If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 687: If you major in science and engineering, there is no distinction between men and women.

In Maika City, Bailin Kingdom, Feng Xue walked out of the subway, took a deep breath of the air smelling of engine oil, and said with a nostalgic look:

“What a nostalgic scenery of my hometown!”

"Hometown?" Meng Ke is not resistant to the smell in the air. As a science and engineering girl specializing in rack design and manufacturing, this smell can also give her a sense of relaxation.

She walked out of the subway station and looked at the very backward architectural styles around her, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"This is really Bailin Country? Not some third world country?"

Listening to Mang Ke's unabashed inquiry, Feng Xue spread her hands and said:

"Heavily industrialized cities are like this. After all, the pillar industries on the surface are various light and heavy industries. Pollution control itself is a false proposition. In other words, even in the four poles, it is impossible to deal with complex situations just for the sake of quality of life. period to weaken its own combat potential.

"But if the environment is not good, rich people will not come here. Without rich people, the consumer industry will not prosper, and naturally it will not develop. If you insist on saying that, this poor place can be called a good place. One is The transportation system, and the other is the industrial population.”

Feng Xue said, pointing to the tavern on the street:

"Here, you can recruit a group of high-level technicians just by shouting. As long as the price is right, a second-tier machine body can be built within three days. Of course, the quality control cannot be compared with that of big manufacturers, but If we only have the idea of ​​​​fighting one game, our combat effectiveness will be stronger."

When Mang Ke heard Feng Xue's words, his eyes immediately shone. Although Bai Lin Kingdom is not famous for its technology, as one of the four poles that can be at war with the Utopia for a long time, even if it is not in the advantage range, it is better than Palin. A small country that can only pick up the leftovers left by the overlord country is much stronger.

Even though this city looks desolate, in Mengke's eyes, it is more attractive than those tourist cities with feasting and entertainment!

"Then where are we going next? To hire workers?"

Mang Ke's tone was filled with excitement, as if he couldn't wait to see how the workers in Bai Lin Kingdom made mechas, but Feng Xue sighed and said:

"Have you forgotten that I am a local?"

With that said, he walked towards the low-end pub that he had pointed out to Mang Ke. Mang Ke followed him immediately.

“Boom, bang, bang…”

The door was pushed open, and with the dull ringing of the bell, a very retro tavern appeared in Mangke's eyes. Except for a bar, Mangke even felt that this place was more like a fly restaurant.

It was still quite a while before dark, but there were already many middle-aged men sitting in the bar. They poured cheap drinks into their mouths without any image, as if they didn't have to worry about life at all.

"What do you want to drink?" While Mangke was looking around at this strange scene, a bartender who didn't even have time to maintain the standard posture of wiping wine glasses asked, and at the same time, he didn't forget to hand two large glasses of draft beer to the waiter.

Mangke immediately turned his attention to the names of the drinks on the wine cabinet behind the bar, while Feng Xue smiled, took out a coin with a scale printed on it from his pocket and placed it on the table, smiling and saying:

"Is Lao Li here?"

When Mangke looked at the coin and was still thinking, "This doesn't seem to be the currency of the Bailin Kingdom," he saw the bartender's eyes suddenly change, and he said in a voice that only the two people in front of him could hear:

"Rec Room No. 7."

"Didn't your kid study abroad? Why are you back again? Could it be that you can't keep up with the progress?"

The door of the entertainment room No. 7 was pushed open. When a middle-aged man in his forties saw Feng Xue, he immediately dropped the table tennis racket in his hand, walked up to him and hugged him vigorously, and then turned his gaze away. Turned to Mengke.

Mangke felt a little uncomfortable due to the strange sight, but Feng Xue stepped between the two of them and said with a smile:

"Originally I wanted to learn some skills and wait for next time, but I happened to meet a good mechanic and got a good heart, so I just came back!"

"Oh?" Mangke noticed that the middle-aged man's eyes sharpened instantly, and then the person who was playing with him in the room also left the room. After a short silence, the other person said:

"You are only seventeen years old and there is still room for improvement. Are you sure you don't have to wait a few more years?"

"You have to experience it first." Feng Xue still maintained a smile. The man nodded and said to Mang Ke beside him:

"Are you the mechanic this kid kidnapped?"

"Ah, um!" Mangke was stunned by the sudden shift of the topic to himself, and then said quickly:

"I am engaged in mecha design and manufacturing. I have two doctorate degrees, an associate professor title, and have participated in it three times..."

"Ahem!" Seeing Mangke start to submit his resume, Feng Xue coughed twice quickly. The man took out a bag from the cabinet on the side and put it on his shoulder. He looked at Mangke carefully and then said:

"Academic qualifications are of no use here. They are like a mule or a horse. They have to be dragged out for a ride!"

After saying that, he put his hand into a hanging painting in the entertainment room. The next moment, amid the creaking sound of the amplifier, the wooden wall slid open like a sliding door, revealing a faintly noisy passage.

"Let me see how much you weigh!" As he said that, the man waved his hand and walked into the passage first. Feng Xue followed immediately and whispered to Mang Ke:

"This is Lao Li. This tavern is his property. I used to be an intern at the mecha factory under his name, and he helped introduce the dirty work. Well, didn't I tell you about the 'Iron Armor Steel Fist' before? ?You can think of him as a banker in the lower division."

"Then he said he wanted to try my skills..." Although Mang Ke had some guesses, he still asked. Feng Xue said nonchalantly as he walked away:

"Of course I want you to get the machine body out directly." As he spoke, the passage had reached the end, and a factory building filled with the smell of engine oil and sweat appeared in Mangke's field of vision. Large mechanical cranes could be seen everywhere. About twenty men in work clothes gathered together in twos and threes, some were assembling mechas, and some were discussing in front of the computer. This scene instantly made the originally anxious Mang Ke become confident.

"Oh, you have good eyesight!" Lao Li showed a smile, and while greeting passers-by, he led the two of them to a compartment. As the rather heavy door opened, a large number of machine parts were neatly or neatly displayed. It was placed messily in the huge warehouse. Mangke, who had never seen such a formation before, rushed in with his eyes as if carrying a pig charm, and exclaimed from time to time in his mouth——

"Is this the pelvic shock-absorbing device of the Silver Knight of the Utopia? Is this the magical thruster of the Buda Ali Tiphon III? And this! The Blue Armor III power structure... I have only seen it at the expo. ! Oh my god...can I use these?"

Regarding the character of the protagonist...you always know what people say when you see them and what they say about ghosts, right?

The pilot was a clear-minded and silly scientist girl, so it didn't matter how she fooled her, but the official Palin behind her was not a fool, so the communication methods naturally had to be different.

To put it bluntly, if you don't act confident, why do people think you can take people out? Why would I be willing to let you take away a research result? Although the protagonist is not afraid of taking advantage of others, why do we have to do things that can be avoided?

Finally, the protagonist’s behavioral logic is always to “attract attention” rather than “deceive” or “maintain the persona.” His fundamental goal of maintaining the persona and deceiving people is to attract attention. As long as the attention is attracted, there will naturally be a way to attract others. If he sees what he wants the other party to see, but doesn't pay enough attention to him, and is regarded as a lucky little loser or something, then there's no point in telling a lie no matter how good it is.

Along the way of the protagonist, every entry is actually a conspiracy. For example, the Kung Fu martial artist provides the means to fight against evil cultivators. As long as you want to fight against evil cultivators, you have to eat the cake he draws. Other entries It's almost the same. He never worries about his lies being exposed, because it doesn't matter even if he is exposed.

This is like a traffic star. All he cares about is traffic. As for the source of the traffic, it doesn't matter whether it is black or red.

ps: I had a dream at noon. I dreamed that Skadi was carrying Caddy Calcium in his left hand and waving 42 with his right hand to turn on the dusk. The scene was very outrageous... Why did you have such a dream?

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