If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 181 Be the Suiren Clan instead of Haotian

In the conference room of the exchange group of the Guai Tan Countermeasures Bureau, after two hours of discussion and summary, everyone broke up and crumbled every word of this conversation for consideration, and even dug out the potential meaning in these words through reading comprehension, and finally Some conclusions were drawn.

But this is just what the other party may want to express. How much of it is true and how much is false still needs further discussion and confirmation.

Therefore, after the basic interpretation, the people in the exchange group did not intend to take a break at all, and immediately called the main leaders of several other groups to come here for the second round of discussion and analysis.

The team leaders took their seats one by one, and then Mr. Wang got up, and while controlling the personal terminal to send the discussion content and the previous call records to the tablet in front of each other, he said:

"The result of the first round of negotiations was not bad, the other party did not show any substantial resistance, and through this dialogue, we have also obtained a lot of information, but!"

Having said that, Elder Wang raised his voice slightly:

"Whether this information is really correct or not still needs to be judged by ourselves. This is just to publish the content of the exchange, not to popularize it as the truth."

"We understand, let's start." The leader of the investigation team nodded slightly. Lin Wenxue, who was in transit, was a member of their investigation team, so he knew more than other teams.

Seeing someone cheering, Mr. Wang immediately continued:

"First, it is about our biggest doubt before, that is, where are the captured monsters, and according to the code name [instructor], they are dead."

"Dead?" This expected, but unreasonable answer made many people have weird expressions on their faces. They picked up the tablet, and then the torture team said:

"Is the lifespan extremely short? However, those who have hidden spirits are often tortured for half a year or even longer, and the low-level ghost stories we capture can only be active for three to five days before disappearing, while the high-level ghost stories are often even shorter."

"This involves several issues in the future." Wang Lao pointed at the projection screen behind him with a laser pointer, and explained at the same time:

"According to what the other party said, they need to increase their lifespan through evolution, and judging from the current information, most of the hermits are basically arrested in an organized way, which probably means that the beneficiaries are only a very small number Transform individuals, and the rest are just short-lived consumables like worker ants and soldier ants."

"Everything else can be explained, but the skills they possess cannot be practiced in just a few days." The leader of the tactical operations team shook his head and said:

"And so far, most of the ghost stories can be seen to show the characteristics of age, but there is no sign of aging from capture to disappearance. How can this be explained?"

"The other party didn't give an answer on this point, but I have some records from more than 30 years ago." Wang Lao operated the projection and switched to some scanned documents, which recorded some descriptions about Infinite City——

"At that time, the attitude of ghost stories in Infinite City was not as bad as it is now. We also got some information about that world from some people who had returned from hermitage, and one of the things worth paying attention to is that almost everyone's memory , there have never been children, and in connection with the issue of longevity, we have reason to suspect that the population of that world does not increase by having children.”


As the meeting continued, most of the content had been conveyed, and what was left in the end was the last question, which was the last question Feng Xue posed——

"What kind of strange talk can truly be at ease."

"God." Suddenly, a weak voice came from the corner of the conference room, where there was no sense of presence. There was almost no place to speak in the entire meeting.

The people sitting there had the sign of "Archives Group" in front of them.

The archives team belongs to a small transparent organization in the Guitan Administration Bureau, and is usually responsible for organizing files and files.

However, due to the fact that the behavior of ghost stories has become more and more homogeneous in recent years, the files that the archives team needs to manage are pitifully small, just like a library with only a few hundred books. Compared with other groups, this department is more used to accommodate those "welfare departments" that are involved in ghost talk incidents but have little combat effectiveness.

Therefore, everyone seemed a little unfamiliar with this department that was usually in charge of paperwork, but when they heard the other party's guess at this time, they couldn't help but start thinking.

"Xiaoqian, it's rare that you have an idea, let's hear it." Wang Lao showed an encouraging smile to the speaker. The woman who was sitting in the corner, only twenty-eight or nineteen years old, seemed a bit shy stood up, and said slightly stumbled:

"According to the existing literature, ghost stories existed before Infinity City, and apart from the ghost culture of the Eastern Kingdom, the most famous ones are the worship of various indigenous gods and totem gods, such as the Aztec Feathered Serpent God, if Without Iberia, Quetzalcoatl would still exist with the Aztecs by now."

The head of the archives team known as Xiaoqian stuttered a little at first, but as she got to the point, her words became smoother, and even spoke a little faster.

Just listening to her speech, the leader of the inspection team shook his head and said:

"It sounds reasonable, but the Feathered Serpent God is still dead after all. Not only the Feathered Serpent God, but Amon Ra, An, Zeus...these are all dead."

"That's because those countries perished! If you can become the god of a powerful country, you can live with the country, and the code name [instructor] may be the idea. He wants to become the god of the Yan country." The leader of the investigation team touched the short beard on his chin, but the leader of the tactical operations team frowned and said:

"But we don't need God, and the people don't need God."

If this remark is placed in other countries, those religious organizations may smash it to pieces, but in this country where various religions that cannot be dealt with can be brought together to open a meeting of filers (false characters), this remark is not a problem at all. No.

But at this moment, Xiaoqian spoke again:

"I think what [the instructor] wants to be may not be a god."

"Um..." The leader of the investigation team stood up for Xiaoqian, but he didn't expect Xiaoqian to overturn his conclusion. He just saw Wang Lao's expression, and he still quietly waited for Xiaoqian's next words.

And Xiaoqian seemed to be going to the other extreme of nervousness at this time, speaking at a speed so fast that people had no time to think:

"The belief of the gods will change, fade, and disappear with the passage of time, the change of dynasties, and the advancement of technology, but history will not, and civilization will not! He hopes to become the source of martial arts, not the god of martial arts. I am afraid that he just wants to With the element [Wu], integrated into our civilization, he does not want to be the Haotian who rules the world, but wants to be the Suiren family who drills wood to make fire."

About doing things that don't conform to the label will the label disappear...

This is a unique rule of the Infinite City label, because in the Infinite City, the label is not [lend] by the Infinite City, and naturally has the right to take it back. Infinity City is like a company. He gives you the position of senior engineer, and you are the senior engineer. If he fires you, you are nothing.

And the label recognized by a real person is something you actually own, just like you have taken a senior engineer certificate with enough gold content (sufficient credibility and high recognition), then no matter where you work, you are a senior engineer, and you will not Changes will occur when you resign and change jobs. Even if you stay at home and don't work, you are still a senior engineer.

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