If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 102 The Secret Hidden in the Cheats

"Abandoning the old hometown ~ wearing a ghost mask on the face ~ in order to bathe in the sun ~ what is despicable ~~"

Walking in the desolate wilderness, Feng Xue dragged a cardboard box with wheels, humming a strange tune, walking along a small river, looking at her leisurely appearance, as if she was on a picnic.

Although there are ominous omens lurking on the side of the road from time to time, in the eyes of Feng Xue, who is wearing a girly filter, these omens that should have gradually turned into beasts in the wild and have a protective color, lying in the grass, It couldn't be more conspicuous on the treetops.

Looking at the round buttocks in the grass, the ominous mosaic sphere also appeared in front of his eyes. Feng Xue rolled her eyes and walked over without knowing it. The moment the bird-like fruit girl was about to pounce, she chopped off her head with a knife in one hand.

But this is just an ordinary bad omen. If he encounters the butcher who came out of Chen Xiyao's urine (Chen Xiyao: it's vomiting! Spit it out!), he should hide or have to hide.

As for how to judge the strength of the omen, just take a look with your golden finger and see how many elements are manifested in the huge mosaic sphere on their bodies. The more elements there are, the stronger the omen will be. The more perverted it is, the omen of two or three manifestation elements can be easily solved by Feng Xue and the Holy Mother of Disintegration. Four will take some effort, and more than five will be a fierce battle. If there are more than six elements, Feng Xue will Xue directly drove away without a trace.

However, it is probably because stronger omens require more [consciousness], the closer to the center of Infinite City, the weaker the omens encountered, walking more than 70 kilometers, Feng Xue was able to do it at the beginning. I encountered a few monsters that required some brains to solve, but now, they were basically the ones that could be knocked down with a single blow.

He lowered his head and smelted it against the U-turned female corpse, and recorded thousands of towers with polluted [consciousness], but still did not drop any elements. As for the legendary phantom that can be exploded by a bad omen, there was no shadow of it.

Feng Xue sometimes really doubts whether the idea of ​​the omens exploding phantoms is just a rumor. At least he has killed 100 or 50 omens so far, but he has never encountered a phantom falling. .

After a round of destruction of corpses and traces, Feng Xue took out her badge and confirmed her location.

"It's still more than a dozen kilometers away. It's conservatively estimated that it will take three hours. Let's take a rest first." Feng Xue looked at the sky that had begun to turn dark, and took out a branch that was as long as a forearm from the storage bag at her waist. It was inserted on the bank of the river, but seeing that it didn't take effect, I adjusted the position slightly.

Immediately, a strange force began to spread. Although there was no substantial change, a sense of peace enveloped a distance of tens of meters.

Name: Illusion·Home Tree

Elements: 【Home】, 【Plant】, 【Camp】, 【Construction】

Introduction: According to legend, in the ancient Yan Kingdom, when people had to leave their homes, they would always collect some twigs of perishable trees from the village. When they arrived at a new settlement, they would insert the twigs. Live with trees. Insert this branch into the soil near a water source, and if the environment is right, you can open up an easy-to-live area.

Remarks: It is only livable, not invincible, especially be careful of your kind.


This phantom was recast by Feng Xue picking a locust tree branch at random when he was in the real world. It was originally just a comedian prop, but when he started traveling in the wild, he realized how important [livability] is. .

Within the range where the saplings spread out, the temperature, humidity, and even the hardness of the soil will become very suitable for life. Even setting up a tent is much easier than normal.

Moreover, Feng Xue also discovered that as long as she stays in this area, even those omens will not sneak attack at night. Of course, as the note said, this ability to prevent sneak attacks may only be used for omens with no wisdom. body.

Randomly set up a small tent with Santa Claus's cloth, Feng Xue lit a bonfire, took out "Peerless Martial Arts" and the half-copied cheat book, and continued to write.

The label of the [Money Printing Machine] has greatly increased his copying speed. Although it is still far from real printing, the efficiency of his handwriting has surpassed that of his previous life as a writer who used a keyboard to code words. speed.

One by one the words fell on the paper, Feng Xue only felt that her inner strength attainments seemed to have increased again.

Copying the book itself is also a process of reading. The secret book of "Bu Tian Ge" seems to have not only brought him internal strength, but also opened up the reading system and attainment system of the Taiwu system for him. The copying of cheat books, his understanding of various martial arts is also constantly increasing.

This is not just as simple as being able to understand the content that he could not understand before, but also can see many details that he has overlooked from the cheats, for example, a small detail that has been ignored in this peerless martial arts book——

Every book of martial arts in it is a manuscript.

This handwritten copy is not a pirated trick like the Taiwu test version, on the contrary, it is indeed a huge treasure.

By comparing the different handwriting of each secret book, Feng Xue finally confirmed that each secret book was copied by the practitioners of the corresponding exercises, and even the founders. He didn't realize it when copying the book, but as his martial arts attainments improved, he was able to taste some of the charm of the predecessors who practiced this martial art from these handwritings.

This kind of charm is very mysterious, even if it is a transcription that he can almost perfectly reproduce (added by the money printing machine), it cannot reproduce this feeling. He even suspects that even photos, copies and other things may not be able to do it. to reproduce it.

That kind of charm is like the special effects attached to this phantom, unless it is the same phantom, it is impossible to replicate it.

"But it's actually not bad. For ordinary cultivation, these charms are not only useless, but blindly imitating them may even affect the practitioner's own path. Only when there is no way to make progress, this kind of charm will play a role in bypassing the analogy."

Through these days of reading, Feng Xue, who has understood many of the most important principles of martial arts, sighed inwardly, forcibly ignoring those charms, and just quietly worked as a copyist. When a secret book was copied, she closed the book , re-refresh, and then copy the next one.

This cycle went on and on, but the sky lit up again.

Stretching vigorously, the body that had been sitting all night slowly relaxed, Feng Xue straightened her waist, and began to bind up the results of last night.

But at this moment, he frowned slightly, and said to himself in a strange way:

"It's strange, why did the [Devil] label suddenly gain money again?"

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