshit!

There are many examples in the original, and for the sake of the world government's interests, the world government has not failed to cause trouble.

As for the non-affiliated countries, the world government has no intention of taking them, and there are numerous conspiracies and plots to make the lives of the non-affiliated countries unbearable.

Unless the non-affiliated country's own strength is strong, let the world government are scrupulous, such as and the country, the country of giants and other powerful countries, otherwise it is very miserable, reference to the homeland of white beard.

Those non-joining countries are actually not unwilling to join the world government, but want to join the world government is conditional, not what countries can join, that the most basic heavenly gold some poor economic strength of the country really can not afford, for economic power is also not a small burden.

Unconsciously, Carlos associated with the heavenly gold to go, the heart of a move, turn over a little faster, directly to the page of the heavenly gold.

Joining the world government was like opening a business with an Earth franchise company, there was a large amount of money to be paid.

Carlos looked at the amount of this heavenly gold, the pupils suddenly increased, almost did not directly burst foul, but in his heart burst foul, directly greeted the world government cordially.

I transparent, 100 billion Bailey?

The conscience of the world government has truly been eaten by dogs, and the heart is black!

100 Billion Berries a year, is this a joke?

While the West Sea Mafia was the real controller behind the West Sea, and that control was even stronger after the Mafia alliance was formed, 100 billion berries a year was absolutely impossible!

If this continued, it wouldn't take more than a few years for the kingdom he had formed to be hollowed out, and even if it was a lion's share, it was a little too much for everyone to bargain over.

Even if this amount was reduced by half, Carlos wouldn't be able to accept it, even though he wasn't the only one paying this amount, everyone from the other mafia families had a share.


Carlos had no desire to look any further, and threw the piece casually on the table, his brow furrowed and full of displeasure, he opened his mouth, "Don't look, heavenly gold 100 billion berries, and the lion is not such an opening."

The crowd of crew members were busy turning to the page of heavenly gold to see that it was really so, and one by one they turned blue and threw the pieces on the table.

"Mr. Carlos words can't be said like this, please don't be in a hurry."

"It's not like it's really a hundred billion berries, the exact amount will be discussed slowly."

"What's more, even if it's really 100 billion berries, it's not like the Black Alliance can't come up with the wealth and resources it controls in that part of the Western Sea."

"It's a bit more than that, but can a sea area be compared to a country?" Morgenson was not angry at the sight, and spoke with gentle persuasion.

"Mr. Morgenson don't bullshit me."

"It's true that a country and a sea are different, but that difference shouldn't be more expensive, it should be cheaper, and even if you don't pay heavenly gold, it's still a big earner for the world government!"

"This amount makes me suspect that you are not at all half-hearted, so let's talk about it today and go back and tell the five old stars to consider it carefully."

"Don't think that my youth is an injustice!"

"Send the guests!"

Chapter 238 - License to Lawfully Plunder

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