I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 199.

The sea currents ranged nearly a kilometer to include the Stygian Moon, and the terrifying impact easily drove the huge Stygian Moon into the sky.

The strong feeling of excess weight instantly acted on everyone in the God's Eye Bandit Lands, as well as the strong vibration of the rising current as it rushed the Stygian Moon into the sky, forcing everyone to cling to the fixtures around them.



Cheers and exclamations of surprise rang out from the crowd, echoing above the surface of the sea and eventually disappearing.

Kulikai and the others saw the Stygian Moon being rushed to the sky almost in the middle of the sea current, and one by one they had to cheer, with a cheerful smile, they were confident that if it really was an empty island, the Stygian Moon, which was almost in the center, would be sent to the empty island.

All the way to the west, ahem, all the way to the sky, the huge Stygian Moon was constantly accelerating under the rising sea currents that erupted with self-reliance, faster and faster.

The first time I saw it was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night, I was in the middle of the night, when I was in the middle of the night.

I don't know how long it took, but a white sea of clouds appeared in the sky above the Moon, very thick and dense, and after a few breaths, the Moon broke through the clouds and arrived at the white sea.

The energy of the upward sea current was still not exhausted, carrying the Moon to continue to go upward, 7,000 meters, 7,500 meters, 8,000 meters, 9,000 meters, 9,500 meters, 9,700 meters, 9,800 meters, 9,850 meters.

When it reached this height, the energy contained in the rising currents was not too much, and the rise of the Plutonian Moon slowed down too much, but it still continued to steadfastly rush upwards, and in the last fifty meters, it took a few breaths to break through, and the Plutonian Moon finally broke through the sea of clouds and landed on an area of sea called the White White Sea.

The Pluto landed on the White White Sea, splashing a large white cloud, it is not quite accurate to say that it is a cloud, these white clouds have the nature of water.

The Plutonian Moon stays in place, the God's Eye Pirates and Hawkeye Mihok, the one who made the fun, are all sitting on the deck without any image, exhaling a long breath, it's really too exciting, until now the little heart is still pounding.

A little rest for a while, before everyone climbed up from the deck, each in all directions to look around, a curious eyes, even the rain no Hillel usually cold face of the person is no exception.


The crowd looked at the white ocean that carried the Stygian Moon, looking at the endless white sea in the distance, which looked so different from ordinary seas, they couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Only after looking at it for a while did Carlos give the order to set sail, and since there was no map of the empty island, it could only depend on luck to find a random direction to sail.

Arriving directly at the White Sea, Carlos had no intention of paying any entry fee, even in the White Sea, Carlos was not going to pay any entry fee, they were pirates, what would they pay to enter a country?

Unlike the ordinary bandits who are vicious and vicious, and unlike the Straw Hat Bandits who have to do good deeds along the way, the God's Eye Bandits also have some of the qualities of a bandit group, and paying the fee is impossible, not in this lifetime, unless your fists are big enough!

As for the so-called pursuit and punishment for not paying the entry fee, just have the guts to come and get it.

According to Carlos's knowledge of the air island, not to mention the strong Aneeru who hadn't grown up yet now, even if there was the God's Eye Bandits, they wouldn't be afraid in the slightest, just so swaggering and infinitely arrogant!

The first time you come to the white sea because of the difference with the ordinary ocean, so everyone is very excited, slowly with the passage of time the excitement is over, the endless white look for a long time, also boring ah.

But soon, everyone got excited, because several huge red-skinned octopuses in the white sea suddenly surrounded the Moon, and densely packed tentacles burst out and attacked the Moon.

This made the crowd happy, it was the first time they'd seen the creatures on the empty island, well I wonder how these octopus taste different from the green sea!

The greatly interested crowd went on the offensive, with all sorts of messy attacks towards the few octopuses around, and in a few strikes, the octopuses were crippled and their heads discarded, leaving behind only the best tasting tentacles, ready for an octopus tentacle barbecue on the White Sea!

Chapter 223 - Encounter, Contempt

The Stygian Moon sailed aimlessly on the white sea, the smell of smoke and fire above the deck, several grills were placed on the deck, red coals burning, grills filled with bunches of octopus meat.

Carlos exclusive one grill, exclusive ship's chef Kelly, the two hands together grilled octopus meat, a handful of chili powder to sprinkle on the grilled meat, red face, looking spicy people.

But can't help it, who called Carlos taste is more heavy, he is not very sweet, the favorite is spicy taste, as the captain of the false selfishness, Kelly in the absence of help Carlos grill enough barbecue meat is afraid that can not leave.

The strong smell of barbecue meat and all kinds of condiments smell mixed together spread in all directions, a box of frozen drinks, alcoholic beverages placed on the deck, anyway to die happy is.

When hundreds of strings of spicy and delicious octopus roast in one breath, Kylie only went to help at the strong request of others, although the roast is not difficult, but it is not simple to cook well.

Only Kylie, the great chef on the ship, was able to perfectly control the fire and the precision of the seasoning, everyone else had more or less flaws, and the dumber hands were able to grill it.

Carlos took a large handful of red, fragrant, grilled octopus meat and casually brought up three bottles of cold beer to lie on top of the wolf's head in the bow of the boat, drinking, jerking the boat, and observing.

The octopus meat was grilled perfectly incomparable, water is not lost, tender and chewy, with the right salty, spicy enough strong enough, cold wet throat beer, really a great enjoyment of life, addiction, mood have become better.

People say that food can improve mood, Carlos felt really not empty talk, quite reasonable, he mood is not changed for the better?

With Kelly's help, slowly everyone ate the delicious grilled octopus meat, each looking for a place to enjoy it, mouths free to chat and brag, full of happiness, the people's food for God, food is the easiest way to bring people happiness!


"Brothers and sisters, there's movement."

Carlos was lying on the bow of the boat suddenly noticed a few small black dots in the distance on the white sea rushing towards them, not knowing if they had spotted them or were passing by.

When everyone heard Carlos' words, one by one they took their grilled octopus meat, wine, and drinks and went to the bow to look out and found that there were really a few black dots approaching fast.

Carlos didn't turn on his pupils, and the forces were much better than them, he soon saw how they were dressed, and at a glance Carlos recognized them as people from the Angel Island of Air Island, and they looked like they should be patrol troops or something.

Air Island was a collective term, there were quite a few islands floating in the air, Angel Island was one of them, from the time, this island was currently ruled by Ganfur, the name was also God, and under this God, the inhabitants of Angel Island were considered to be living a very good life, a very good God.

Of course a good god was a good god, but the name was a rather unpleasant one, even though the god was similar in meaning to the king of the Green Sea.

Carlos felt the need to get Ganfore to change his name and call himself anything else, just don't call himself anything similar to God, don't think you're God in the sky, the birds are in the sky too!

It's a disease that needs to be cured!

The Stygian Moon was so large that after Carlos spotted the other ship from a distance, the other ship soon spotted the Stygian Moon as well, and one by one, on pulleys, carrying shellfish weapons unique to Air Island, with wings on their backs and serious faces, rushed over, ten of them in all.

"Riley, stop the ship and see what the other side is up to."

At Carlos's command, Riley was busy jerking his grub clean in one big open mouthful and running off to dock the ship, so fast, he had to get back soon to meet the Air Islanders, new humans, interesting!

Soon, the Stygian Moon gradually slowed down and eventually stopped at the White Sea, not moving, and everyone on board waited for the Air Islanders to come over with curiosity.

On the White Sea, the ten Air Islanders were roughly distributed in a line, with the leader located at the slightly forward bulge in the middle.

"Captain, the other side looks like they should be illegal immigrants, and they even stopped the boat, a little emboldened ah" a young man with a helmet turned his head to the right to a man who looked to be in his thirties, with a high nose and a muscular body.

"Makes sense, just to be safe, call for backup immediately, and it's not simple just looking at that other ship" the captain of the ten men agreed and spoke up.

"Understood, Captain."

Two minutes later, the ten Air Islanders arrived at the foot of the Stygian Moon, and Carlos and the others watched the Air Islanders with interest, very sparingly, as if they were looking at some cherished animal, much to the displeasure of the Air Islanders.

"We are patrolling shinobi of the Angel Island of God's Kingdom, do you register for entry, Green Sea People?" The captain of the ten took a step forward and questioned.

"Do you still need to register?" Carlos was quite playful.

The sharpshooter captain turned pale at the news and snapped with a serious face, "You really haven't registered, so you've committed the crime of illegal entry and need to be punished!"

"Huh? To receive punishment?"

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