If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 159 Jessica Made Up Her Mind

Seeing Feng Xue fall into the long exam, Jessica's heart began to beat violently. Time passed by, and just when she was about to give up this idea, Feng Xue seemed to have finally made a decision. Chosen generally raised his head, looked directly at Jessica and said:


Although it was just a simple word, Jessica immediately stood up, her face full of excitement, but immediately, she heard the other party spit out another word——

"Bart (but)..."

Hearing that there was still a turning point, Jessica couldn't help swallowing lightly, and then heard the other party continue:

"Although I can only provide you with one level of protection, you still have to sign ten covenants... Of course, I will also train you in the future, so that you can master as many skills as possible."

"I do!"

Jessica said loudly without any thought, which surprised Feng Xue, and now he suddenly began to wonder if there was something wrong with this woman's mind.

However, considering sustainable development, he still followed his original idea and began to explain:

"Don't worry, I'll explain to you the actual constraints of the ten covenants first, and you can make a decision after listening."

"Okay, tell me." Jessica said this, after thinking about it, she still turned off the recorder, and then looked at Feng Xue expectantly.

Feng Xue picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip of water before explaining:

"The essence of the ten covenants is to restrain the executioners and prevent them from using their power in places other than maintaining morality and justice. While it restrains the executioners' behavior, it also formulates a set of task procedures for the executioners."

Listening to Feng Xue's words, Jessica looked at the ten covenants written on the notepad, and said thoughtfully:

"Accept the entrustment, conduct the investigation, and act alone... In other words, the whole process must be completed by one person alone? And since the executioner wants to hide his identity, how can he accept the entrustment?"

"Because this entrustment is not for someone to come to your door, but for you to find it yourself." Feng Xue smiled and said:

"Investigate unfairness, find victims or relatives, get commissions from them, and then confirm the authenticity of the commissions before doing anything. This is to avoid indiscriminate killings and wrongful killings, and also to ensure that the executioner will not be in the hands of some existence. knife.

"The same is true for acting alone. After all, human beings have desires. In theory, the executioner is not allowed to do extra things other than the task. But if you bring a younger brother, you kill people in front, and the younger brother searches for loot in the back. , wouldn't it bypass the restriction?

"But from this point of view, you should understand that this solo action is only for 'executing tasks'. Searching for entrustments and investigation entrustments can be performed by others, but you must make final confirmation to ensure the entrustment. True. In fact, when the Libra organization was prosperous, it had an intelligence network all over the world to collect information."

Hearing this, Jessica immediately thought of her street tabloid. Don't underestimate the lace news newspaper. The paparazzi they raise can collect the privacy of stars under the protection of various bodyguards, agents, security guards and consortium guards. For those cases where the information blockage is not so strict, it is naturally easy to catch.

She doesn't even need to spend too much effort, as long as she issues an order for the transformation of the newspaper as the chairman, and then announces that the salary of the reporters will be increased, the newspaper will immediately become her private intelligence network.

Seeing Jessica's slightly surprised expression, Feng Xue knew that her hint was in place, so she continued:

"Punisher is a very dangerous profession. Although these provisions limit the abuse of power, they also put shackles on the executioner. Even in the era of underdeveloped technology a hundred years ago, there were many of them who had seven kinds of protection. An example of losing your life due to mission failure, and all you can get from me is a strong body and some skills, even so, do you still want to join?"

Jessica didn't care about Feng Xue's warning at all. As an "adventurer" who dared to climb mountains without oxygen, skydive without a parachute, and even brought only a knife to survive in the rainforest, this kind of "adventurer" for the sake of justice The behavior of betting her life is far more exciting and exciting than those gambling sports that just challenge herself.

Compared to trivial things like danger to her life, she cared more about another issue——

"Does this hidden identity refer to abandoning the existing identity and becoming a 'non-existent' person?"

This question is not because Jessica is out of her mind, but because she heard some rumors from her peers when she was taking risks, such as "The top killers are all 'invisible people' without real household registration. Even fingerprints, DNA samples and even photos were taken, but there was no trace at all.”

Thinking about it now, could these non-existent killers also be left over from the Libra organization?

However, Feng Xue decisively denied her statement:

"It doesn't need to be like this. Hiding your identity means hiding your identity as the 'executor'. Besides, you can be a rich man, a newspaper reporter, a noodle restaurant owner, a store cashier, etc. These identities don't have to be hidden, or Saying they exist is part of hiding your identity as the executioner."

"Then there's no problem." Jessica said with a sigh of relief, but Feng Xue still said with a serious expression:

"Are you sure? As long as you sign this contract, even if you are in front of you to kill your father and enemy, as long as there is no entrustment from the person concerned, you will not be able to do it. Except for entrustment, you must not kill. This is the bottom line that must be followed."

"But I can beat him, right? I can also entrust you to help, right?" Jessica thought quickly, but she found a haze on Feng Xue's face.

The faint joy of discovering the loophole instantly cooled down. At this moment, Jessica seemed to feel a feeling of dying——

She only felt that feeling when skydiving without a parachute. Although it was only fleeting, she roughly understood that it might be the legendary "murderous intent".

For a while, Jessica thought a lot, and she even felt that she had guessed some truths about the demise of the "Libra" organization—there were loopholes in the covenant, and people naturally like to exploit loopholes. When the executioner no longer abides by the covenant, but constantly Looking for loopholes for her own profit, Jessica, who has seen countless legendary stories, is not difficult to imagine the subsequent plot.

But at this moment, she could only keep silent nervously, hoping that the other party would not be irritated by her cleverness.

However, the tense atmosphere came and went quickly, Feng Xue seemed to have adjusted her emotions quickly, and sighed:

"Yes, there are loopholes in the covenant, but I still hope that you can regard it as a kind of self-restraint similar to conscience, rather than a shackle imposed on you, otherwise, as your mentor, I can only make you disappear... …if you are sure you want to sign this contract."

Under the death-like pressure before, Jessica temporarily gave up the idea of ​​pursuing excitement, began to chew on the meaning of Feng Xue's words, and then nodded slightly:

"I get it, but I still want to be the executioner."

ps1: I really didn’t expect that someone would raise the question of “only explaining barter but not easy things”. It’s the same, you can say “it’s three yuan” when you buy vegetables, and you can say the same thing when you go to a tea master "Give me five hundred", "Give me one hour"! Isn't this a vague requirement? When the tea master hears this request, he will naturally serve you a set meal according to his own price.

ps2: Don't use the logic of real items to consider phantoms. I have said many times about the characteristics of phantoms - "the setting is too big, and the special attack is the god of the sun". The setting of the coin is "trading", so it can only be passed The right of ownership is obtained through transactions. In the eyes of most people, plundering is not considered a transaction, so the right of ownership cannot be obtained.

But there is one exception, that is, with elements such as [plunder] and [stealing] or labels such as [robber] and [thief], and for example Lao Li's strange story of [Gazi steals a dog], you can pass the "non-law" "Transaction" means to obtain ownership rights, because elements such as "stealing" and "plundering" have special attacks on elements such as "precious", "valuable" and "currency".

ps3: The fact that a coin cannot be used does not mean that its power has disappeared. The person who owns the right of ownership is dead. The coin just loses its absolute effectiveness of "asking the other party to do something", but its hidden value is still there.

Of course, there are still many "adjustments (Yu-Gi-Oh's term)" in this, such as leaving a will (accomplishing something to get coins, etc.) can change the ownership after death, but these need to be explored a little bit, after all. It is not something that can be found in a short time.

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