"Thank you for waiting! A set and B set."

"Huh!? What are you talking about, sister?

"What would that be?

"We asked for a set of A's and a set of B's, each a different set!? Yet it's not both Eigil Buffalo steak sets that have come!? What's going on!?

One of the Wild Horse Adventurers wore a toy on Mr. Weightless when he returned to the Alliance to claim his reward after completing his quest.

"Ha, ha, the A-set is rice today, and the B-set is bread though? This is also true on the menu, although it says that each set depends on the chef's whim?

"Usually the main thing would have changed though!? Chicken, croquettes, hamburgers!

When wild horse adventurers banged the table to protest, the other adventurers said, "That's right!" and line up the complaining voices.

As always, the adventurers seem to show their cohesion during crap.

"It doesn't go down because someone brings Agil Buffalo meat like fools! Please don't blame me!

Mr. Weightless slams the tray to the table with momentum and screams.

The adventurers who have been poked in the pain become as big as lies when they complain earlier.

It is fast to bind but it is also fast to disintegrate.

The waitress who saw it said, "Are you still complaining?" He glanced sharply at the wind and made sure there was no reaction, then he rang his nose and left.

The waitresses in the taverns where the desolates gather will not be able to serve without this much courage.

The lonely adventurers of nostalgia decide and ask for a set menu at the Adventurer Guild tavern.

It is only natural that the ingredients delivered by the Adventurer to the Alliance will come out, beyond being a tavern co-located in the Adventurer Alliance.

That's why adventurers can eat cheap…

"Looks like Agil Buffalo's meat prices have fallen in the meantime cattle fishing. Is it possible that the buying price of a single head is not as high as 10,000 kultz now?

That's why. More than a hundred heads of Agil Buffalo meat had been delivered lightly last week alone. Well, the set menu at the tavern is going to be a steak for cows. I don't know what else to do.

"Well, you can eat cow steak for cheap, isn't that a good thing?

As long as I'm jealous because I can't even eat because I'm this body.

Yeah, I'd love some juicy meat with lots of fat, too. GUYS the cold beer with it......

"That's right, but if you ask for a daily set at the inn, there's gonna be Agil Buffalo steaks out there, right? I'm tired of it."

Says Sisty in a fed up way.

With all that mass delivery, we'll be out all over the city. Probably that's what cheap lodging looks like everywhere.

Is that why the adventurers were so depressed?

Well, you deserve something.

That's why few people now take the crusade quest of Eigil Buffalo.

Because I know the set menu is going to be a steak on top of the low reward even if I take it.

The receptionist said she was worried that the adventurers would leave Eigil Buffalo alone in this recoil and that if they were aware of it, it would be a massive occurrence.

I thought what a flag receptionist you are.

If I said that, I would definitely flag it and the cows would have a massive outbreak.

That said, it's not rewardingly delicious, so we'll crusade a little bit more after the price returns. It may be water on the baking stone.

We got paid for the quest, and we went straight back to the inn and broke it up.

I'm practicing here so that I can write the letters of this world using the list of characters Sisty gave me.

The letters themselves can be read as strange, so all I had to do was write and write and remember.

The nights I write all over and read books and fall asleep.

I had plenty of time because I didn't sleep or get sleepy.

No matter how insomniac your mind is because of humans, sometimes you pinch breaks, sing and dance.

Because of that, Needless to say, Sisty slapped me on the wall and yelled at me.

I thought for a moment that living under my breath was like living a Neat with no place in the house.

That's how I can write simple everyday letters.

I can also encourage you to practice the letters this evening, but I wanted to roll them out to the King's Capital at night.

Come to think of it, I never wandered around the King's Capital at night because I didn't have to eat.

"All right, let's explore the King's Capital at night today!

That's why I jumped out of the inn.

The King's capital, where the sun falls and is engulfed in darkness, but the cobblestone path was bright and lively thanks to the lights by the street lights.

Many people are laughing and singing shoulder to shoulder if they go out onto the big street.

Elves, dwarves, humans, beasts, and many people of all races interacted in friendship, sometimes quarreling, spending time drinking and thinking.

I observe my surroundings in an unusual way due to the vibrancy and noise of the day.

You have such a different image than day and night.

Have you just returned from your quest, the adventurers with weapons?

The wild horse adventurers got drunk and the shopkeeper kicked them out, but when they got involved, it didn't make sense, so it went through.

Sisty said the street lights were definitely caused by magic tricks.

I don't know the exact rationale, but there are so many things in this world that look like magic items like games.

If there are things that make fire or water out, it's not strange that there are things that emit light, iron ore with such properties and demonic stones.

Anyway, this is a fantasy world.

Looking up, the royal castle and temple were surrounded by a brilliant light.

The royal castle is full of warm colors that illuminate the streets of the king's capital, and the imagination swells that a lavish ceremony is taking place in it.

The temple emitted blue and white phosphorescence of something with few lights, and was somewhere in a position of tranquillity and sanctity.

You can't imagine what's going on in the temple.

Is there prayer or even cleaning with the Virgin or the Priest?

That's how I scratched the crowd and walked away, observing my surroundings.

Then it was late at night.

I have been away from the center of the Wang capital, but due to the time, it was less popular and the area was full of silent atmosphere.

Apparently, they all fell asleep.

Well, naturally. It's 2: 00 in the morning.

Earlier noise and brightness seem to be lies.

The lights of street lights illuminating the road are also gradually lost, illuminating only a minimal extent.

It seems that these places are quite streamlined. I guess they decide to light the streetlights beforehand.

Going down the path of the quiet King's Capital, only the sound of Gasha Gasha and my armor sounds slightly louder.

"Aren't you going to find out if you run on purple flames here now? Oh, my God."

"Hey, you there. What are you doing at this hour?

When I was squealing such a joke, I was called from behind.

Looking back, there was a man there who would be a guard dressed in knight's armor and lowered his sword from his waist.

Many knights and guards patrol the capital all day and are very secure.

It would also be thanks to the fact that a man sleeping drunk at the end of the road is safe.

"…… it's a walk."

Is it possible that I'm being treated like a suspicious person?

Me with full body armor walking alone in the middle of the night.

... Yeah, I would definitely speak up if I were a guard.

"Lie to me! You just said," You're not gonna find out here. "

A guard with a nerve-looking face exposes his alert and says:

Listen to what's so inconvenient about you! I wanted you to at least listen to something called 'what the hell'.

Bad timing for him.

"A little solitary, I said! Because I'm not suspicious!

"Well, say what you were saying here"

"... If I scream out loud now that there are no people, will everyone wake up? I'm not gonna find out because I'm fast on the run."

"Don't lie to me. 'Here... wouldn't you find out if you ran?' You said so."

"You heard everything, didn't you? Why are you being so mean!?

He's lying all the time. Is it not Paa's maneuver to make it easier for me?

If it's according to the plan, we'll be listening to the strict caution appropriately by now.

"I really don't know any more. Just say it."


I don't know what to do.

This guard only hears really bad words.

When you lie poorly, you say, "You suspicious bastard! He's gonna get me!" or so it seems. In that case, they're going to take me to a jar or something and tell me to get my helmet.

Or, 'Here... wouldn't you find out if you ran?' If they say so, 'all I can think of is absurdly perverse behavior.

But even if you're telling the truth, you're considered paranoid.

... Can't we just let this guard pass out and run away? If it works, this is the only way you're gonna find out, isn't it? Maybe you'll mistake me for a dream or something.

When I was thinking about such a mess, the guards said something terrible.

"What's wrong? If you're not going to say anything, 'Wouldn't you find out if you ran naked here?' Report it up there in the wind?

"Hey! Stop it, idiot! If you do that, you'll be branded a pervert and kicked out of the king's capital!

"What an idiot! If you're not, just throw up the truth!

Finally, I threw up. Perfectly treated as a suspect.

... what do I do? If you stay like this, this guard will brand you a hell of a pervert...

Wait, wait, wait. It's dark now, and I'm not even a name. It's nothing like this. If you turn around and run away, you won't find out.

"... try to make some suspicious moves. I'll blow this whistle and call for backup. We know you're wearing dark, but grey, full-body armor, right?

When Jirijiri retreated, you noticed my thoughts and the guard whistled down his neck.

How could this guard be so good at hunting me down?

I'm Durahan, so I can't even get dressed!? You'll find out in an instant.

It's faster to blow a whistle than I'm gonna faint a guard.

I mean, it was a hell of a walk at night.

How do you say we get through here...... say it?

"Come on, throw up!

The guard says in a tight voice at the end of the day.

In contrast, as I thought, I was weak.

"I'm an adventurer, but there's a hell of a wizard at the party..."


"What a horrible wizard... People are rough. He's the one who shoots magic with demons because I'm wearing a little sturdy full body armor."

"Kee, I've heard of it. When you have an outward demon messenger who buries all of his friends away the demons... Are you kidding me, you're his partner!?

I nod as I say yes to the words of the guard who opens his eyes and surprises me.

"Oh, yeah. She doesn't know anything. She's made a loan to push me into the countryside and she's demanding it back. So if there's no one here...... wouldn't you find out if you spoken ill of her? Wouldn't that be nice? I was whining... because she's so scared"

"Oh, oh! Right! I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry I doubted you. You've been struggling, too. We guards can't act unless there's a case, but if we bring any evidence, can we count on it first? I'm usually in a jar, so you can name my name, Makarov."

Not to mention a tearful voice, and the guard hurried to apologize.

Kind of.

"Thanks......... macaroon"

"…… it's Makarov."

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