If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 674 Gods will have an impact on the human world


An exclamation broke through the silence of the night, and the already dark residential area seemed to have triggered some switch. Like falling dominoes, lights turned on one after another.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the shocked husband, although he was startled, the wife immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

The husband drank all the water in the glass in one gulp, and then gently stroked his chest with a look of fear on his face, letting his heart, which seemed to have a slight twitching sensation, slowly calm down.

"I, I just had a nightmare." The husband wiped the cold sweat from his head, with a touch of confusion in his eyes, and his wife frowned slightly and said:

"How old are you? What dream could scare you like this?"

"Third year of high school, high math, evil teacher..."

"Oh, I understand." The wife nodded instantly. Although she still couldn't imagine what the scene was, with these three keywords, she clearly understood that this nightmare is indeed capable of making a scumbag a student. The husband woke up from his dream.


"It has been more than ten years since I graduated. Why do I suddenly dream about my senior year in high school?" The wife said casually, trying to divert her husband's attention. When the husband heard this, he gently tugged on the collar of his pajamas and sighed:

"Who knows! Let me tell you, I have never had such a vivid nightmare in my life! That test paper, that teacher, that class..."

"Okay, okay, I get it. I really don't understand what's so scary about exams!" The wife stretched out her hand to hold her husband down, indicating that he should stop thinking about it, but the husband grinned after hearing this:

"I don't believe you didn't have nightmares in your senior year of high school!"

"Not really!" The wife grinned, "I passed the Royal Institute of Technology in Palin easily. The teachers said that if I didn't work hard, it would be impossible to pass the Utopia!"

Seeing his wife's "I am a top student" expression on her face, her husband also felt that the impact of the nightmare was not that great, and immediately said with a smile:

"Yes, yes, you are a top student, but I was just unlucky. The company I was assigned to after graduation was disbanded, otherwise I wouldn't have been given the advantage!"

"It's good to know!" The wife rolled her eyes, lay down again, turned off the light and said:

"Go to sleep quickly, we have to go to work tomorrow!"

"Well, I'll take it slow." The husband nodded and closed his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep due to tossing and turning. But soon, a scream that seemed to shatter the glass sounded in his ears——


"What's wrong?" The husband was so frightened by the high-decibel and high-frequency scream that he jumped up from the bed. Then he saw his frightened wife half-proping herself up and said with a look of fear:

"Senior year, what a scary senior year!"

In fact, it’s not just this family. On the night of the second Tuesday of the New Year, the “Secret Senior High School Dream” event occurred all over the world. Countless people woke up from the extremely frightening nightmare of senior high school. When this anomaly was noticed by the gods, But it didn't cause any turmoil.

Because the gods easily confirmed that the source of this nightmare was the Nightmare God.

As for why this veteran god suddenly unleashed nightmares related to senior year on people around the world...

Maybe you want to practice some new magic?

"Oh, Bolanoli is so promising! But he actually activated the nightmare in advance. It seems that he plans to maintain the collection of beliefs while entering that dream every day." While it is still early, he collects the power of dreams at the highest university in the world. The Dream God could not help but show disdain when he felt the power that was spreading wantonly.

That strange dream would drag the individuals who entered it into the dream at exactly twelve o'clock every night. This changed the habit of the Nightmare God who was accustomed to activating his power after midnight when most people are asleep to maximize the harvest of faith.

Although activating the power in advance will miss many sources of faith who habitually stay up until after twelve o'clock, at least they will not be unable to harvest because they are dragged into that dream.

But the change of the Nightmare God also pushed the Dream God to change accordingly, but in the eyes of the Dream God, this is not a bad thing——

"What could be more comforting to a believer than a sweet dream after the nightmare he has just experienced?"

Eniko, the God of Dreams, felt the power of faith from countless people who "didn't want nightmares" and "wanted a sweet dream", and activated her own authority.

Unlike the God of Nightmares and the God of Dreams, the Lord of Dream Demon's domain functions completely different from the two. At this moment, her divine kingdom is extremely crowded.

In order to make up for the shortage of dream demons who were forced into the dream, she made up for another three hundred thousand dream demons in one breath. Although it was only a matter of effort for her authority to create dream demons, the number of three hundred thousand in one breath still made her There is a feeling of numbness.

"Have you remembered everything I told you?" The Lord of Dream Demons glanced at the clock and looked at the newly born Dream Demons. After hearing her words, the Dream Demons immediately said in unison:

"I won't take orders from high school seniors!"

"Very good." The Lord of Dream Demons nodded, suddenly having a headache about the placement of his own Dream Demons.

The emergence of three hundred thousand more succubi out of thin air means that these succubi will flood into the world when the clock is not ticking. Although for a population of billions, a few hundred thousand is just a fraction, but what you need to understand is that this They are three hundred thousand people who are hungry, have beautiful clothes, and know all kinds of prostitutes.

The Lord of Dream Demons is really worried that his two enemies, the God of Fertility and the God of Marriage, will come to trouble him.

But it's impossible not to do this. After all, she also needs faith to maintain her power, and maintaining the divine power of 800,000 succubi is not a small number.

Time turned slowly, and when the clock struck 0 o'clock, everyone's consciousness was dragged into the hell of school on time. However, the eldest lady of the Ke family who was enjoying the stream of faith was suddenly stunned, and then shocked shouted:

"How come there are so many?!"

"Why so many?" Feng Xue, who was playing games on the computer in the principal's office, raised her eyebrows and looked at Miss Ke's family strangely. However, Miss Ke's family had no time to pay attention to his tone and said directly:

"Too many, at least tens of millions of people came in this time!"

"Oh." Feng Xue nodded flatly and turned his attention to the computer screen again. The eldest lady of the Ke family jumped up from her seat, grabbed Feng Xue's shoulders and said:

"Do you understand what I'm saying? That's tens of millions of people! It was only a million before! This has skyrocketed tenfold!"

"It goes up as long as it goes up. It's not like I can't pretend to go to school." Feng Xue said nonchalantly. The eldest lady of the Ke family finally realized that this guy didn't understand the situation at all, and said fiercely:

"It can fit in the hell of going to school, but it can't fit in this fantasy dreamland I created!"

It’s really frustrating to always see the Red King making excuses.

First of all, the person who said he couldn't finish writing was an ordinary high school student, not a god. Gods either couldn't finish writing or couldn't do it.

Secondly, who told you that if you have strong computing power, you can push the process? Do you know what super class is? And are you sure the hard-calculated results can be written on the test paper? To put it simply, just pi, if you use a formula to calculate the area and if you calculate it by cutting the circle method, how much difference is there in the number of words? Even if he can even derive the formula, can you guarantee that the derived formula uses the same symbols and letters as the existing formula?

I also wrote the difference between the three gods very clearly. The Lord of Dream Demons is a cram school for millions of dream demons. It is a question-sea tactic, so science is no problem for her, but liberal arts subjects will be based on subjective questions according to different regions. There are differences at different times, so it is difficult to choose.

Nightmare God is studying hard, but he has seen too few question types in a week, and he doesn't even have any ideas for solving the questions he hasn't seen before.

As for the Dream God, it was her first time to enter a dream. She didn’t even know what was going on in the dream before she came in. She completely relied on the power of dreams to come true. This meant that she even needed to consume the collected letters to understand the meanings of the formulas in the questions. She had to use the power of dreams to decipher, so her power was simply not enough, and the "no means no" test paper made it impossible for her to answer the question without the ability to [break the question] or [review the question].

So in terms of results, the Lord of Dreams has the best score, the God of Dreams is second, and the God of Nightmares is the worst, and is not as good as the students who are seriously preparing for the exam and hoping to do well in the exam. Is there any problem?

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