Frisos and Latina when they were young, that was where they did everything together.

Every day hidden behind the temple and only in contact with a limited number of people you can trust. For the sisters, whose narrow little world was everything, there was no substitute for one another, who had been together since before they became mindful.

So Frisos did all he could to be king.

I worked hard to get my twin sister back, who could only be protected by exile, and now it's up to me to protect her on my own.

"Vasilio doesn't even know where the families of the Two Demon Kings are dispersed. I thought that's why I let Platinum escape to the land of the less demonic human race... the rest can stand out and lay down their lives in the subordination after taking office as the 'One Demon King'. There was nothing else I could do to guide Platinum."

Frisos' words contained an indelible amount of thoughts about Latina.

"Latina... why are you here?

From next to herself, Latina disappeared abruptly. Dale asked Frisos when he finally got to the first question he should have.

"Platinum..." The Eight Demon Kings "was sealed by a curse consisting of all demon kings"

Frisos answering Dale, and gave a subtle look.

I really think these sisters look alike when you look at them like that.

"Platinum said the seal was slightly broken... and seemed to have escaped on its own"

"... is that what you can do?

"It's impossible."

Somewhere Frisos replied flashly, but noticed Dale's strange expression, which made him look even more subtle.

"... Platinum, what... have you been doing?

"No... Latina, I don't know if that's the case..."


"All this time... I've been watching Latina... but I haven't been surprised..."

Apparently, even from her real sister (Frisos), Latina is acting out of standard.

Between "Parents of Growth (Dale)" and "Sister of the fruit (Frisos)," I felt something fit together.

"Nevertheless, the curse that binds the platinum has not been completely broken"

Frisos inherited that word.

"Platinum is in a very precarious state right now. The platinum is still strong and hard to keep stable."

Frisos then smiled with a caged relief.

"It was fortunate that the rest and platinum were 'unlimited similarities'. It would have been impossible to be someone else. Platinum would have been unconscious...... I'm so glad you came to the rest"

Though Frisos was good at manipulating his power as the last seat of God, he could not originally represent the lost power of others.

But Frisos realized that Latina and herself were different from the other Demon Kings.

In the space of the Throne, which only the Demon King can recognize, no other Demon King could be seen, even if he could feel his presence.

And yet Frisos and Latina were able to 'see' each other.

There is no need to think about how unlikely it is that twins, which are rare and rare to be born in the Demon Nation, will become Demon Kings together.

I guess we are unprecedented.

Deep reasons, etc., didn't matter.

The only compatriot who can save her.

"For the rest, Platinum chose to love Platinum so much"

Suddenly Frisos told me that, and Dale was in a heartfelt hurry.

I never swelled my cheeks like Latina, but my staring golden eyes made me feel restless.

"The rest say you can't go home, etc."

"La...... latina."

Dale was happy, not somewhere, but tightened his face to the fullest because Frisos was going to look even more impressed.

"Unforgivable, such as taking platinum from the rest"

"I don't care if you say that..."

That's what Dale said, he remembered what he once heard.

"Demons" don't have the habit of "marriage."

How did you tell Frisos in front of you that Latina would be with you because she would marry herself? Even if it was told, could Frisos understand it?

Neither would the demons know very little about the habits of the human race, just as the human race knows very little about the habits of the demons.

Frisos, with his grumpy eyes on Dale, reminds her of a cat with a hair upside down, wondering if she would ever be deprived of her beloved sister Princess (...).

Somehow, that kind of atmosphere was similar to Latina's.

In that way, to find a resemblance to Latina, Dale completely forgot to fix himself up against Frisos, the king of one country for the first time.

Even now, considering that he poked his sword at it and cut it, Dale is inherently a man who can be polite according to the occasion.

Yet it was evidence that he was naturally relaxing to his Frisos opponents, who resembled Latina, who treated the vegetables themselves.

"Can't you unseal Latina?

Dale turned his doubts to Frisos.

"The seal was built under" The Certification of All Demon Kings ""

Frisos continues to gently stroke Latina's head as she answers.

"For the rest, I waited for them to discuss' Demon King 'other than us."

Frisos smiling so slightly peeked at the ruthlessness not found in Latina.

"The only" Demon King "that exists now is the rest and Platinum"

That cold, unlike Latina, makes you feel like you don't want to make sacrifices for your own purposes.

I felt convinced that the king's credentials of "One Demon King" were not those obtained by Latina, but by Frisos.

And the same kind of thing was what Dale also had.

"It may be difficult to solve everything. But the rest is the first" One Demon King "of Reason. And the Platinum ends outside of reason," The Eight Demon Kings "... and with the help of both of us, we can degenerate the curse."

"... you waited for me to eliminate the other demon kings"

"At the very least, without the" Two Demon Kings "being drained, neither Yu Himself nor Platinum can be on the table. It is not usually possible to confront 'calamity' as easily as they do."

Frisos sighed in dismay.

"Like Platinum, with 'the brave' as his family… such as giving him great power… such means of confrontation are not inherently available"


Frisos looks surprised at Dale's voice, which came out unexpectedly.

"What's up?


So Dale himself, he realized.

(Latina... I'm the brave one... I don't know...)

Not only that, but that natural daughter may not even realize that Dale is more powerful than her normal family.

I kind of got a weird sweat thinking I should tell Frisos that.

"... to discuss the modern 'two demon kings', the rest... this country has made many sacrifices. I don't care how much for my loving platinum... that's all I had to do for future generations."

Dale remembers a demon king who looked childish and adorable.

I was able to overwhelm myself because I am now, but that was the result because I became a demon clan.

And under "Demon Nation," "Brave Men" does not exist.

When the Two Demon Kings set the Demon Nation as their target, there will be only other Demon Kings who can stop it.

Frisos seemed to be good at witchcraft, but Dale saw that he would be defeated if he were to fight the Two Demon Kings. Even from Dale's perspective, which is long enough for melee combat, that 'calamity' was so good at killing.

Frisos was in a position to fulfill Vasilio's grief from the time he was slaughtered his predecessor.

"There is no reason to miss that opportunity if 'the brave' will fulfill our grief"

"Is that what you mean..."

Having regained his calm, his head grasps the condition.

Now that I think about it, perhaps Gregor also understood the unnaturalness.

Shortly after the discussion of "The Two Demon Kings," the fact that Latina was to know she was here was also the result of coordinated information.

There is no way that His Excellency the Duke, Prime Minister of the Rabband Country, is involved in the serious matter of developing national relations with Vasuilio.

"... under" The Two Demon Kings, "I... met a high priest with purple hair"


Frisos responded to Dale's leaked words with a less emotional voice.

"The cleric... I (...)..."

"The rare witch princess, knowing everything, went to the 'two demon kings'"

Frisos, who opened his mouth to block Dale's words, was shaking his gold eyes slightly. Dale understands Frisos when he is good at hiding his emotions rather than not making them feel.

That was a huge difference, between Latina, who honestly reveals her emotions, and Frisos, who is forced to make a decision as the king of a nation.

"What else, if any unwavering power, would not have been necessary"

Mother (Mov) offered herself to protect my son (Frisos).

To give Frisos time to stand as king. Ahead of my desired future, to be a guide to the 'brave' who pays for the calamities that threaten my daughters (...).

"It was supposed to be the rest to be fulfilled. … for whom I am grateful"

In the golden eye, the membrane tenses thinly and the sway increases.

If she had a gray-eyed girlfriend, Frisos would have never shook her voice, even though she was about to overflow a large tear.

Still, it doesn't mean she doesn't have any emotions. Because Dale knew Latina well, he could perceive Frisos enduring his own emotions.

"He saved me."

In Frisos' words of forgiveness, Dale felt that what he had done was only a little rewarding.

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