If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

The day before yesterday, Tan. Pick up, finish, start.

Platinum, who was ordained a sinner, was forbidden to meet Frisos, who was ordained a candidate for a new king, and Mov, a high priest.

The anxiety of losing one crack that had always been with him frightened Platinum with the great harm he had been exposed to.


To a slight voice that is difficult to hear or hear, Smaragdi answers, without loosening the power of the arm holding his daughter.


"Latina, are you frightened? Latina... Was that why Lisso and Mov were so upset about Latina?

To make her daughter ask such questions herself, Smaragudi's mind goes out of its way to make her hate for unspecified beings. Still, he made a kind voice hiding his heart for his daughter (...).

"No, Latina. Both Mov and Lisso love Latina. It's important."

Leading this child to the end.

I tell myself that it is a role that has been imposed on me.

"It's important about you. As important as you are about Lisso and Mov, you're both about you."

"... then... why...?

Sensing what the trembling voice intended, Smaragudi touches the root of the horn her daughter has lost.

"It's to protect Latina. And to protect Lisso."

We made this choice to protect our two precious daughters. These daughters made up their mind to choose the possibility of happiness.

"I hope you never forget. Lisso said she loved Latina. And me and Mov, we love you so much."

Even to Smaragdi's words, Platinum did not respond very well now. It won't even be possible. Her wounds are too big.

Smaragdi slowly walked out, holding his daughter up like a baby and unable to leave her, to her father, who was the only one capable of suffocating.

Some of Smaragudi's godchildren, along with their daughter, who would be sentenced to exile, showed their will to follow Smaragudi, who decided to leave the country.

It was Smaragdi himself who turned it down.

"I'd rather you give Mov and Frisos a hand in the future than we do"

To Aspida, one of them, a cleric and knowing about their family, Smaragdi entrusted him with the two things that would immediately remain.

"One or more, trustworthy, will be needed by Mov and Frisos.... because I can't help them anymore. Think of it as a will and I want you to hear it."

I thought it was a cowardly way of putting it, but Smaragdi smiled calmly to the end, holding the platinum as usual, leaving the temple behind.

What Smaragdi aspired to was a nation of human race.

We do not know where the families of the Two Demon Kings are lost in the land of the Demons (Vasilio). It's hard to know that on the outside.

(Plus... only rumors have arrived)

Vasilio, a clandestine state, was close to the core of his reign, so Smaragudi was able to get even a few rumors of other countries.

(I hear that in the neighboring Rabband country, there is now a "brave man" who is the demon king's counterpart... I want to protect this child from the "two demon kings" even to the slightest possibility)

There will be no reason for 'brave men' to reach out to young children of other races for salvation. Smaragdi is not that optimistic either. Even if it was still a little, I was going to hit my hand to protect my child as hard as I could.

One of them is that I taught Platinum the magic of recovery on my journey.

As part of the play, I have always taught how to handle and control magic. For a demonic people who can handle magic for all, it is something deeply rooted in life.

Still, teaching magic to young children who are not even ten yet is not the first thing.

Still, to let herself protect herself, Smaragdi taught her repeated chanting complaints.

Communicate a correct and beautiful spell formula, not a simple formula, so that you can manipulate all the magic. Attack magic and defense magic are difficult to use. If you were to run out of magic and faint in a pivotal situation, you would be putting yourself at greater risk.

During the journey, Smaragdi was only a decision because he was also aware of the 'ability' that Platinum possessed.

This kid was sensitive to 'harmfulness'.

It also played out during the journey, helping Smaragdi, who was never used to traveling. Platinum detected the location of the warcraft and distinguished the poisonous flora and fauna. It was Smaragdi himself who taught and raised her all sorts of things. It was possible to see that it was a rare and heterogeneous ability, as in the case of God's blessings.

"... right. Frisos wasn't the only one born with the prophecy to be king."

Smaragdi was enlightened with a sigh.

It wouldn't be "The One Demon King". I also know that it is currently the seat or buried of all the other demon kings.

But I'm sure this kid will be the Demon King again.

It is chosen for a destiny indicated by God and protected by destiny, to a being called the Demon King.

Then I'll spend all the time I have left to guide this girl.

Smaragdi's body, which was not of very strong quality, had become manifest everywhere during an unfamiliar long journey.

That's what called... the disease.

The disease will never heal with healing magic. Smaragdi chose to magically prolong his body, which was no longer functioning properly.

Even if it was not a fundamental solution, he continued to deceive his body, which he was forced to stop moving every day in order to be next to his daughter until the end. So by the time the end was near, Smaragdi himself had no idea what his disease was.

"It's okay. Latina. You will always be happy."

That way, I never showed my daughter a hard face.

"I still remember clearly the day you were born. There was a rainbow... a big beautiful rainbow. The rainbow crosses when God is watching the earth. You... you were born with God watching over you."

Spell the words of blessing.

This daughter spells out her wish caged words so she can be happy.

Don't let the end of despair turn you into a 'disaster,' like you wish to hate and destroy everything.

"So it's okay. You're supposed to be happy. It's good to be happy."

I pray to myself, who is called "The Instructor," that I only have the strength to lead me to the path of life.

"It's gonna be okay."

Still, I wanted to stay with you more.

Hide the pain with a smile, the remorse you can't do anything about. He knew full well that both his daughters and Mov could feel calm in their own calm grin.

In the deep woods. In the gap between the cut trees, I saw the sky.


The sigh leaked.

I'm not very faithful myself, but I thought this would be God's mercy.

I saw a rainbow.

This child is also watched by God's will at this moment when he releases his hand. I'm sure I'll be saved. Yes, I believed it.

"Look, there's a rainbow. You are protected by destiny."

So let's hope.

To a helpless self, though that's all I can do, let's wish this child happiness.

"Please, please. Happy."

Until the end.

"Me too, from now on, because I'm watching over the rainbow"

Sitting in front of her father, who stopped moving, the young girl fell on her way.

I didn't know what to do.

The sweet parents and the girl whose one crack of twins closer than anyone else was everything in the world, have lost everything.

I don't even know how to cry. Crying has no place on my side to comfort me.

I think it might be right for me to rot next to my father like this, too.

No one needs me anymore than I lost my family.


The last thing my father wished me was to be happy.

I don't know what to do. I don't think I can be happy. But denying it so was denying my favorite father's last wish.

So the girl stood up.

I decided to do my best for my father's last wish.

And... alone, the girl who kept trying...

She met him.

A young girl branded a sinner will fulfill an encounter that will be the beginning of it all.

That's how the story begins.

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