"Truth is, you can't ever, you can't"

Rita, with Willow eyebrows upside down and hands on her hips, gives Dale and Latina a voice in unchanged shape.

It would be more than "Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion" that the information was aggregated, it would be understandable to know that Latina is Vasuilio's king sister and that Dale is considered a state-scale hero.

Still, Rita greeted them with a 'no change' appearance.

It can also be said that they showed that they were to be treated as individuals: Latina and Dale, not as symbols such as Sister Wang or the brave.

Once after this place, Dale told Rita to "come home because I'm waiting". I thought you were going to do that.

So Dale said something amazing to himself.




"... eh"

Dale tells Rita to her opponents that these things are rarely honest. Rita looks more embarrassed when she is told, after being taken aback.

"Thanks.... I'm home"

"Really... I'm back, it's good.... Welcome home"

I didn't touch Rita's voice jammed, and Dale, he just laughed. No evil, no light, I could honestly laugh.

"Latina always said she shouldn't be here on her own."

Like a childhood novel, Rita tells Latina.

Without even letting it out for a bite, such as how hard it was. Like I said, there was no blank time.

"When I go out, I say where I'm going right. It was a promise, wasn't it?... worry, you will..."

"Yeah...... sorry Rita"

Unlike Dale, Latina couldn't seem to laugh.

He is overflowing with puffy, large tears, shaking his shoulders. Still pointing her crying face firmly at Rita, Latina made her smile.

"I'm home. I've been away a long time, and I'm sorry"

"Welcome home, Latina"

I can say "I'm home" because someone will welcome me home.

Finally, they came back to the 'place' they wanted to come back to.


Until the end of Rita's novel, Theo, who had been caught by Kennis, rushed over with cheer.

To Theo's appearance, which grew bigger than he remembered, Latina overflowed her tears even more, perceiving the time she could not spend with him.

"Hey, you're a crybaby."

Theo grinned with a troubled face and hugged Latina all the time. When it smells soft and good, Dale buries his face happily on Latina's chest, which he praises on a daily basis.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Theo..."

"I'm not sorry, am I?

"... I'm home, Theo"

"Welcome home, hey"

I couldn't stop Latina from crying when my little disciple told me this.

Latina, trying to stick with Theo, began to cry in earnest.

Next to Rita, who cries like she's been caught, there's Kenneth at some point.

A temperamental Rita lends her own breasts to her wife so she doesn't have to be seen around her crying face. At Kenneth's feet, a little toddler looked at her sobbing mother and Latina with a decent face.

"... when you have children, you know exactly what time has passed"


Kenneth also laughs quietly and holds up her own daughter with one hand, walking quietly. The girl with the same color hair as her father is a toddler who, on the day Dale traveled from here, was still an unbound baby with no words.

"Well, I did it anyway, so it would be good"

That's how Kenneth tells the "disciple" the whole point. Dale also distorted his mouth and smiled back.

"... I'm home"

"Oh. Well done on getting home safely"

Latina looks up when she notices the two voices.

Confirming Kenneth's appearance, he stood up desperately, crying.

"I'm home."

"Oh. You've got a lot of work to do. You're gonna try again, aren't you?... Welcome home, Latina"

Seeing a father like that, a young Emma speaks out imitating her parents and brother.

"Are you a pussy?

"I'm home, Emma"

Good to be back, glad I didn't have to lose it - - Latina was feeling full of happiness that she was finally back in a warm and dear place.

Without needing to be publicized again, the story of Latina and Dale returning spread to 'where they need to be' all over Kreutz.

It is the work of an organization in Kreutz, refined with precision by emergency situations. I even felt terrified.

If it was just "spread out," some of you would want to see the hero of the Redemption, the "Platinum Brave." But none of those wild horses showed up.

I also felt a willingness to deliberately spread the two names "Platinum Brave Men". Whatever the usual dail is, it has a plain appearance: a black coat on dark hair all around the brown. Far from 'platinum'.

And to the people who know the facts, the two names of "The Brave Men of Platinum" are also perceived as different from the world. At the same time, we know that it is not an alias because it is wrapped in platinum armor, but an unfortunate alias for a fact that it works only for a platinum girl.

In the backyard of "Tiger Cat Pavilion," there were more wonkos playing with Theo in two. That's not a phantom beast or anything, it's a "dog."

Our dog said, "If it's a fluent, there's no way to do it." So it's "dog."

The adults were forced to swim their gaze at the same time, but they had finished the mouth-to-mouth matching pushed with "Dog No Matter Who Says".

It was Chloe who rushed to the Tiger Cat Pavilion before any of the regular guests heard the news.

He must have left me on the way to work. Several pins are fastened to the hem of the everyday piece. Chloe, disturbed by her breath, was hugging a big cushion for some reason.


"... this... eh"

Confirming Latina's appearance, Chloe wields the cushion she was holding over her.


Pussy, I shook the cushion down on Latina's head.


Pampered, the beating by the cushion went on.

Apparently, for this reason, he brought a bruising weapon (cushion).

"Really, really stupid! Also, bother yourself, run alone on your own!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Chloe!

"I always say so much about those who worry, think!

The spacing of beatings caused by cushions is narrowed. The pussy was spaced to the point of puffiness.

"Ridiculous! If I repeat myself when I reflect, it doesn't make sense! Really stupid!"

"Sorry, sorry"

Still, Latina didn't try to escape Chloe's attack. It will remain Chloe's beating, but it will remain a trick to shelter her head.



Finally, when Chloe hit the cushion full of force, Latina sounded surprised at the boulder.

But shortly afterwards, Chloe holds me tight.

I can't see my face. Still, her best friend's shoulder in sight was trembling, and Latina, herself seeping tears again.


"Sorry, Chloe..."

I have one who worried me.

If I told you that I was so happy, you'd be mad at this best friend again, not to take it for granted.

So without saying anything, Latina just hugged her best friend.

I stayed put until Chloe stopped crying.

"I'm home, Chloe"

"... Welcome home. It's too late to come home...... baccaratina......"

The voice of my plundered best friend contained a gentle sound, even though it was a cursing word.

Today's "Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion" became a matter for customers to push on, beyond words of full gratitude.

"This is impossible to take both accounting and ordering."

"It's okay. Because Dale will pay for everything for today."

"Right. Okay, then."

"You guys are still cool with me"

The couple at "Tiger Cat Pavilion" decide, yes, that today the liquor and food will be rude to pay for Dale (sponsor). Dale saw such a couple with half eyes.

"There will be two rewards out of the country."

"You can decide that on your own without me..."

Dale's words that he tried to complain about were:

"Kennis, Rita. I'll pay for everyone today. I want to thank you for worrying about me."

"You're making Latina pay!?

Latina pinched her mouth, which turned her around lightly.

Dale doesn't really hate it either. Dale's purse, which worked all over Labor for Latina and Lower Town, doesn't hurt if he rents out a tavern overnight or anywhere else.

Latina carries the dishes that Kenneth cooks one after the other with both hands. The store, filled with guests, was difficult to even move around, but she went dangerously to arrange a plate of grand festivities on an empty table.

"Lady, it's a knob over here too!

"Yes, wait a minute"

Answer with a bright voice, grabbing an empty plate in sight and laying it on top of each other. To Latina, who turned her heels back to lower them, the surrounding guests created a gap and cooperated.



And the voice flies from the other side. Every time she was called by her first name, she smiled with heartfelt joy and turned to respond well.

"Yes, I'll be right there."

It's not that I don't want to hear about the long absence period.

Still, everyone, now, was just biting that bright smiling girl came back to this place.

"Latina, your next pinch is up."


Kenneth's voice, stretched out in the kitchen, also sounds fun.

Latina, who returned to the kitchen in light footsteps, placed an empty dish in the washroom to receive the newly completed dish.

Kenneth's eyes dropped naturally to such a Latina figure.

This would be the first time I've been so busy since this store opened. But it's not painful.

Besides, in front of a girl who looks like she's having so much fun, there's no reason for the owner to look sorry for herself. The feeling that such thoughts occupied my chest was also a long time ago.

Rita was even pouring alcohol.

I had released some barrels so that I could drink them on my own, but that alone seemed unsatisfactory to me.

Arrange new liquor bottles from the back as you calculate stock and amount in your head.

"Latina! Sorry, help me get the new barrel out!

"Yeah, okay!

Carry out the barrel of refills before the drunkards complain. It's too heavy to move in Rita. Latina also used magic and let her carry it inside the store without difficulty.

"Thank you, Latina"


Rita's words of gratitude return with a smile that just shows. Rita had a grin and a gentle grin, as she responded accordingly.

Dale was watching.

Everyone has a tender look and laughs, mainly at Latina.

Just as I once was, she has the power to heal and smile all around her.

And Latina in the center, she seemed happy, too.

Well, that would be nice.

I shrugged in my heart and drank out the cup in my hand.


"Are you all right? Don't push it."

"It's okay. I'm busy, but it's fun."

Just for a moment, in anticipation of when her hands were free, Latina rushed over to Dale's. An engagement bracelet fitted to my wrist glows the moment I lift my hair.

Dale smiles and drops his mouth on the cheek of a woman more important than anyone else. If I hadn't fastened and placed it on my cheek or so, I wouldn't be able to stop, so now I just had to put up with it.



At that time, Dale tilted his neck because the bard had widened his business tools, even though it was supposed to be a treat in this store. The surroundings are watching without blaming it either.

Eventually, it was the newest hero, Tan (Saga).

"Bad taste..."

Latina has a face that she doesn't quite understand against Dale, who has a deep wrinkle between her brows.

"The Brave Man" defeats many obstacles and defeats even the evil Demon King in order to recover the taken "Fairy Princess" - a likely hero Tan (saga) everywhere. It would be nice if you didn't think deeply and listened.

Dale deluded himself by thinking that way of the urge to flip the tables around him as he rolled around.

"But, well, okay"


Dale laughed, holding Latina, who tilted her neck strangely, in her arms.

"The end of these stories (saga) is more or less" I lived happily ever after. "

"Stories are better for happy endings."


I don't know too well, but Latina smiled and answered, too.

The flowing hero Tan (Saga) welcomes the climax and "The Brave" is reunited safely with his beloved princess.

Even when the day comes when this song (...) will be made, it must be a happy story.

"Never, never, never, never be happy."

To the whispering Dale, Latina answered, floating a slightly shy colour.

"If you're with Dale, I'm always happy, right?

"Well, I hope we stay together all the time"


"Thus, the heart-tender 'Fairy Princess' lived happily ever after with her beloved 'Brave'"

When the investigation of the hero Tan (saga) was so tightened up, the two smiled happily and, like the mouth of a vow, looked at each other's lips.

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