If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

Youth, know what you're doing on the back. [incomprehensible]

I'm not going to let Latina go. Heading to Dale, Rose didn't break her smile.

"Dear Dale,"

"Long time no see...... Rose. You were coming to Vasilio."

I'll tell you about it, including that.


So silence fell.

Rose smiled unchanged and watched Dale.

Whatever Dale tries to pierce the insensitivity, Latina also tries to grate the wolf into the dew.

"Dear Dale,"


"How many fiancées, though, are they too intimate?

"Nothing, it's normal."

Rose's smile is unwavering. That's why Latina's wolf grew fierce. The boulder Dale also sweated.

"Dear Dale,"

My voice is never tough either. It's kind and quiet like a rose. Yet it makes me feel strangely ill-seated.

"... what the hell"

"By order of His Excellency the Duke, I have come here. At the same time, we have deposited a letter addressed to Dear Dale."

"To me... from Your Excellency?

"No. You think it's from Master Dale's hometown? I know what it is."

"From Tissue...?

"In my name, I ask you to come to a meeting with His Majesty the One Demon King."

To Rose's words, Dale pounded his tongue and finally put his expression back into something decent.

"A woman... how far did you know?

"I don't know that far. I myself was barely informed of anything until I got here."

To his response to Rose, while he regained his composure, Dale nevertheless did not loosen his arm holding Latina.

Latina gently touched that arm of Dale.


"... I don't want to, I don't"

"Yeah...... I'm sorry I'm gone on my own"

To Dale, who said in a flat voice, Latina felt the tears that seemed to zero again.

"So just let go for a second... because I'll dress up to get out of the room to be with Dale"

"If you don't, no, are you?

"You know... I... don't really know how to wear Vasuglio's clothes..."

In response to Latina, Dale turned into a slightly distracted face.

"When I was a kid, it was an easy piece... I didn't really know how to wear Frisos' clothes right now... I couldn't do it alone..."

Vasuglio's clothing, which is built with an emphasis on good ventilation, is very different from those of the Larbando countries. Little has been seen, and it is difficult at first glance to see how loose clothing is fastened.

Until now, Latina, who had even had difficulty with what was happening, had spent all her time in the care of the samurai, long after she came to Vasilio.

I don't remember one thing right now about what was going on.

"... right"

Dale smiles bitterly, looks back to normal and Latina relieves herself a little.

"So just hold on, hold on"

"Just a little...?

"Yeah. Just a little bit"

To the repeated words of Latina, Dale finally loosened his arm. Latina pretended not to notice Dale's unwieldy behavior as if she were forced to pull it off.

Every time I saw Dale's tricks like that, my chest got painful.

I can't breathe well. To avoid being distracted by it, Latina smiled.

"So... we're going right back, right?


Following Frisos, who walked out, Latina smiles and drops off Dale, even more cautious, just before Rose and the others chase him out of the room.

When Dale was invisible, Latina fell flat on her bedside and breathed bitterly.

Latina's body is not in good shape yet. It's been a long time since I've been up this long, and I'm already exhausted and my whole body is careless.

But the only reason it's so painful right now wasn't because of such physical malaise.

"Phew... yek... eh"

Pompous and tears that I have ever enjoyed.

Even in this short time, I knew how much I had tormented Dale.

I just wanted to protect you, but I couldn't do it well.

(... I knew. I knew I was going to suffer Dale... but I...)

Wipe your tears with the back of your hand and get up.

You can't be crying like this all the time.

"" "The Princess of Platinum" … ""

"" It's okay. Never mind. ""

Answering the samurai who had her clothes ready, Latina began to change with her hands.

I can't keep Dale waiting any longer.

You can't torment him any more.

(I... I wonder what would have been right...)

The answer to the question of tightening his chest was still unlikely.

The room where Frisos took Dale and Rose was not between the sight of Dale and his earlier engagement.

As for the culture of the demonic people, it was a 'superior' room, but from the cultural area of the Larband country, it was a very qualitative and decorative room.

A bench-like rectangular chair was provided with the wall on its back, lined with a rectangular table made of stone in front of it and a chair with a low back.

At first glance it was a simple piece of furniture, but if you look closely, the leg part is sculpted.

Fu Dale realised that there was, and shrugged with a surprised face.

"This stone... that's unusual"

To Dale sliding his hand on the table, Frisos sighed, all the more so.

You know what I mean?

"Are you making it by sharpening out crystals?... When it comes to something this big, it's pretty good, right?

"Vasuglio has many lands with harsh climates and unsuitable for farming."

Frisos tells me that, with that said, the streets of Vasuilio, seen from the air, recall that there were also many stone things.

Frisos sat back on his bench and recommended his front chair to Dale. Then let Rose sit in the same line of chairs as Dale.

"Vasuilio seeks national relations with the nation of the human race, the Larbando country"

That was something that Dale also heard from Gregor.

"With the actions of these 'catastrophes', mistrust in the whole 'Demon Nation' will increase. The rest of us must protect our compatriots as the ones who lead the people."

The Devil tribe is known only to other people for their long, closed time, biased knowledge. Vasuilio's leadership made the decision, beginning with Frisos, that the prejudice that would result from it could lead to future persecution of the entire race called the 'Demon Nation'.

For Vasuilio, the nearest nation was the Larband country, and his country played a major role in this' disaster '.

It would be easier to work for other countries if they were accepted by Larband countries.

This was one good opportunity, and Frisos sent a messenger to the Larband country.

"The Duke sent me to Vasilio to adjust. A lot of it was classified, so I found out about it myself when I got here."

To Rose, who said so, Dale asked.

"Rose, even in the aristocratic class, is not a diplomat, is she? Why did you take Rose...?

"Because I was the most brilliant 'magician' of all the people your Excellency could move instantly. Ability to use magic is the lowest condition. And those like me who call themselves magicians must understand the meaning of language."


The language used by the Demons as their mother tongue is the same as the spell language used when using magic.

But some things were hard to say that all those who could use magic understood the meaning and grammar of words. Excellent magicians, however, excelled in the magic language in order to manipulate magic on an ad hoc basis.

He also sent a hermine-like sorcerer to the escort, including Rose, because, in terms of language, it was necessary for the apostles to the kingdom of the demons.

"Being a woman, having regard to His Majesty the 'One Demon King' who can be revealed in the Queen. Furthermore, your knowledge of Mr. Latina is why you offered me this role."


To Rose's words, Dale became a disgruntled face.

"Why, Latina?

"I am surprised that Master Dale did not know. It was Kreutz's" Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion "that told His Excellency that there was a blood connection between the" King of Gold "and Mr. Latina."


Rose repeated cautiously to Dale, who was even more distracted.

"Probably the most detailed information about Vasuglio in the current Larband is the Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion."

"... what?

It was the moment Dale found out, in his depository stranger, that the faces of The Tiger Cat Pavilion were leaping.

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