Illimitable Until Death

: Let's make a negotiation in 1744.


With the mood swings in Rozval, the surrounding atmosphere changed suddenly.

The extremely depressing magic fluctuated from the body of Rozval, separating the surrounding wind and snow.


Ram seems to have a somewhat depressed voice.

Touching the repressed magical volatility at a distance as close as Rozval, it seems too reluctant for this lost ghost.

Even so, Ram still clenched his teeth, as if he had expressed his position, standing firmly at the side of Rhodes, and staying in the distance.

Unfortunately, there is no Ram in the eyes of Rozval.

It is full of bloodshot eyes in the eyes of the square.

"It shouldn't be like this... it shouldn't be like this..."

Rozvale constantly spits out cursed words, and looks a bit mad.

"If you didn't conclude a contract with Ai Jidona, then what I am doing now is meaningless, no!"

If Fang Li had already signed a contract with Ai Jidona at the time of the first trial, and then passed all the trials that night, liberating the "Sanctuary", then the action behind Rozval It makes sense.

The reason why I hired Elsa to invade the mansion was not to kill the people in the mansion, but to let the side defeat Elsa, draw it to his camp, and do some light on the face. The dirty things that can't be done, in order to create a favorable situation in which Emilia is in the king's election.

The reason why snowfall in the "Sanctuary" is to freeze it here, so that the test field of this strong witch is a forbidden land that no one can access, and avoid the existence of a political enemy or a witch. The residents of the domain investigated and eventually investigated the place, so they were caught and charged with the relationship with the witch.

These, perhaps the records in the Gospels, or Rozval's own arbitrariness, are all based on the fact that the fact that the contract was concluded with Ajdona in the square.

However, Fang Li did not conclude a contract with Ai Jidona.

"What the hell!!"

Rozval’s faint screaming of some pain.

"Why didn't this happen in the future!? I have acted in strict accordance with the records before! It is reasonable to say that if there is no mistake, this will happen in the future! It will be right!"

It is true that the future recorded in the Gospel does not necessarily appear, but if the events leading to this future have already taken place, and confirmed, then it will definitely lead to this future.

It was for this reason that Rozval only allowed all his actions to be carried out in accordance with the records in the Gospels.

The events leading to this future have been triggered by Rozval.

Then, the party should have a contract with Ai Jidona as it was written in the Gospel.

In fact, at that time, Fang Li did have only a contract with Ai Jidona.

In the dream, in the face of a lazy witch who is known to be a beautiful witch, the party that has been restricted to most of the strength has no power to fight back.

If you go on like this, the party is taken down by the lazy witch, and is forced to conclude a contract with Ai Jidona. That is a matter of nailing.

However, even the Gospels are not predicted?

It is not predicted that after several worlds have accumulated, the magic eye of the square has finally evolved into a field of embarrassment that has stepped into the realm of God and can give things to death by sight.

Therefore, Fang Li can instantly kill the indolent witch with the magic eye, and escape from the danger, avoiding the future of the contract forced by Ai Jidona.

That is to say, Fang Lilian has killed this future.

The records of the Gospel begin here and are all derailed.

From that time on, Rozval was stunned.

This doll, who acts in accordance with the Gospels, does not have the ability to react in this situation.

Just like a lost child without an adult leading the way, I don’t know what to do next.

Therefore, Rozval can only numb and follow the actions decided before, continue to hire Elsa to invade the mansion, and drop heavy snow in the "Sanctuary".

This can be done in a natural way.

If Elsa is attacked when the "Sanctuary" is liberated and everyone returns to the house, then the side that will be defeated by Elsa will be in the heart of Silvia and Emilia. The young girl's persuasion under the hands of the people, to capture and draw them.

However, in the absence of liberation of the "Sanctuary", only one person in the square returned to the mansion, and naturally no one can stop the murder in the square, and Elsa, who should have been squashed, was killed.

And if it is after the liberation of the "Sanctuary", Rozval will only snow in the "Sanctuary", then even if the big rabbit strikes, it will not hurt anyone.

However, now, the mixed-race children who should have become the forces of the Emilia camp after the liberation of the "Sanctuary" have ushered in the attack of the big rabbit. Although there have been no deaths and injuries, some people have been disabled and seriously injured. I don't know if I can continue to play for Emilia.

All of this has deviated from the future recorded in the Gospels.

Rozval, who has been watching all this happening, is naturally desperate.

Now Rhodes, there are no clowns and dolls, just a self-defeating little devil.

"Not important... everything is not important..."

Just as the reality was recognized, the voice of Rozval became sluggish.

"Kill me…"

This may be the only decision in Rozval that is made through his own will?

Decided to greet your ending with death.

Even if this decision is simply stupid, it won't work.

Therefore, Fang Li only said a faint sentence.

"Is there only to say this?"

With that in mind, Fang went in the direction of Rozval.

However, in the next second, the square stopped again.

Because, Ram, who had been listening silently, suddenly came forward and blocked in front of Rhodes.

Looking at the eyes in the square, the conviction of swearing is revealed.

"Would you like to protect him?"

The party is not surprised at all, but just asks such questions routinely.

"I thought you sent me a letter and should stand here."


The anonymous letter that told the Fangli House that it was difficult was sent by Ram.


"Ram will make a warning, but it is simply necessary to think that this matter has not continued. It does not mean that Ram will stand on your side." Ram said blankly: "No matter what." At the time, Ram will only stand on the side of the Lord Rhodes, and will never change."

This is foolish.

In the face of such ignorance, Fang Li has revealed a helpless smile.

"Sure enough, it’s a sister. If you look for someone, you will follow it."

When the words fall, Fang is no longer paying attention to Ram, but looking at the sluggish Rhodes.

"Let's make a negotiation."

The party is so open.

“Being a different process, you will eventually be able to reach your wishes.”

In a word, Rozval's eyes suddenly trembled.

Afterwards, what was said in the square made the look of Rozvale begin to glow.

Finally, this negotiation was successful.

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