To Dale's now whimsical confession, Latina looked at Dale's face silently for a while. Though I was hearing from Rose, surprise is still not the main thing in line.

"Uh, Latina?


"Are you all right?


Latina, finally restarted after Dale spoke to her, pussy. And I pulled out my shoulders with the momentum to make a noise.

"Rose, I heard that Dale is the brave one."


If you ask me, it's not like I was stopping him, so Dale thought again if that was the case. Rather, I think what Latina has never known before now is more astonishing.

"Rose, I couldn't ask you... are you okay being a Demon?

"Maybe that's more information Latina should know than I do?

The boulder Dale, too, had to be perplexed. Latina is once a Demon King to herself.

Surely she said herself, 'The Demon King can know a part of the backbone of the world'.

"Huh?... Ah. Speaking of which, yes..."

Latina, who had renounced to use her favor as her 'demon king', was completely oblivious to her ability to do so.

"Well... since you are the Eight Demon Kings... and you don't conflict with the existence of a demon king named the Brave One, I was told it must have been established."

"Oh well..."

Latina, who snorts as far as completion, still has no shards of the 'Demon King' appearance.

"I knew I had to be firmer."

Reflectively "Latina is good as it is," Dale, who almost answered so clearly, managed to swallow the word.

How dare Latina snort with a serious face think she's cute. It is another kind of conditional reflex.

However, I succeeded in staying in saying that I had withdrawn the foreword that I had decided to treat her as an adult.

I sweat inside, wondering which one needs to grow.


"No... I really thought Latina had grown up."


She was told shortly after she deplored her immaturity, and Latina tilted her neck a little.

"I need to get it right, too."

"Dale's not an adult enough anymore?


Leaving aside the fact that I treat Latina as a reciprocal companion, or seeing her as the only 'Demon King' for me, I still want to be the one she can rely on.

It is an insistence as a man, and an inalienable place.

But this is how we can be together again.

"From now on, let's do it right"


Even if we overlap our failures, I hope we can both talk about that one day.

That's what I thought and we held each other's hands.

Dale and I were Latina who talked that way, but after dinner we visited Frisos' private room by ourselves.

Once at an early age, it's not the room we lived in together.

It is a superior room that feels authoritative as a king. However, it was a cramped space where there was no such thing as perfect privacy because samurai and escorts were constantly refraining from being in the next room.

"I can't believe you're using 'Western Continental' in front of Frisos... that sounds kind of weird"

"Not really, is that what you don't want others to hear? Some things are understandable with one word, but few can solve everything. It would be a good place to keep it to yourself."

Frisos, with a slightly pranky look on his face, narrowed his eyes and included Latina's brewed tea in his mouth.

Originally, preparing tea was also a job for the samurai. However, Latina, who wanted to make time for two, succeeded in lowering the maid on the grounds of tea from the Larbando country, which Sylvia had divided. In Vasuilio and Larband countries, tea utensils were used differently and tea leaves were handled differently.

Neither did Frisos, whom Latina had spoken to herself and perceived to be doing so, particularly to control it.

"It will be necessary for those in my country to learn the language in order to start a national relationship with the Rabband Nation."

"The words of the devil tribe cannot be pronounced without aptitude by one of the other races..."

The criterion for determining whether magic can be handled is whether the word, also known as' spell language ', can be pronounced. It is fundamentally impossible to deal with the words of the Satanic people to those who are not fit.

However, the languages of other people could be handled simply by learning them.

"... So, what's up, Platinum?

"I couldn't ask Dale..."

Latina, who told her to squeal, stared into the tea vessel she would put in her own hands. In the pale brown waters, my depressed face self looked at me.

"Did Frisos know? Dale said..." The Brave One. "


He was a little silent Frisos, but he didn't feel like lying to his twin sister, so he immediately let him affirm it.

"Right. After sealing the platinum...... without setting aside, a presence appeared to bury the 'Demon King'. From the rest of the standpoint, I didn't know whose fault it was... but I knew it right away with the Sylvias."


"There was a 'brave man' beside Platinum. That's what's driving the Demon King around with an unlikely momentum. After hearing about their relationship, you could have guessed that they would have made the" brave man "a member of their family..."

"Oh well..."

"The reason Platinum said she couldn't go home to the rest of us is because of him."

Pugh. And Frisos, who became somewhere swollen, was still somewhere similar to Latina.

Latina loosened her expression to that trick of Frisos just a little bit and turned her gaze down again.

"After all... defeated the 'Demon King'... is that Dale?

Hesitating to come up with the word 'killed', Latina clouded the word.

Frisos replied with a flat voice after sighing in his heart about his sister's condition.


"How the 'Throne' looks... as you can see from that look... Dale takes all the other demon kings...?

"... now I can't help denying it"

To the satire of his sister, not even willing to lie, Frisos replied.

Latina's expression becomes bitter.

"It's... it's my fault"

It was something I was guessing when I heard stories from around me, but Frisos thought again. Latina is growing up leaving behind her gentle and honest childhood nature. It was a fact of relief and happiness.

It was because Latina, who had been banished from this country and had lost her father, still seemed to be a healthy and secure proof that she was getting older.

""... I guess I should thank that man. ""


"No, it's nothing"

The little whine Frisos emitted didn't even reach Latina, apparently. I'm relieved about that. The fact that I made a sweet statement to that unfortunate brave man could not be noticed by anyone because my sister was important.

"... Platinum is still not going to be the One Demon King."


Smile small and Frisos meets Latina in the eye.

"There's nothing to worry about, Platinum."


Those other than the Demon King, known as the 'Calamity', have no blame but to be killed. They were killed irrationally, and their families and people, whom their demon king had guarded, were also made unhappy.

Once again Frisos laughed small at how Latina was on the face with her inner monologues such as - even if she told me she didn't have to be sick about it.

"The other (...) 'Demon King'... tried to harm 'God', even though he was inferior. What do you call it without calling it 'sin'?


"What happened by it is, if you say so, 'Divine Punishment'... being pardoned to line up 'Demon King' (...) is because only the 'brave' against the existence (...)"

That was the reason laid down by the Seven Colored God, the world itself, at the top.

Frisos laughed slightly and stroked his sister's head. I was comforting my sweet twin sister by imitating her parents' tricks, which were in motion as they were at an early age. I am slightly surprised and at the same time relieved that such a trick is coming out of me.

"It is not possible for the Demon King to harm the Demon King. Because they are in the same row. But that's 'not forgiven'. It's the right thing to do with the right tail."

Among the only 'demon kings', Latina, the 'Eight Demon Kings', was forgiven for interfering with other demon kings. It was natural because it occurs in the nature of 'taking control of the Demon King'.

It is possible for the Demon King to destroy the other Demon Kings, just as the Two Demon Kings once killed the One Demon King. But at the same time, it was irregular for the 'world'.

If it is destroyed, it is likewise more likely to be destroyed.

It was a woman who taught it to Frisos, called a rare priest, who had unprecedented power in the history of the demonic people: "Purple (Mov)" - with the name of the colour of God.

At the time of the conversation, I didn't know what the details meant.

Looking back now, I was finally able to see it.

"So to speak, karma. I don't need to worry about it more. This is a natural consequence."

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