The night wind blew across the corn bushes, making a clattering noise. Under the night, in the corn bushes as high as one person, there seemed to be countless shadows hidden.

  The militants drove around the small building to form a simple line of defense. Set up the gun and carefully aim it at the cornfield not far away.

   The two snipers who came to the top of the building were condescendingly observing everything below.

   After a long time, a sniper pressed the earphone in the ear hole and whispered: "Head, no abnormalities were found."

   "I saw them drag a brother into the cornfield with my own eyes." Ferry grabbed the walkie-talkie and yelled fiercely. "With eyes wide open, who knows how many people are hidden in the cornfield."

   Listening to the roar in the earphones, the sniper subconsciously pulled the earphones away from his ears. After Ferry finished roaring, he hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, head, we are staring."

   Just after yelling at the sniper, another walkie-talkie next to it suddenly made a harsh noise: "Boss, help...Help, boss..."

   is the group responsible for guarding the floating bridge.

  Ferry's face changed, and he picked up the walkie-talkie and said anxiously: "Roken, what's the situation?"

   In the intercom, there was only a heavy gasp from a man, and the sound of gunfire almost without stopping. After a while, the call was interrupted with a scream.

   "Fakfakfak..." Ferry almost dropped the walkie-talkie and immediately contacted the sniper, "Taylor, see what's going on over the bridge?"

   "Um...head, the lights over there are off...but it's dark and there doesn't seem to be any signs of movement of objects." The sniper hesitated, "head, do you need to send someone to investigate?"

   Ferry was a little crazy. In order to protect himself and these people's only retreat, he left two modified pickup trucks on the pontoon, and five well-armed elites.

   He just wanted to order someone to check it out, when the sniper on the roof suddenly exclaimed: "God, what is that stuff?"

   Ferry also didn't care about protecting himself, so he rushed to the top of the building and leaned over to the sniper's side: "What did you find, did our people show up?"

   The sniper named Taylor, palely gave up his position, and motioned Ferrie to look at the scope on the sniper rifle. Although the night vision telescope in Ferry's hand is also very high-end, this professional sniper scope is still much worse.

   Ferry didn’t talk nonsense, and he leaned forward, then he glanced at it, and then took a breath: "Walt Malefack?"

  In the high-power night vision scope, Ferri clearly saw a huge monster slowly moving in the darkness in the distance. Although due to the distance and darkness, it was impossible to see the specific appearance of the monster, but it could be roughly distinguished that it was a big spider with a dozen legs.

   Before Ferri woke up from what he saw, suddenly the walkie-talkie pinned on his waist exclaimed: "Head, those cornfields... seem to be moving."

   Ferry gave a chill, shook his head vigorously, and leaned in front of the scope again. After looking at the monster wriggling in the dark, he gritted his teeth and picked up the walkie-talkie: "What cornfield is moving, what do you mean?"

   "Head, look at the road we rolled out in the cornfield," the voice in the intercom trembling, "the corn on both sides of the road and thinking about it in the middle, the road is already a lot narrower than before."

   Ferry didn't need the scope on the sniper rifle this time, but directly looked downstairs with his night vision binoculars. Soon he discovered that something was wrong, and what his subordinates reported was correct. The road pushed out with bulldozers and other large machines was indeed narrowed at this time.

   For example, the bulldozer that was parked on the side of the road has now been swallowed up by cornfields.

   "The corn is moving?" Ferry felt his head swish, "They want to block the road and trap us in it?"

   Regardless of whether Ferry believes in his eyes or not, he knows well after all the battles that he can no longer be trapped here. Whether it is a human or a monster hiding in the cornfield, you must leave, otherwise once the cornfield closes the surrounding area, let alone rescue Master Edmund, I am afraid that you will also fold in.

   "Kura, take the four brothers to the bridge and destroy any suspicious targets," Ferry thought of the monster's shape, and added, "Remember to bring the bazooka. There may be a big guy on the opposite side."

   "Kari, you stay here for cover first. Tyler, you get in the car with the rest of you and rush out with me!"

   Following Ferri's order, his already panicked subordinates began to act quickly.

   A series of modified pickups roared and rushed towards the pontoon. The rest of the people sat in other cars, led by an SUV that had also been modified, and rushed toward the road half-engulfed by cornfields.

   The long corn leaves, like a hand that stretched out to stop, slapped on the car body. Ferry discovered with horror that the leaves, which should be very fragile compared with the iron sheet, left a series of shallow scratches on the body and windows.

   It seems that those outside are not corn leaves at all, but small sharp blades.

  Ferry couldn't imagine what he would be like if he broke into this cornfield on foot without a car.

Perhaps because of the sudden intrusion of the convoy, the cornfield suddenly made a sound like a torrential rain, and the speed of its movement to the road also increased a also noticed it immediately and hurriedly took it. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Kari, what's going on inside?"

   The signal was disturbed by unknown, the voice in the walkie-talkie was looming, and a crackling noise: " careful, it's straw..."

   The “squeaking” electronic noise rang out, forcing Ferri to turn off the walkie-talkie. Taylor, who was in charge of driving, felt heavy. He knew very well that Cary, his comrade-in-arms and friend, might be more ill-advised.

   After a while, several huge explosions came. Although the occlusion of the corn made it impossible to see the fireball rising in the distance, these elite killers could all hear the sound of a rocket launcher exploding.

   Ferry squinted his eyes, tapping his fingers lightly on the intercom. It seemed that the people who went to the pontoon had already encountered the monster and used the bazooka.

   I just don't know what the situation is, whether the monster has been wiped out.

   When he thought about it, the SUV led by the team had already rushed out of the cornfield and drove on the dirt road outside. By the time the last car rushed out, the cornfield was completely closed, and there was no way to see a road pushed out by a bulldozer.

   Looking at the still rustling cornfield, Ferry felt chills: "Go, let's go to town."

Seeing Taylor's puzzled eyes, Ferri gritted his teeth and said: "Things have changed, we must change our plan. Occupy the town, collect weapons and vehicles, and after meeting with the young master, we will start with heavy vehicles and re-enter the cornfield. Launch a road."

   "If it doesn't work in the end, we can still use those people in the town as hostages and coerce the US government to provide us with helicopters."


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