If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

Later Tan. Wow Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs. Ref.

also fluffy. Latina was not the only one who turned his joyful expression to this sudden visit.


Emma, the sign daughter (little) of "Tiger Cat Pavilion," also had a full smile on her fluffy balls, as did the living stuffed animals.

The jeans also understand that Emma has fond feelings for herself and make a sweet voice as she waves her tail.

Vint often plays with Theo.

Theo's basic athletic ability to play with phantom beasts from an early age is high, and even with a chase, he is ultimately in a dimension where young Emma can't cross.

Moreover, the period during which Latina was missing began when Emma was a baby before she was conceited, and Vint frequented Vasuglio and Kreutz. Vint's time at The Tiger Cat Pavilion was limited. How could Emma spend so little time with Vint?

Emma has "common sense" that she has lived with Tianxiang Wolf (Wonko) since her birth, but Vint was also a "dog" that was exclusively owned by her brother.

Emma is still a little acquainted with Latina, who recently returned to The Tiger Cat Pavilion.

Even though they say we were together when we were babies, it's more than I can remember, it's someone else I just met the other day. For her brother, Theo, Latina has shown how sweet she has been as a brother naturally since she returned to be her 'favorite sister'. It was also a surprise to Emma.

It is also Emma's sincerity that concerns her beautiful and gentle 'sister'. But I couldn't figure out how to narrow the distance.

There, furry balls also appeared.

Jeans waving their tails in a way that is also familiar to Emma, but I still miss Latina the most. If you want to play with the jeans, you need to go to Latina.

And the child-loving and well-looked after Latina will understand that as long as you come nearby, you'll be fine with Emma.

Doing so would also bring us closer to the perfect Dale for Latina.

Dale is also originally a child lover and of unbittersweet quality to take care of. If Emma is nearby, she will take care of Latina's next level of consciousness.

Even his father (Kenneth), who is drowning Emma, understands that Dale will never be evil to his beloved daughter. Even after my beloved daughter has grown up, Latina (our daughter-in-law) never gets her hands on her. It is a safe and secure person.

Around starting to worry like that at this stage, Kennis was also in a situation where he couldn't say this about Dale's 'parent idiot'.

Throw the improvised ball made by Latina round the old cloth cuts as if in the back yard of "Tiger Cat Pavilion". The hairy balls run as they roll, and the grey stallion jeans reach the ball one foot ahead. A gray and black stallion followed him where he twisted before turning, becoming a ball attachment to the combination.

After a good little gap, the black jeans succeed in capturing the ball and bring it to Latina at first sight.

Booty. And, honestly, I put the ball in front of her, and I see Latina with a face of praise for everything.

Latina handed Emma the ball as she stroked the jeans with her glittering eyes.

Emma's all-powerful throw turned out to be a blunt drop just a few steps away, but the jeans jumped again with their shitty eyes.

Latina also smiles gently at Emma, who laughs at how the jeans look.

Eventually, before throwing the ball, the jeans start chasing after him to take the ball away from Emma. Emma also ran out with the ball, and the toddlers and the jeans, they would come together.

And as certain promises made, the toddler fell off beautifully.

Emma, who fell, first looked like she didn't know what had happened.

Instead of hurting, Emma, who was in the face of surprise, nearly cried out all over when she saw her own knee rubbed dirty in the soil.

For Emma, it was only too late to realize the pain and cry, but Latina gave her a hug and a compliment as she came to Emma's side early on.

"You didn't cry, Emma. That's great."

To Latina's kind voice, Emma was able to put up with herself, who was about to cry. Latina also realizes Emma's hard work and strokes her head as even more great.

Latina cleaned her knees in the water field behind the kitchen when she paid for the dirt on Emma's skirt with a familiar hand. Check the condition of the wound and apply the wound medicine that is always available thinly.

There is also a reason why Latina, a user of healing magic, doesn't magically heal Emma's injuries.

I would not hesitate to use it if it was life-threatening, such as something terrible or in need of urgency, but it was very dangerous for young Emma to have the awareness that 'injury' is' easy to heal '.

Latina, who bounced around every day and was harassed by the scratchy Theo, also understood that over-protecting Theo after still successfully watching him grow, was not for his precious' siblings'.

Because of that experience, Latina was also able to deal with Emma calmly.

Even in the meantime, the hairy balls run around the latina and Emma busily, eventually clutching around at the feet of the latina as they wave their tails, wanting themselves to be okay too.

Even looking at such adorable jeans, Latina now gives priority to 'hard working' Emma in her current progression.

Emma, who also found out about it, decided to try to be sweet to her 'sister', who she had never been able to sweeten well.


But, embarrassed by the words she was unfamiliar with, Emma gave Latina a hug.

In such a series, Dale sat and watched in front of the door leading from the kitchen.

If Latina can't help it, the grey stallion jeans have a fluffy fur appeal with a face to stroke on Dale but be good.

Hold it up and touch it around your belly. Even if he didn't like it and freaked his fangs out, Dale didn't unravel it at all.

(Latina is going to be a really good mother)

His monologues that come to mind in the meantime, combined with loose expressions, created a pity that was not something that could be shown to others.

Thereafter, the Hairy Balls' return home was to be fulfilled in less than a month.

Several heavenly wolves flew in from among the heavenly wolves adjacent to Tislaw.

The news spread about adventurers other than regular guests of the "Tiger Cat Pavilion" and the arrival of phantom beasts in the Lords Hall, and the upper echelons of the Gendarmerie realized and dazzled that the overtime of the day had been finalized on the major issues that had become public.

"I smelled Mamie"

The dialogue of Vint on Hepei's face confirms that Tianxiang Wolf is in Vint's body, as expected.

In the end, the emergency response headquarters by the "Tiger Cat Pavilion" regular visitors threw Dale out with Vint in secret, outside Kreutz, before the crusaders were formed and the greedy adventurers made their assault.

To leave the truth buried in the darkness, and to give things away as soon as possible.

Latina was not accompanied by anything more than a celestial wolf, fascinated by her, fearing that she would dwell in Kreutz any longer.

Vint's mother wolf and Dale are familiar.

We also had a conversation when we visited the Heavenly Wolf, hoping for Hagel's help before, but not as fluent in manipulating humanities as Hagel or Vint was a pitch-black hairy individual.

They also remembered Dale over there. Follow Dale's lead away from the city and descend to the ground. Skinnier than Hagel, his body descended to the ground in a supple motion without a single sound.


Seeing Vint and Dale waving their tails once again with brown eyes, she voiced a sense of high femininity.

"Thank you. It's always my pleasure."

As always for Dale, 'she' is quite used to saying, only that one word.

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