The Arizona branch of NIA was in a tight underground confinement room. There are two people in the room where there should be only one prisoner.

   One is lying on the bed, covered in mummy-like Edmund Gabriel. The other person deliberately sat in the shadows, hiding his face.

   "That **** yellow-skinned monkey, I must kill him, I must kill his whole family!"

  Looking at Edmond who was extremely excited while lying on the bed, the mysterious man chuckled, "Don't think about it, that kid has a different background, it's not something you can move now."

   "What about you?" Edmund said fiercely, "With the strength of your organization, wouldn't it be easy to kill that kid?"

   "We can get rid of him, but it is not necessary, because the follow-up cleaning work is too troublesome."

   Edmund snorted: "If I don't go back, my dad won't cooperate with you."

   "Yes, but luckily your father is not the only son like you."

   Edmund's eyes widened: "You...what do you want to do? I warn you that if I die, my dad will avenge me..."

The mysterious man stretched out his hand directly to cover Edmond’s mouth, and said with a smile: “Don’t get excited, young master. Don’t worry, we promised to let you live and we won’t let you die. But considering that you may be in jail for the rest of your life. It’s been here, so it’s better to keep your mouth shut forever."

  While speaking, he took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and sprayed it on Edmund’s face...


   Sharon drove his Cadillac bulletproof SUV, galloping on the highway. After more than half a month, he finally gained freedom.

   In fact, in the past half a month, Xie Lun has spent more time writing reports in addition to recovering from injuries. No way, I don't know what happened. After Edmund and the female agent were taken back to the Arizona branch, they quickly became insane and became fools.

  Considering that Edmund and the female agent were both seriously injured, in the NIA, some people believe that it was because Sharon made the attack too hard and broke their brains.

   In addition, Sharon's record is too abnormal. He swept a convoy of twenty or thirty armed men alone. It feels like it was performed in a movie.

   Anyway, for various reasons, Xie Lun had to frequently accept inquiries, submit written reports, etc., almost driving him crazy.

   Fortunately, in the face of solid evidence, coupled with Hollis backing him, Xie Lun was finally innocent, and he was also awarded a prize of 200,000 US dollars.

   In fact, Xie Lun is not satisfied with this bonus. After all, he has earned 20 million "sponsorships" for the game. In the end, the above only rewarded myself with 200,000 yuan, which is too stingy, right?

   I can’t twist my arms but my thighs. What's more, Hollis comforted him. Twenty million dollars is too much. Each department is divided into one point, and it can’t rise much. In the end, it’s pretty good to be able to drop 200,000.

   So Xie Lun could only curse the corruption of the US government while driving again on the road to the next mission coordinates.

   So, while Xie Lun was on the way, let’s briefly talk about his current personal situation.

   First of all, there is no change in personal level, and the experience value is stuck at 430/450, which is really close to leveling up.

   Next is the skill aspect. Because the last task directly rewarded 100 points, Xie Lun opened a low-level treasure chest and obtained a new passive skill.

   [Passive skill: low-level Mozambique shooting technique. When using this shooting technique, the closer you are to the target, the higher the accuracy, and the maximum increase will not exceed 50%. 】

   is another very practical skill.

  The so-called Mozambique shooting technique is simply the shooting technique used by the big marshal Bikinu Reeves in the movie "Quick Hunter". First fired two shots at the enemy's torso to produce a "stiff" effect, and then headshot to make up the knife.

   Of course, in fact, this shooting technique contains a lot of theory and requires a lot of practical practice.

   Therefore, during the half-month period, Xie Lun spent all his time on the training ground except for writing reports. In addition to mastering Mozambique shooting skills as quickly as possible, but also to improve the accuracy of his marksmanship.

  Although passive skills will improve your shooting accuracy, you originally deviated from the target by 10 meters. After you increase it by 50%, you deviate by 5 meters. Isn't it the same as not hitting the target?

   After this short period of crazy training, Xie Lun did not become a sharpshooter, but within 20 meters, holding a pistol with the blessing of various passive skills can achieve a gunshot headshot. Within a range of 100 meters, a hand-held rifle can be fired without any bullets.

   New Mexico, in the almost uninhabited Gobi Desert.

   If it weren't for the sign hanging next to him, Xie Lun would not believe that the place in front of him, comparable to a garbage dump, turned out to be a gas station.

   But the coordinates provided by the system are here, Xie Lun can only get off the car and check it out. Shaking the bell hanging on the refueling equipment twice, and then knocking on the rusty oil gun, Xie Lun doubted whether the thing could still be used normally.

   After a while, a sloppy middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth walked out, and said in a bad mood: "How much oil?"

   There is no self-service refueling function in the United States. Some states have even introduced laws that force refueling to pass through gas station staff. But looking at the environment of this place, Xie Lun really didn't dare to refuel. God knows whether it is gasoline or waste oil coming out of the oil gun.

   Xie Lun gave a dry cough, and stretched out his hand first: " I'm just lost, I just want to ask for the way."

   Unexpectedly, the man looked at Xie Lun's extended hand and took two steps back vigilantly: "Ask for directions? I don't have this kind of service here. If you don't cheer, get out of here, don't bother me."

   said, the man's hand has touched his waist.

   Sharon didn’t care about the man’s attitude. After all, in such a desolate place, and easily believe in the stupidity of strangers, I am afraid that he would have been fed to wolves a long time ago.

   "Well, then I will add one hundred dollars, but instead of adding a car, I will add it to the tank."

   Xie Lun took out a banknote and shook it at the man.

   The man hesitated, and after a while, he leaned carefully. Put one hand behind you, and the other hand to receive the banknotes: "You provide the oil barrel by yourself, but I don't have one here."

   The moment he took the banknote, the two of them lifted their fingertips lightly, and then...the system did not respond at all.

   "Isn't it him?"

   Xie Lun raised his eyebrows lightly, and said a little discouraged: "Well, since I don't even provide this service, then I can consult some news, is this always okay?"

   The man shook the banknote in his hand: "You can only ask one question."

   Xie Lun stretched his hands, thought for a while, and smiled: "So... is there any thrilling place nearby? For example, have people often died or disappeared?"

   Before he finished his words, the man's face changed drastically. He pulled out his hand hidden behind him, holding a revolver in his hand.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   What this man ushered in was that Sharon shot back three shots faster, more fiercely and more accurately than him.

   And as the man was knocked down, the bushes in the distance let out a roar, and a black shadow suddenly sprang out of it, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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