I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 162.

Martin took Olson, Sholema, and one more person.

After the grouping was complete, it was based on the intelligence investigated these days, the four groups were sent to different positions.

Carlos, the captain of the ship, would naturally have to face Red Dog, a top lieutenant general, or even a brigadier general; the other three paths would need to be well-considered, and would be sent to the group with a higher chance of winning based on the intelligence.

After the four groups were assigned, there was also a discussion to figure out how to assign the cannon fodder under their hands.

Only after everything was done, everyone hid in the snow cave and began to eat and drink, talk and laugh, relax and rest for the night.

Prepare to attack tomorrow at noon while the enemy was eating lunch.

After a morning of hard search and hunger, it was the time to replenish their physical strength, it was a good time to attack and increase their chances of winning.

The next day at noon, all the people of the God's Eye Bandits did not get up early, all sleep until the sunrise, wash up after eating two meals in one lunch.

All of them separated and prepared for battle.

Carlos was the last to return to the north he was responsible for, he needed to go to the other three parties first to psychic the Reincarnation Eye controlled creatures of the Island of the Sword through the power of the Reincarnation Eye Animal Path.

There is no way, can not be psychic in advance, the magnetic drum island climate is harsh cold, the creatures of the island of the archaic can not adapt, psychic in advance is likely to freeze to death.

After returning to the north, Carlos finally energized a group of creatures from the Island, all of which were violent carnivores and carnivorous dinosaurs.

In the north of Magnetic Drum Island, in a snowy plain beneath the snowy mountains, the thousand or so elite navy led by Red Dog were returning to camp one after another to prepare for lunch.

The navy's food was quite good, the aroma, Carlos could smell it from halfway up the snowy mountain, all kinds of meat aroma, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, it looked like it was going to be cooked.

Carlos naturally could not let them get away with it, eat a fart meal, I'll eat my fill first, come out just ah!

Carlos gave the order, and nearly a thousand vicious and brutal ferocious beasts charged from above and below.

Carlos sat on a strong, twenty-meter tall one Tyrannosaurus Rex and charged, it felt so much better than riding a horse, so much more drawn out!

Carlos commanded the maximum dispersion of the many ferocious beasts to spread their formations across a snowy mountain, rushing towards the naval camp.

The countless hooves induced sounds, the rising and falling roar of the beast, induced the snow mountain to collapse, white snowflakes like a raging flood followed behind the charging group of ferocious beasts, carrying the might of nature, looked simply majestic and unstoppable!

Chapter 181 - Eternal Ten Thousand Flowers

Although the thousand beasts were not even close to running, but many of the creatures of the island of Taikoo were huge, and running created a feeling of a thousand beasts running, coupled with the avalanche, the earth shook violently, and the deafening roar instantly attracted the attention of the naval soldiers of the naval camp.

The terrifying sight, mainly the avalanche, shook the mind, causing many navies to stand dumbfounded and dumbfounded, only a few navies turned around and ran.

Red Dog's figure rushed out from his own military tent, looking at the scene of thousands of beasts running and avalanches, his face was so hideous that his teeth were about to clench.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!" Red Dog shouted with all his strength and kept shouting.

Loud voices in the world noisy efforts to reach the ears of the navy, making the dazed navy woke up, Red Dog's cruel training made to hear Red Dog's orders, the crowd subconsciously obeyed, turned around and ran.

The navy fled at once in disarray, not in formation, running wildly, wishing they could have two more legs.

Meteor Volcano!

Red Dog, however, did not run away, jumped to the highest point of the camp, smoke and magma all over his body, and his arms also turned into magma arms, a large cloud of reddish magma flew into the sky, and a fist-shaped magma arm fell with a blazing heat and terrifying impact, like a fire meteor shower!

Boom boom boom.

Countless numbers of magma arms fell from the sky and smashed into some unfortunate vicious beast, crushing the murderer on the ground so hard that in the blink of an eye he was reduced to charred cinders, and then in the blink of an eye he was melted to a corpse by the magma.

The magma arm fell on the snowflake and immediately melted a snowflake into water, steam, and the snowflake, which was like a flood under the avalanche, melted partly through the blazing pit that the magma had smashed.

The countless lava arms that fell couldn't stop this natural might, but they weakened it, slowing down the avalanche and buying time for Red Dog's men.

The Tyrannosaurus that Carlos was riding was also enveloped by a magma arm, the terrifying impact and blaze, without Carlos, the Tyrannosaurus would have died even if it had been hit, its skin and bones and internal organs would have been burned.

Carlos moved and rushed into the sky, his right fist covered in armed red dominance, and smashed it.


The sound was voiced but masked by the sound of an avalanche, and the magma arm was shattered directly by Carlos, a dense surge of magma that fell on the snow and melted countless holes.

Carlos landed on the ground, Avalanche followed, and with a movement of his feet, Carlos shot straight at the striking red dog like an arrow.

Carlos' silhouette was also quite striking, Red Dog also locked onto Carlos momentarily after the meteor volcano, raising his right hand, and the dense lava bullets were ricocheted towards Carlos by Red Dog using the volcanic eruption technique.

Each red-hot magma bullet looked inconspicuous, but it was as powerful as the yellow ape's laser shot by too much, only slower.

The fiery red magma bullets flew at Carlos as a rain of bullets, Carlos's figure drifted and dodged the magma bullets, a series of explosions behind him, the snow melted and boiled and vaporized

As he dodged the magma bullet attack Carlos's eyes moved and a red ray of laser light broke through the air and blasted Red Dog's skull.

The sudden attack made Red Dog startle and quickly elementalize, the strike pierced Red Dog's skull right through, but unfortunately Red Dog was already elementalized and unharmed, but Carlos also gained something, at least interrupting Red Dog's attack.

Carlos approached Red Dog, his figure like wind and lightning, his right leg wrapped with armed dominance rushing up into the sky, spinning and leaping as he chopped a foot from top to bottom into Red Dog's skull.

Red Dog saw the fiery red lava boiling in his right fist and smashed it into Carlos's chopping down leg, the fist and leg met and the wave of air exploded, knocking away the snow and wind.

The military tent beneath Red Dog's feet crumbled, his body falling to the ground, legs going legs first into the snow.

Red Dog was also very experienced in battle, and after his legs plunged into the snow, or even into the mud, they instantly turned into rolling lava, melting the thick layer of snow, and mud in no time, not hindering his own movement at all.

Boom boom boom!

The two had once again engaged in close combat for three strokes, and the Judean torrent of snowflakes had come, and by this time they could no longer care to engage and were dodging.

Red Dog elementalized, physical strength unceasingly consumed, turned into rolling magma, excluding the cold ice cold, the avalanche could not do anything to him.

Carlos's eyes changed to use his divine power directly, and his body took refuge in the space of divine power.

The voluminous avalanche whizzed by destroying trees and everything else, running off into the distance until the avalanche, a force of nature, was consumed.

Both the Navy and the ferocious beast ran playfully until they reached a point where they could no longer reach it, but the Navy had it worse, having no lunch and running as hard as they could, and before they could rest, the ferocious beast killed them.

The ferocious beasts hadn't eaten lunch either, and were all hungry, killing the navy and some of the members of the guard, under the control of Carlos, in their hunger instincts, all the while screaming and waving blood, staining the earth red, as if it were a view from hell!

The ferocious beast took the lead, and the navy and others were caught off guard, losing over 200 men at once, which was about the same for both sides.

The navy was becoming responsive, picking up their guns and starting to fire, the sound of gunfire, gunfire, and screams echoing through the wilderness, this time it was time for the ferocious beasts to scream.

But most of them were carnivorous rabbits, and guns were able to break through their defenses, and the fierce beasts of the island of Taikoo were thick-skinned, especially the dinosaurs, and it was hard to do damage without constant gunfire.

The two sides began to fight fiercely, one side a man, the other a ferocious beast, fighting to the death, unconsciously immersed in the primal killing of one!

Carlos didn't care about the ferocious beasts, he could easily pull out another batch if he had time; but Red Dog was different, these were the elite Navy, and his soldiers, the most supportive in the Navy.

Red Dog is very angry, the figure of Red Dog in the rolling magma appeared, the hot breath spread to the surrounding, but this icy environment is very unfriendly to Red Dog, can be considered Red Dog's most detestable environment.

It's Green Pheasant's favorite environment, but Red Dog hates it, but isn't scrupulous and afraid of it, and most of the nature-based fruit abilities don't pick the environment because they have the ability to change it, if it's strong enough

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