If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

The day before yesterday. land, mentor, dyed blue.

Frisos and Platinum.

The fact which was born first didn't really matter to the two of them. My parents were merciful of my two daughters without detention either.

The two of them, who spent more time looking at each other's faces than mirrors, didn't even seem to have much awareness of each other being different.

Koten. and Frisos sitting across from Platinum, who tilted his neck, leaning his neck as well, momentarily late. The two plays of imitating each other eventually announce a one-off end because they laugh out at the same time.

It was so adorable that I could theorize force, although it's probably a game that I don't even know what's fun except for the two of us, but for Smaragudi watching it, it naturally doesn't hurt to put it in his eyes anymore.


When they noticed, they held hands together as usual and looked up at Smaragdi.

Frisos and Platinum didn't seem to decide which way to start walking first because they are both curious. However, Frisos is a little more cautious, and Platinum seems more scared.

Every time we discover a difference that we haven't even noticed ourselves, our father, Smaragudi, loosens his serene expression more gently.




Smaragdi peeked into the paperwork he was spreading for work and the two sisters were strangely tilting their necks.

"I wonder if it's still hard for you guys."



In front of Smaragdi, who smiled bitterly, the two of them were twisting their necks.

The documents are lined with various symbol-like things, including complex ones. It was a letter used by them demons.

The letters of the Demon Clan are very elusive.

Each letter has a meaning, and by combination it also has a different meaning. One letter is not derived from sound and cannot be read unless one understands the meaning of each letter.

It was also said that the words of the demonic people were equivalent to the spell language that they spin when exercising magic, and that other races shaped the sway of magic that each word possessed, which they never saw.

"I'll tell you when you're a little older."

In young children who do not understand the meaning of more than some words, they do not even reach the stage of remembering the letters.

As a result, all in all, something called the age at which demons learn to write tends to be slow, but for them with a long life span, they were not much to hold back.

Still, Smaragdi wrote two 'letters' on blank paper.

The two letters contain parts of the same shape.

Like the dear children in front of me, they were very similar but different letters.

"This is Gold (Frisos), this is Platinum (Platinum)... Lisso and Latina, letters that mean two names."

Even Vasilio, with its abundant mineral resources, the rare precious metals' gold 'and' platinum ', from their colours, each letter contained the meanings' sun 'and' moon '.



"That's right. I mean your names."

"What about Mov?

"What about the rug?

The daughters, who were peeking into the written letters, mouthed separate names at the same time. He also smiles and is relieved that neither of us called his mother's name.

"My name is... like this. Here's Mov's name."

However, the two daughters looked dissatisfied at the same time as they preceded the letters' Cuimarugdi 'and' Purple (Mov) '.

Pussy. and the trick of inflating the cheeks a little is bad for the young sisters when they can do it at the same time, but they smile too much and the cheeks are really loose.

"What's wrong with you?



"Right. I don't like how our names don't resemble yours."

Smaragdi laughed bitterly after instantly reading his daughters' complaint. Gently stroke their heads.

"That's right. Because you're different from everyone else and you have a special relationship.... You guys look just like each other, but no. And both are dear children to us."

Smaragdi's words did not seem to be well understood by those who were still young. Still feel that the voice of a kind father is full of love for ourselves, eh? And laugh.

Gyu. And the two of them held each other at the same time to their favorite father.

I didn't think it would be the case if I was doing my job.

Still, they seemed to enjoy watching him behave, not getting in his way.

Even so, they greatly satisfy their curiosity about the way Smaragudi spells letters. Letters aligning on several scales were a sight that seemed as strange to them as' magic '.


"Little one."

Each one of them shares their thoughts and smiles.

Smaragdi, who felt her daughters gaze, also ran the pen further on the paperwork, including a little more nervousness than usual.

It's early to remember the letters, but putting my interested daughters on my own lap and Smaragdi taught me how to handle the pen was an impotent situation.

It was Platinum who held the pen well first.

"You're good, Latina"

To Smaragdi's praise, I look like I'm good at platinum.

Next to it, Frisos, who has repeatedly re-gripped his gizzard and pen, is a little, puffy. and swelled his cheeks.

These two look just like each other, or another excited to heat up their mastery for what one of them can do.

I think the father loosens his eyes, even if he hates losing a little, if it's good for each other.

"Lisso's almost there, too.... See, as it is now... yes, it is."


"Yeah. Lisso's good, too."

Her daughters, who run their pens thoughtfully on a slender, vastly spread paper, looked a little serious.

Apparently, be them, they imitate the look of the father they work for.

He looked so, so adorable that I couldn't help but flip the ink bottle right after this and we even stained ourselves with the blue black color.

The two people who panicked and cried out, with their hands dirty in the ink, came to hold Smaragdi, so his clothes also had blue bills peppered, but that's something that can't be done either.

"... so here are the bills for both of us. It looks really cute, so I thought I'd keep this to myself."

It was also Smaragudi's important 'job' to report to Mov after a day of official business that day on how they were both doing.

The two daughters, who stay up late and sleep easily, are breathing out of tune somewhere. Yet they both reminded me of the fact that they both breathe at the same time, not to mention the 'twins'.

"Hmm... if it's true, I should raise it... I'll take care of everything Smaragdi..."

"Because Mov's busy, he thinks I'm lucky to have this role around."

As Mov strokes Platinum's head, Platinum laughs with joy as she sleeps. Frisos next door laughed the same way if the happy mood of one crack conveyed it.

"You still have a little ink on your fingertips."

"I called the maid right away and she took me to the bathroom, but I think it's stained."

The only time Smaragdi would leave the two daughters perfectly to others was when they bathed. Being a man parent, he thinks he should draw a line there with his daughters.

We must also teach that heterosexuality has to be distanced to some extent because our daughters' love their father '.

He seemed sweet to his daughters at the bottom, and Smaragdi was tough on the part involved.

"It's also important to these kids that they fail."


I can feel the deep love I have as a mother for Mov, who smiled. The time spent together is limited, but the fact that she has a deep love for her own daughters was that Smaragdi also knew well.

Smile calmly and invite Mov.

The figure of Mov dyeing her cheeks slightly was that of a young female correspondence, in the temple, unknown to those who called her a princess and revered her.

Even though she was in a pattern as a child, there was still something novel in her tricks.

Sumaragudi held him over and Mov closed his eyes happily.

"Mov is working hard enough. I know that."

"... Smaragdi is really good at spoiling.... If these kids turn sweet, that must be caused by smaragdi"

"Sweetheart, there's nothing wrong with that. These kids look a lot like Mov, so they're hard-working. You need to be sweet."

All right, all right, have your daughters stroke around the corner like they always do, and Mov loosens his expression inadvertently.

In a time of calm happiness, he rubbed his cheeks against Smaragdi's chest in an attempt to forget everything and drown only now.

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