If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 508 The supernatural game, start now

Looking at the pop-up window that suddenly appeared in front of her, the corners of Feng Xue's mouth twitched slightly. Although she already had some understanding of the situation in this world, it was somewhat unexpected for him to play such a thing so suddenly.

"At first I thought it was a more retro mode, but I didn't expect it to pop up directly in the void, so what else can I do, I must choose it, otherwise, how can an ordinary person like me deal with a pen fairy!"

Feng Xue was thinking about it, but she immediately chose yes. Therefore, the officials who had already entered the compulsory procedure and planned to control Feng Xue first to prevent him from self-harm suddenly discovered that they had been practicing on the wall non-stop. The calligraphy Feng Xue suddenly disappeared.

"Hurry up, go report to the captain, the target has become a player! Well, it may be transferred by a spirit body or eliminated directly..."


Feng Xue didn't know about the chaos in the Public Security Bureau. He only felt his body twist for a while, and then a rather mechanical voice sounded in his ears——

"Congratulations on entering the supernatural game, but in order to prove that you have the qualifications to join the game, we have prepared a small test for you."

The voice fell, and Feng Xue's vision recovered again, but at this moment, he was already sitting in front of a round table, and there were nine seats around the table. At this time, including Feng Xue, there were already six people sitting, and there were three more. Seats are empty.

Everyone's complexions didn't seem very good, some were pale, some were bruised, and even a red one seemed to be scalded by being thrown into boiling water. According to the previous pop-up window, it was not difficult for Feng Xue to speculate that these people should have Relying on a spirit body.

But soon, Feng Xue found an exception, not because he didn't look like a ghost, but because behind him, he was different from others.

There is a door directly behind each seat. Although there are slight differences in structure, they are all wooden doors, but the one behind this person is a security door.

Just when Feng Xue was in a daze, people appeared one after another on the remaining three seats. Seeing that the seats were full, the man with the security door behind him also clapped his hands, focused everyone's attention, and then said:

"Welcome everyone to the supernatural game. I am the host of this game. You can call me KP. As your first game, the difficulty of this novice test is very simple - survival."

"Put the game aside for now. I'm haunted by ghosts and I'm about to die. Can you help me out?"

Suddenly, a man with a livid face interrupted KP's words in some pain. When KP heard the words, he showed a harmless smile and said:

"Please don't worry about this. During the commentary stage before the start of the game, all the 'partners' are in a calm state and will not cause any harm to you. Of course, after the start of the game, it will be another matter."

As the words came out, the smile on his face became more and more exaggerated, and it was horrifyingly exaggerated, but just when that smiling face had become as if it would open its bloody mouth to bite off someone's head at any time, it suddenly returned In the harmless state of humans and animals, he said softly:

"Then, to continue the previous topic, your goal in this game is to survive here for three days. Behind each chair, there is a door. Behind the door is the room you have lived in for these three days. There are Sufficient water and food, as well as various recreational facilities, are enough for an adult to survive for more than a month in terms of material reserves."

Having said that, he glanced around for a week, and found that even the man who interrupted him just now did not interrupt again. He suddenly showed a somewhat disappointed expression, and could only continue to explain:

"As for your partners, there are ways to deal with them in these rooms, but unfortunately, those methods are used to deal with other people's partners, so if you want to survive safely, you must work together to suppress everyone's partners , or, just change your partner's house. Well, that's all there is to say, so have fun, everyone."

As he spoke, the man stood up gracefully, walked at exactly the same pace, came to the anti-theft door, turned around and bowed to the eight people in front of the round table to salute, and then there was only a crisp sound of the door closing .

A short silence lasted about three or four seconds, and then, a woman who looked about thirty years old with a rope wrapped around her neck stood up, and rushed to the room behind her.

The others didn't react as violently as she did, but they also stood up from their seats one by one.

Feng Xue could clearly see that there were three people who looked a little dazed, as if they wanted to talk to someone and ask questions, but they didn't know how to speak, but he didn't mean to stay, but walked towards it with great interest. The door that belongs to you.

The door does not have a key, but it seems to have some kind of recognition function, and it will automatically open when it detects Feng Xue's approach.

He walked into the room and looked at the not too big but perfect bachelor apartment with a playful expression on his face.

"Interesting, I thought it was another infinite city, but I didn't expect it to be a black ball."

He whispered words that no one could understand, and began to search in the room. Just like what the host said before, the facilities here are very complete. Not only are there all kinds of instant fast food, but also all kinds of fresh food Ingredients, all kinds of kitchen utensils are available in the kitchen, and it is also equipped with a recreation room and a gym. If there is a shortcoming, it is that there is one less computer.

As for the "method to deal with partners" mentioned by the host, Feng Xue also found it, but this is not a technique to eliminate ghosts, but a method to get ghosts out of the possessed state.


"Is mine a drowning ghost?" Looking at the ritual written in beautiful fonts in his hands, Feng Xue found that basically all the materials can be found in this house, which made him doubt the origin of the game. Real gameplay.

Probably because he had read too many supernatural reasoning novels in his previous life. When encountering such a situation, the first thing he thought of was not to follow the plan given by the host, but to think about whether there would be any hidden things in it. Traps or clearance criteria.

"First of all, the host does not refer to the spirit body as a spirit body or a ghost, but as a 'partner'. Does this imply that this game must be completed by the cooperation of humans and ghosts?"

Thinking of this, Feng Xue recalled the entry condition of this game, which seems to be possessing a "spiritual body" and a "possession". necessary elements.

In this way, what does it mean to rely on things?

Feng Xue reached out and took out the precious fountain pen. Even after rough writing, this phantom pen was still not worn at all, and even the cap that should have been thrown away returned to its original position.

However, he could clearly feel that at the moment he pulled out the cap of the pen, a certain special feeling became agitated again.

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