I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 130.

It wasn't mixing land anymore, it was mixing sea, so Carlos let it be called Captain.

"Okay, Captain."

After saying that, Olsen pressed a button in the lookout room, and the alarm sounded, and the crew members who were in various parts of the ship immediately ran to the deck and spread out in all directions, all of them excited, especially the main combatants.

"Who then, fire my guns!"

Carlos jumped and sat on the head of the ship's bow miserable white as if it were the color of bones hideous wolf, took out the phone bug, eyes turned into laser eyes, and waved his right hand forward in a flourish of command.

There was no way around it, the ship was too big and the main gun control room was still across the deck, heavily roomed and well soundproofed, so the only way to command it was with a phone bug.

Chapter 142 - Truth in Range


A huge roar sounded, Carlos sat on the wolf head main cannon, his body slightly shook, a huge cannonball, twice as big as a normal cannonball, but three times as powerful as a normal cannonball, a jet black special cannonball flew out and smashed into one of the other pirate ship with a sharp cracking sound.

The sound of the cannonball's discharge was tremendous, good thing that Carlos's physique was strong and could withstand the sound very well, but he wouldn't be dizzy from the shock, but an ordinary person would fall head over heels if he was so close.

The range of the main cannon was about twice that of the flagship's normal shells, while the flagship's cannon was 1.5 times the range of a normal cannon, the most advanced technology was no joke.

The cannonball was a little off, and missed, landing in the sea more than twenty meters away from the pirate bar, but the power of the explosion was a shock to the other side, only to see the water column rising tens of meters into the sky, the strong shock wave made the other side of the pirate ship deviation, the strong wind made a lot of pirates closed their eyes in distress.

"That's an average cannon shot, look at me."

"I don't have to hit it, but shoot it."

Carlos sat on the wolf's head and said to himself, words that smacked of driving, looking at the other pirate's ship, his eyes widened and a red laser burst out, slicing through the void and hitting the other ship's bow just as it let go.

The incessant red laser laser impacted on the bow, burning through the wooden planks and leaving scorched black marks, the momentum directly pierced the pirate ship, a large hole floating in the cabin, gurgling seawater, causing the pirates in the cabin to panic to plug the hole.

"O'Neill look sharp and fire along the trajectory of Captain Ben's laser beam."

"Make sure you hit it right this time, Captain Ben himself will teach you if you can't hit it right, your food will be cut in half tonight!"

"Uh okay, Captain, I'll make sure to hit it right."

Responding in a panic, O'Neill mentally recalled the trajectory of the red laser, then estimated the speed of the opponent and the effects of gravity through the scope, slightly adjusted the angle of elevation, filled the shells again, and fired decisively.

With a loud bang, another huge cannonball was fired, and with a screeching sound, it traced a beautiful arc in mid-air, landing in the back of the opposing pirate ship and exploding apart.

Flames shot everywhere, shock waves impacted the four sides, the huge power to blast is the other side of the people, a huge hole in the back deck emerged, almost the ship was blown off the waist, the flames burning, smoking black smoke, pirate ship in chaos!

"One more shot to send this ship to the bottom of the sea, followed by a free shot!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Carlos was firing the cannon and watching the fun, but the pirates in the Butcher's Knife pirate group were very ugly, their excitement and fervent greed almost directly poured out.

The captain of the Knife Slaying Pirate Group was livid, his body exuded an air of tyranny, the knife in his hand pointed at the Stygian Moon, shouting, "Full speed ahead, get into the shelling distance as soon as possible, engage in a tying battle as soon as possible, I'll chop them alive!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Orders were given, conveyed, soon five, no, four, speaking already one pirate ship scrapped, about to sink to the bottom of the sea, still surviving pirates diving into the water, fighting for small boats, knives and guns do not hesitate to dry to the same ship's companions.

The other four pirate ships were at full speed, all the pirates fierce and menacing as they rushed towards the Stygian Moon.

The Stygian Moon, Carlos saw the other party speed up, and with a little thought, he understood what the other party was trying to do, and he couldn't help but have a smirk on his face.

He didn't want the other side to be as willing, even if the faster they got closer, the faster the annihilation would be.

The Slaughterhouse Bandits, this thing didn't sound like a good idea at first glance, it definitely belonged to that real band of pirates, and he was going to have fun with this enemy he'd had a hard time meeting and make them feel what desperation was all about!

The one thing he despised most about Carlos was the scum who bullied the commoners, and if he was bullying the weak bandits or something, he didn't have the slightest problem with it, but in the world of pirates, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle!

"There is truth in both the cannon range and the range of the cannon!"

"Olsen gave you a test, go to the control room and speed up, control your direction and keep our range advantage."

"Let me see how well you've been studying with Martin for a while, do it and I'll have Kelly give you a special extra tonight!"

"Hahaha yes, Captain!" Olson immediately burst out of the lookout room and ran to the control room with a big smile on his face.

"So Captain, what about me?" O'Neill was also greedy when he heard that there was extra food, and even asked.

Kylie's cooking skills in constant exercise, under the mafia resources piled up, has reached the top level of the West Sea, the world should also belong to the first-class level, proficient in all dishes of the West Sea, other sea dishes will also be some.

"You well within fifteen cannons can cripple four pirate ships on the opposite side as well."

"Good, watch me, Captain!" O'Neill vowed.


Hearing the conversation of Carlos and the others, the people standing on the decks of the parties laughed.

As the ship was too big, in order to facilitate command, each person carried a special telephone bug on their own, which was similar to a walkie-talkie, so they could talk directly without dialing.

Soon, the Stygian Moon also accelerated, in addition to the sail power, the bottom of the ship's rows also turned, the speed increased greatly, and the distance that the other pirate ship had closed at full speed soon made up and the distance again.

In other words, Carlos's first voyage took the form of an elite band of pirates, and if the flagship was equipped with enough men, the sixty-four cannons fired in unison, their powerful firepower enough to annihilate the Butcher's Knife band of pirates in an instant if it was accurate!

Even if the shot was inaccurate, for a moment, attention was paid to annihilating the Slaughter Blade Bandits.

Nowadays, although there was only one wolf's head main gun, but taking the kite flying approach was to bully the opponent's lack of speed and range, but also to slowly finish off the other side.

For the sake of tonight's extravaganza, O'Neill held his grumpy temper down and parsimoniously used the knowledge he'd learned to gauge his aim and fire his cannon with unerring accuracy.

Although not every shot hit the hull of the ship, they were not far apart, and fifteen shots from the main gun would be enough.

The other side's pirate ship was not large, which meant that two shots from the main cannon would be enough to scrap a ship, and the other side's flagship was only three shells, which meant that O'Neill had the opportunity to waste six shells.

Carlos was holding a cigar, calm and relaxed, but in his heart he was happy to see those silly pirates, huh, can't play you!

Half an hour later, the other three pirate ship scrapped, the sea on the smoke, fire, the sea down dumplings under the pirates, the few escape boats you fight for me, kill the sea around the red, unaware of the sea has been attracted to the bloodthirsty creatures to come, the fate of the dead!

The captain of the Butcher's Knife Bandits was incomparably suffocating and furious, his face fierce, his eyes bloodshot, wanting to pick and choose, he had never suffered so much, and with a slash of the ship's side he lowly roared, "Retreat!"

The four pirate ships were scrapped, and the flagship was also hit by a cannon, so if you don't go, I'm afraid it's all over.

If we don't leave, I'm afraid we'll be finished.

The men Carlos hired were the best in the Western Sea, and so were the gunners, and it was hard to tell with big winds and waves, and the still calm seas didn't have that effect, so wouldn't all his berries be wasted?

With the exception of Rain's Hilliu, Carlos, all the other male crew members had the skill to wade through gunfire, with O'Neill being the most talented of the bunch.

In the end, this pirate flagship couldn't get away without getting away, let alone getting damaged.

The Stygian Moon followed behind, dangling distance, range, and hard shells to send all the pirates buried in the sea, dying not at all heroically, but incomparably suffocating!

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