If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

The day before yesterday, Tan holds treasure in his arms over Wan, his mentor, and gold and silver.

It was only a few years after that that that an elderly epilogue gave the highest seat of the temple to Mov, a backward one.

By then, Smaragudi had started to visit Mov's private room, which was deep in the temple, even on the surface.

Demon tribes that do not have a form of marriage like the human race were commonly a form of wife-inquiring marriage if they became merely patterned to exchange children. Although women may or may not visit men, it is even more common for men to go to women, sometimes with maternal society as the main axis.

In the process, Mov was forced to slightly alter his perception of Smaragdi.

As someone to contract with her, the men who were giving her a name reacted quite badly to Smaragudi, no matter how much Mov himself chose. Rather than slander and harassment, some went into rather direct attacks.

He was a smallagudi who seemed calm and had no quarrel with others at all, but turned to fighting back with a smile on his face against those he saw as enemies of himself and Mov.

The opponent who gave him his natural low magic...

He who boasts of his own blood...

The self-consciousness of the grown men varied, but Smaragdi never bewitched anyone or badly.

Conscious that there was no mighty gift born, Smaragudi was not a man in line, having established himself only in line with what he possessed with his talents, through his efforts.

He returned objections containing perhaps poison, sometimes silencing them with the exercise of strength. Holding magic is the average coarseness, but Smaragdi, who gains delicate control, can make the most of the smallest power if he uses magic.

Moreover, the godchildren, who call him a master, are all those who have reached a fairly high place in magic. His connections inside and outside the temple, including his fellow educators, were highly influential.

Smaragdi, if he really pissed him off, was probably a dangerous person, not a little.

And when those who had manifested their hostility to Smaragudi were broken apart, Mov caged his children.

Full of moon, it was the twin daughters that Mov gave birth to.

Two children were born against the prophecy of 'becoming king' and against the throne of only one demon king who is empty. To that fact the men of the Temple swayed greatly.

It is a terribly simple argument if stuck, and which of the two daughters will be the 'king'.

The son of Mov, a candidate for the 'King', was to be raised behind the temple, in strict secrecy. Once upon a time, the "Two Demon Kings" will be raised to be more rigorous and less aware of their existence, based on past events in which the candidate child was murdered. Mov himself, being pregnant, had been taken into account, so that only the least was known, including bystanders.

"Either of you can be a 'king'. As long as you grow up healthy."

In a quiet room unrelated to such noise, Smaragdi was face-to-face with my newborn child.

Wiping the sweat on Mov's forehead that could lie in puerperium, Smaragdi smiled calmly. Mov rubs his cheeks against his palms to sweeten to a gentle sound that appeases the listener.

"I can't believe we're both here... even though I thought about it, I wasn't there..."

"Even if they call me a princess witch who sees everything, there are things Mov doesn't even know... well done"

"Yeah...... good luck"

"Thank you, Mov. I never thought I'd get two pretty daughters."

To a frank word of gratitude, Mov's expression loosens.

Think about parenting you're unfamiliar with, and I can't imagine it being two at once. Well, seeing my daughters sleep peacefully alongside each other easily makes me feel like I don't have to think about that kind of struggle.

"My hair is the same color as mine... although the corners are tiny, they have the same shape as Mov properly"

"Not long after I was born, I heard the horns were soft too...... they really were and I was surprised"

"Touching it hard is so scary... you inherited my color too the color of the corners... this way I feel really strange. I'm really your father..."

I also make sure my daughters tiny fingertips have proper little nails and break my expression in a way that looks familiar.

Muggles, one daughter moves her lips. Smaragdi was overwhelmed by the fact that one beat late and the other made the same move.

He was a smallagudi tied to Mov in that he couldn't say enough that he had intense romantic feelings, but now that he got two daughters this way, he was in a different mood again.

The feeling of loving my daughters is more than I had imagined before I was born, and I am filled with emotions that cannot be expressed solely by thanking Mov for successfully fulfilling this great role.

"Thanks, Mov"

The mother of the new America narrowed her eyes with joy when she was stroked in the head by Smaragdi, who again gave me the words of labor, saying that it was her only privilege to sweeten now.

When they were just born, they were two daughters of melons who couldn't even tell, but eventually when they opened their eyes, they could see that the colors were different.

"Golden Eyes... Is it good to assume that this is not hereditary, but that the magical traits came out just like Mov's...?

"Probably... I heard that parents and children don't have the same magic traits..."

"This one's gray. My family has a lot of green eyes... maybe gray is the original color of Mov's blood muscles."

When I let Puppy's daughter touch her fingertips, I grasp them. When the look is adorable, Smaragudi loosens his expression and repeatedly lets his daughter grab his fingertips.

Just to be somewhat uninteresting, Mov sat back rubbing next to Smaragdi, holding her golden-eyed daughter.

"What do we do with the name?

"Doesn't" Temple "say anything?

"I won't let anyone complain about a father giving his child a name"

"Mov's a lot stronger than he used to be, too."

Smaragdi laughed ridiculously, softly turning his gaze to the universe as he felt his daughter pluck.

"Gold (Frisos) and silver (Asimi) … No, platinum (Platinum) rather than silver (Asimi) …"

Eventually it was those two words that Smaragdi muttered.

"Frisos and Platinum...... how about this?

"If it's what Smaragdi decided for me, I'm good with it"

"I also wanted to hear Mov's opinion properly..."

Smiling bitterly at how Mov was doing, I assured him, Smaragdi reached out to the daughter Mov held. Gently, stroke platinum hair that is the same as you, but much softer than you.


And then he turned his gaze to his daughter, who was still at his fingertips.


Very tiny, irreplaceable daughters of my own.

"Though I am an unreliable father... thank you very much from now on"

By the end of what was promised, he smiled, wondering what he could leave these children.

Instead, I didn't need a lot of time to think that I would hang on to my life for these kids.

Although it is a lean mov, its body only served as a mother had increased its "song" so that it could serve as a breastfeeder.

- - but the amount and time of being sucked doubled because my two children were born.

Day by day, Mov was terrified that everything would be sucked away. Smaragudi was starting to live in the back of the temple to raise a child who had twice as much difficulty as he had expected, not laughing calmly at her.

If time is limited, I have wanted to spend some time with my children for a little longer.

Yes, my daughters were so cute that Smaragdi couldn't help but think.

Frisos was the one whose neck sat first and who was able to sit well. Platinum was able to do it a little late, but he often rolled the cologne. It is on the futon and there should be no pain, but you are surprised or you cry out loud after blinking your gray eyes.

It was caught by such platinum that Frisos cried out, and Frisos rolled on his back with Cologne on the clap he cried.

"It's a cheerful cry. You're both fine."

"... eh"

Smaragdi hugs Frisos with his cryless daughter in front of him, his awkward and silent right and left mov on his ass, and flashes in a way he is used to pompous. I deposited a little calm Frisos with Mov, and now I started flashing platinum.

"... why would Smaragdi stop crying so easily...?

"I don't know why."

Turning bitterly to Mov, who thinks with a frown root, Smaragdi lowers his eyeballs to the look of Platinum reaching for his horns just because he has already stopped crying and gained new interest.


You're in a good mood, Latina.


"Is Lisso coming to me too?

Out of Mov's arms, Smaragdi held his daughters with each arm, loosening his expression to his daughter, who extended his arm toward him.

My daughters look at each other in his arms, and they give me a good, upbeat voice.

"... since you two are watching me, it's okay for Mov to return to his official duties."


Smaragdi had feelings that resembled a little superiority in the way Mov looked a little lonely.

"Both Latina and Lisso have been working hard on Mov... I'm waiting for Mov to finish his job."

Smaragdi knew right away that this new American mother was a little lonely for her daughters to monopolize her sweet opponents.


"Huh? Already?"

"Mov, Latina and Lisso called you Mov's name... what about me, both of you?




And yet for some reason, his daughters were shocked by the fact that they both remembered first the mother's name "Mov" rather than "Rag".

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