I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 180.

"It's just a trifle."

"Don't worry about your own safety, you don't have anything worth plotting against, if we had any ill intent we would have done it already."

"Old Shaw, you take care of his gunshot wound."

"No problem, it's just a small operation, I can take care of it soon."

"Come with me if you're not afraid to die, kid," Shaw Lemar grinned as if there was some kind of hidden plotting and scheming going on.

The crowd laughed at each other's words, this old Xiao, and scaring others, making it look like going to an operation like going to war.

Louis sniffed, slightly hesitated, eyes quickly swept everyone around, made up his mind, and followed Xiao Lema into a tent.

It was a minor operation for Sholema, but the proper operating environment was still in place.

Chapter 201 - The Story, The Fill

Half an hour later, Sholema emerged from the tent with Louis, his face clean of dirt, still pale, his lips less chapped, and smelling strongly of alcohol.

"Have something to eat if you're hungry, little brother." Carlos, lying unconcerned on the dune with a cigarette in his mouth, glanced at Luis.

"Thank you, thank you, haven't you asked for your Excellency's name?" Louis sat down with a smile, and was not shy about taking some of the food that was still left and tearing into it.

"Me? My name is Lucifer Carlos, do you know me?"

"Lucifer Carlos?"

"I think I've heard that name somewhere," Louis said with some confusion.

"Captain, it seems you don't have enough of a name," Martin grinned.

"Hahaha," the others laughed at the sight of him.

Carlos smiled slightly as well, not minding the crew's teasing, it was true that he wasn't well known yet, only the top sea pirates of the New World were almost well known at this time of year, and had a great reputation, though it was a bad one in most places.

"Captain?" Louis was stunned and meditated for a bit, and suddenly realized, "So you guys are pirates, the recently famous God's Eye Bandits are you guys, right?"

"That's right, we are the God's Eye Bandits, are you afraid, boy?" Carlos cocked an eyebrow and the rest of them observed Luis' expression.

"No fear!" Louis cut him off.

"Why? You don't think we're good people for helping you, do you?"

"So what if it's good, so what if it's bad?"

"I've lived long enough to have experienced life and death, and death has long since been looked down upon, I don't fear death!"

"If I'm not even afraid of death, what else in the world do I have to fear?" Louis was full of solemnity and tossed his voice, not looking like he was joking or bragging.

The crowd laughed at each other, wanting very much to tell Louis that there were worse things in the world than death, and that death was sometimes a relief!

"Boy, you're old-fashioned, you look like you've been through a lot, can you tell us about it?"

"You have the story, we have the wine, so who, serve the wine!" Carlos was suddenly interested, the young man seemed to have some interest, and it would be good to have some time to spare to listen to the story.

"All right, Captain." O'Neill who was close to the wine was busy taking out a bottle of wine and dumping it to the others.

"It's nothing we can't talk about, it's not like we've seen anything." After taking a few gulps from the bottle, Louis set it down in front of him and spilled a smile.

"We're all ears, aren't we?"

Rain no Hillel and the others nodded at the news.

"Well then, I'll tell you my story, and my story is not complicated."

"I'm an orphan born with a connection to the rain, and as a child I relied on begging for a living, and one day a rainstorm washed over my humble shelter, making it necessary to brave the rain to find a new place of shelter."

"That day the temperature was so low that I got wet again and ended up fainting and woke up to find that a retired army officer had saved me."

"From then on my fortunes changed completely, and after living with him for some time, my body was replenished by adequate nourishment, I learned some military skills, and entered the army of the Kingdom of Alabastan on his recommendation."

"In the army, in order not to disgrace him and to completely change my fate, I trained as hard as I could, suffered the most, carried out the most dangerous missions, and won military honors and promotions with my life."

"Then I was transferred to the sniper brigade in the capital's ace unit, and again underwent harsh training and carried out the most dangerous missions, and I rose to prominence in the sniper brigade, and my position was constantly promoted."

"With a sense of grace, I used my savings to receive him, as well as his family, and my family, to the capital city to prepare for my enjoyment."

"But didn't realize that it had completely harmed them, maybe it was my own personality, maybe it was jealousy, I didn't even know I had offended so many people."

"Since moving to the capital trouble has been constant, but the good news is that I've taken care of it all, until one time when I went on a secret mission and the sniper squad I was leading was surrounded by a large number of enemies because the mission was leaked."

"All of my comrades were killed except for me who managed to survive, and I suspected that we had been betrayed."

"So I secretly returned to the capital to investigate, only to find that three of my benefactor's family of four had been killed and his only daughter was missing."

"By the time I found her, she was dying, her eyes empty and wooden, and I couldn't control myself after burying my benefactor's family."

"It took a month to carefully set up and snipe out the enemies who harmed my comrades, my benefactors, no, part of my family."

"But there are still some that I haven't killed yet, they are all nobles with some background in the military."

"In the end I was hunted by many, I fled here all the way from the capital city of Albana until I met you."

"After going through so much, life and death I've already looked past it, even if I die now, my only regret is that my revenge wasn't fully avenged."

"I wasn't righteous enough to go to the other world and meet my family, but I didn't fail them by killing some of my enemies."

Louis drank his wine and recounted his story in an incredibly flat tone without the slightest fluctuation, as if he was telling someone else's story.

There was light in the world and darkness in the world, no matter how great the country was, there would be no exception, and although the Kingdom of Alabastan was a world power, all sorts of dark things were commonplace.

It was far too normal for there to be scum among the nobility, and it was a wonder there wasn't any!

It's a pity that he, Carlos, is not capable of saving all living beings, and he doesn't want to bear such a heavy burden, but he won't stand idly by when he encounters something he's not comfortable with and he's capable of managing it.

Given his admiration for Luis, Carlos decided to help him out a bit.

"Your story is not new, but it is profound."

"Boy, would you be interested in joining the God's Eye Bandits, we're one sniper short here."

"Of course, you won't be able to become a full crew member of the God's Eye Bandits with your current strength, you're currently only a trainee crew member,"

Carlos suddenly issued an invitation, making the other crew members taken aback, but none of them objected, Louis, the young man was indeed good in everyone's opinion.

In the past, Carlos used to be the sniper of the pirate group, but now that he was getting stronger and stronger, Carlos didn't have the leisure to study sniping and gunfighting.

Louis, in Carlos' opinion, has potential, worthy of training, let him fill a vacancy.

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