Welcoming a mission that included Lord Vasuilio, the reception feast of the Raband nation was sometimes small, even before the start of official national traffic.

But that meant only that there were a limited number of participants, and both the identity of the participants and the extravaganza of the feast were worthy of showing other countries the prosperity of the Larband country.

But even the Rabband country could not help but breathe its admiration when it preceded the Lord Vasilio, the King of Gold, and his sister, the Princess of Platinum.

The golden eye itself, as if it were a symbol of long platinum hair and strength of will, while wrapping a beautiful exotic costume, is above all an eye-catching sister king.

A sister princess who ties her beautiful hair high with the same platinum as her sister king, wraps herself around a larband national style dress, responds with perfect courtesy to greetings from the queens, and tells it to her sister king.

Being itself was such a beautiful sister that it could not beat any ornament.

Behind those two, Rose, who served as part of an informal messenger to Vasilio, had refrained from interpreting the bickering between Lady Fagna, the queen of the second prince, and The King of Gold.

Two of the best beauties and famous men in the Rabband Nation were lining up to transform the corner into a more glorious place than anywhere else in the world.

And seeing those beautiful princesses gather...

"... Latina is more amazing than I thought..."

And, Dale was to try and whine away.

"You don't have to be beside me?

Gregor, in the courtesy he deserves as a member of the Duke's family, speaks to that Dale.

"Clearly, if you want to say it's uncommon not to be next door, say it."

After his eyes set on Gregor, cloudy with words, Dale looked at Latina again.

From everywhere, it is the perfect 'princess'.

Even Dale, who knows his usual appearance, is equivalent because he makes him look like a 'princess'.

It seems very unlikely that that contents is a common girl who thinks of pot polishing as a form of entertainment.

"There, that's scary."

"... well, sure"

While following the samurai like a samurai, the truth is that Rose is strictly scoring Latina. Fagna works in the public service in order to follow, restrain her surroundings, and even bond friendly relations with her neighbors to make her position strong. Frisos responds with additions and subtractions so as not to damage the interests of her country to the female counterparts of such a larband-country.

Like the thumbnails in the palace, it is a place for women to fight.

Though Dale is expected to behave in his position, he is inherently more sexually suited to wielding his sword in Noyama. Try that on him, it was a whimsical space.

"My sister seems pleased to be close to Her Majesty the King of Gold."

Seeing how my sister was, Gregor assured me. Something is hidden in his face that he also likes and doesn't want to get close to.

"... well, when I'm nearby, Latina really distracts me... there are times when I'm a little away"

Dale is the head of an opponent whose sweet Latina puts herself defenseless like Vegan. Latina, who would currently be at the extreme of nervousness, could be in a situation where Dale would cut the thread of nervousness with her next door.

"Besides, I'm the only one who knows how cute Latina is."

And after all, Dale didn't have a rash at all.

Latina thus ended her role as the princess of Vasuglio's deep windows, without turning out the occasionally exerted pompous ingredients of natural origin.

Personally, I was in a puffy, shivering, calamari mood with tears, but I don't know that around me.

A princess of knowledge, which leads to the languages and customs of an exotic land without interaction. Only the person concerned was unaware of such an assessment when viewed objectively.

Nor did Dale dare to share with the person his appreciation for the 'Platinum Fairy Princess', which is rising in the social circle within Larband.

"It's over... it's over..."

Still in position, despite the condition of an exotic king and sister, also because in the corner of the kitchen of the Duke of Erdystedt's house, I saw Latina continue to cross polish silver dishes like she was possessed while crying.

The kitchen of the Larband Nationalities on the boulder was clean everywhere and there was no polished scorched pot for her.

For the record, the portrait of the twin sisters painted by the portrait painter in the Duke's possession also coincided with exotic ornaments and other forms of sex painted, making reproduction an epidemic in part.

Because of the significance of their names passing through the 'Sun' and 'Moon' in their hometown (Vasilio), "Vasilio is a treasure. Sunflowers and moonflowers, two flowers. In other words, it was the most precious treasure known as" Twin Flowers "," and so on - but when Dale found out about it, he still concealed the fact from her thinking of her as a common-law thinker.

Even though I don't cover up the facts because I hid them, it's a real escape for Dale as well.

For the sake of further ado, the portrait was also distributed to some of Kreutz's poles.

After Kreutz as well as going, the mission will return to Vasilio.

What was different from going was that the 'King of Gold' in it was not a change of balls, but a hit.

Frisos, hugging Latina all the time, was in a caged castle position in a car towed by the Warcraft.

Stare at Dale outside the car. If I let go of my hand, it was resistance because I understood that I would be separated again.

"... sorry, Frisos..."

"… I can't help but think that Platinum doesn't want to go back to Vasilio"

What Latina uttered as she whispered was words of apology, and Frisos, who correctly understood what it meant, affirms her sister's words.

Hometown for Latina (Vasilio) is not a place where you want to go back.

Her sweet parents were already dead, and she grew up secretly behind the temple without any other intimate antiquities.

It was a stronger place for sad memories of exile and irrational loss of everything than gentle memories.

That is why Frisos thinks he will try to change his country as king.

And he also understood that it would still take time.

"Be sure to make Platinum a place to welcome you"

"You know, Frisos.... I think I'll definitely go to Frisos someday. Because I think it's probably easier for me and Dale."

The life expectancy of the 'Demon King' and his family, the 'Demon Nation', is so long that it cannot be compared to that of the human race.

The demonic kingdom, which originally had a long life expectancy, would be better able to live without any inconvenience. Yes, Latina was thinking.

"So I don't think it's really 'goodbye'"

"I know. If you want to see it, it would be good if you had more."

"Hey Frisos. Is a king a good thing to come out to a country that easy?

Latina's response to Frisos' remarks was true.


Dale's penetration was retained in his heart because of the friendly sisters' care for the occasion of their breakup.

"There is no better way for Platinum to spend time with us than to return to Vasilio."

"Oh well... sorry, Frisos..."

Don't convince me.

Being too honest is also very problematic.

"But now contact me before you get here properly, okay?

"The rest of the trend is classified, so it's hard."

"It's a big premise to come."

Dale groaned, flushed.

Before we could say anything about the trend, there was nothing between these sisters to touch the fact that it was more of a problem for a king of a country to stay in a pub at the end of the day.

As Frisos headed back to Vasilio, Latina was out of Kreutz, dropping off a line.

On her back drifted something unspeakable and sad, and Dale, standing next to her, softly held her shoulder.

"... go home"


Dale also smiled again, caging his strength in his shoulder-holding hand to encourage Latina, who smiled lonely.

That's how I turn my heels back to Kreutz.

Repeat the 'normal' routine as normal. To have the happiest time for each other, we went back to "everyday".

- - Nevertheless, as declared, it may also be that a demon king will be named a regular at the end of the venue - another not so distant future event.

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