If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 338 Live broadcast without goods, it is better to explore the store as a foodie

"As long as 199, as long as 199, 199, you can't buy it, you can't be fooled, 199, you can't be fooled, K consortium chocolate launcher, only 199 credits, with .55 caliber chocolate bullets, ordinary little ghosts can be driven away! Can't run out The ones can also be eaten as snacks, which are economical..."

Leon from the Blackthorn Ghostbusters Office is carrying out daily live broadcasts. Unlike Mr. Dunn Simeone, the star president who is responsible for branding and targeting all kinds of rich and powerful families and difficult commissions, as a subordinate employee He is better at accepting various business commissions.

From plastic wrap to frying pans, from chocolate to toy guns, as long as he can get in touch with ghost hunting, he will accept it, and he can be regarded as a well-known anchor for a while.

Because the price is much lower than that of Dunn, although the live broadcast is required and goods are allowed to be brought in, there are still many people who are not so rich or not so rich entrust him to catch ghosts.

After reading a part of the advertisement as if his mouth was burning, the toy gun in Leon's hand played with a beautiful gun, and the chocolate bullet came out as the trigger was pulled, directly knocking the ghost wandering in mid-air.

The ghost is like a brat who is trying to die because of his young age, and suddenly gets a big fight from someone who is not used to him, screaming and flying towards the direction away from Leon, and then...

With a smack, it was patted on the plastic wrap.

"Good fresh plastic wrap, trying to lock in moisture and nutrients, high polymer molecules can resist the growth of bacteria to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it is resistant to high temperature and pulling. Even if it is put into the air fryer, it will not have any deformation, and will not produce toxic substances. , whether it is for daily use or to catch ghosts and block ghosts, it is an excellent choice for you, buy now and enjoy the discount of buy three get one free, buy is to earn!"

Leon made a cadenced advertisement from his mouth, but the roll of plastic wrap in his hand quickly moved his hands up and down on the ghost, and a ghost roll was rolled out in a short time.

However, he did not directly throw it into the air fryer like Dunn did, but shouted into the live broadcast room:

"One low-level earthbound spirit, priced at 20,000 credits, old rules, I will open a lottery to reward, those who want to buy it will enter the lottery, don't join in the fun if you don't plan to buy it, you have to pay me to catch it when you can save it! "

As Leon said, he skillfully created a live lottery draw. With the influx of viewers, the results quickly jumped out.

"Okay, the winner this time is 'Let me...' Cough, this audience, next time you participate in the lottery, please use a name that can be read by humans. Well, in short, please send your contact information to the winner within three days. The transaction method is sent to the anchor's personal account through an email on the site..."

With the end of the final sales session, Leon cut off the live broadcast, picked up the ghost wrapped in plastic wrap, and while waiting for the text message in the station, he opened the terminal to notify the client this time.

As soon as the figure on the terminal screen appeared, he said directly without opening words:

"Mr. Lyles, your commission has been completed, when will the final payment come?"

"Well, I saw it. Let's transfer the money." Mr. Lyles on the screen didn't talk nonsense about Leon's impoliteness. After a while, Leon got the transfer text message. After confirming that the amount was correct, he and the For some reason, Mr. Purchasing, who could afford the apartment on the Rhine River, bid farewell, and then headed towards the nearby office of the Loken water tank.

Well, the transaction method sent by the audience who was drawn before is the direct handover of the store directly under the Loken water tank.

Such a situation is not surprising. In fact, in the previous auctions, most of the buyers of ghosts were large and medium-sized enterprises.

Although these companies also have their own actions to catch ghosts, they don't mind buying the samples that have been captured and going back for research.

In fact, these big companies more or less found that Feng Xue bought the five identities, but regardless of the truth of the story, at least the "ghost" thing exists objectively, regardless of its essence, whether it is a so-called quantum ghost or a deceased person. Dead souls, or electronic viruses, are things that must be studied for major companies.

Even if you don't plan to develop products and create value based on this thing, at least you must ensure that you will not be disturbed by its existence.


Feng Xue is obviously not interested in money, he is just curious about what kind of things these cyber companies can research based on Gu poison body.

It is worth mentioning that the several identities he is currently operating have obtained at least two labels. According to his experience, as long as he can maintain this progress, at most one month, he can really condense strange stories.

However, if the particularity of the world is considered, but the experience cannot be fully brought into it, the fundamental reason lies in the difference in the flow rate of information.

In ancient worlds such as martial arts, the speed of information dissemination is slow, and it often takes several months to spread a legend. Even if there is no reliable information dissemination agency, it may not even be effective for a year or two.

But on the other hand, this kind of world information is also very valuable, limited by dissemination, a storyteller can even tell the same story over and over again for several years, which means that as long as a relatively topical legend is constructed , you can just wait for it to turn into a strange story.

But this is not the case in this world, because the rate of information metabolism is so fast that the information itself does not hold its value. It usually only takes a few days for an urban legend to go from explosion to cooling. It was a big event that shocked the whole people, and it only took a month or so to completely forget it.

Therefore, to create strange stories in this world, it is necessary to pay attention to one thing done overnight, constantly shape influence, increase attention, and shock the public with wave after wave of information, and squeeze out all the heat in a very short period of time. Short, fast and flat forms of strange talk entries.

But the disadvantage of doing this is that after the strange story is formed, it will quickly weaken and become a dragging bottle that has to be supported.

But as long as the entry Feng Xue wanted could be gambled, it would definitely be a good deal even if he raised the proceeds from other entries.

Thinking about these questions in her heart, Feng Xue arrived at the office of the Loken water tank carrying the "ghost" in her hands without the slightest pause.

Although he attracted a lot of attention along the way, but now his face is considered to be somewhat well-known. Not only did it not cause too much trouble, but it even made a lot of money for the label.

"Ding dong..."

The plain letter prompt came from the terminal, but the content of the letter did not immediately pop up. Feng Xue immediately realized that this was not what he should read with his current identity. He immediately took the elevator to the unmonitored area on the ground floor, and completed it smoothly. After switching identities, he clicked on the text message signed by "Konstantin Heavy Industry".

To his surprise, the content of this text message was actually...

"Bring goods?"

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