The girl, who watched the exchange wagering life and death under her eyes as she enjoyed it even on the theatrical stage of the entertainment, looked back at the sound of the door opening.

Admitting the figure at the end of the door brings up the emotion of amazement in its adorable face. Occasionally, it was distorted by hatred.

"Mov...... eh"

Unlike the rest of his family, the demon king, who looked like a girl, imposed only minimal constraints on the purple witch (Mov).

It was to 'betray' myself to leave a surplus.

Unlike the constraints under which the Demon King binds his family, the 'covenant' has no coercion. That is because they are only promises made to each other.

"The Two Demon Kings" had made a deal with Mov.

That is that unless she betrays herself, 'her daughter' is in a non-interference position.

That's why the Demon King gave Mov 'freedom'. She betrays herself. Or if you wish to be free from restraint, you will be allowed to kill her beloved 'daughter'.

It was a much more heartbreaking game than just killing.

That came out the back.

And above all, I set fire to the wrath of the Demon King because I understood what 'the thing' meant.

"Such as insulting me..."

Mov, a high priest of the Purple God, betrayed himself and sent this man to himself. - - The only thing that sent this man here, other than Mov, couldn't be - is that if we send this man to herself, she won't be mourned for the existence she wants to protect.

It was a "prophecy" that this man could kill himself.

In an instant, he packs the distance and waves a two-way knife down towards the platinum-colored half-armed man.

"The Two Demon Kings" have also had small bodies and have preferred short length gains that are easy to handle. I preferred the product in my hand, which conveyed the feeling of severing my skin and bones.

Win in stature, adults and men have slaughtered.

I was confident I could kill them, even if the other person was a pair of beings set forth in "God": "The Brave One".

Long golden hair trajectories and follows gravity down fluttering. When he recognized the tall metal noise, the Demon King found out that his blow was prevented by a man's cage hand.

In the gaze of the brave, there was no fear or fright.

With his gaze pointed straight through, the Demon King felt slightly upset.

Deny yourself like that immediately.

Ever since he became a demon king, all men were fearful and weak, and they were absolutely mighty. Such a self, no matter how many opponents are 'brave', cannot be disturbed.

With such sharp swords that only the brilliance of silver could be recognized, the demon king, who looked like a young girl, waved his blade in order to reap the life of the brave man.

The Demon King never acknowledged the reaction, as if it inspired his own heart.

Dale snorts his breathless sword. I was never confused by the young appearance of The Two Demon Kings, but this small opponent was difficult to do on his own. A quick move that takes advantage of a short reach is worse than can be expected from its appearance, with one blow terribly heavy.

In eternity, the sword muscle of the Demon King, who was caught in the slaughter, is refined. Don't be afraid of the consequences of poking around to kill him.

But Dale caught all of it. I let it all work out.

The power gained from becoming a Demon Clan had given me eyes that cut off the Demon King's attack, as well as a body that could react to it.

And home-made protective equipment has even withstood the demon king's blow. It was also the skill of Dale to not just receive power, but to be masterfully diverted.

"Ha... Huh!

The moment the speed of the attack slowed, the Demon King exhaled the air in his body into a beating with Dale's caged hand slapped into his abdomen.


That blow shakes my guts and legs.

kneeling and watching a familiar blade fall to the floor.

"The Demon King", during eternity, was an absolute.

The young appearance was that he awoke at this age with his qualifications as the 'Two Demon Kings'.

Until then, and ever since, the Demon King has spent unrelated to the feeling of his own pain.

Still, my self as an absolute could not allow myself to be present looking down on my knees. So I grab the blade again and jump to the brave.

I violently forgot me because I realized that I had been missed that obvious gap (...).

In a series of demon king reactions, Dale understood that his opponent had toddlerhood as it seemed.

The sword muscle, the brutality, is unlikely to be young.

If we get rid of that, all we have left is the arrogance that drowned in our own power. Sure, it's horrible skill, but I couldn't even feel the exaltation it was in my battle with The Six Demon Kings.

There was nothing to feel about the appearance of the girl - who disturbed her blonde hair, tided her adorable face and wept in Bea's eyes.

Just calm down, look down, observe.

It was that gaze that was deeply hurting the possession of the demon king who looked like a girl.

Ever since Dale's beating, the demon king's movements have obviously been dull.

There he gives a relentless pursuit. The fact that it is only an attack on a beating that does not even draw a sword makes the Demon King stare at him with a caged gaze of hatred in more anger than the pain he receives from his body.

It is the sight of an adult who unilaterally beats a young girl. If he knows nothing of the circumstances, he will strangle Dale. The girl who was so rough was pathetic, and Dale had no shards of forgiveness.

"To this extent"

Dale's voice was cold as he headed over to the fallen girl and opened his mouth for the first time. The expression of floating contempt is also enough to make it difficult to discern which one to refer to as the 'Demon King'.

So slowly he pulled out his sword.

In the girl's eyes, the obvious colour of fright passes. I don't want to admit it, but I'm not dumb enough not to notice any signs of my own death.

The Demon King knew his appearance was pitiful. It has sometimes been used to alarm and slaughter prey. Instead of holding his own, he now turned his moist eyes to the man in order to overturn this situation, making a voice inviting him to pity him even more.


But he stomped on the girl's head relentlessly.

When the Demon King felt further humiliation, he stated a death sentence notice that should also be called a final declaration.

That's it, then.

Still, and with no time to raise evil, the girl's consciousness, called 'disaster', fell into darkness.


Calm down, there would have been.

Still, I must have acted on them more than necessary because I had anger feelings for me.

Dale exhaled by analyzing his emotions that way.

I kicked the body of the girl who stopped moving again, also because she hit her own anger at the same time as making sure she was dead.

A woman with a purple color. There was no way to save her.

Still, I had to put my hands on her - there was no way I could forgive this' demon king 'who drove me into that situation.

Heading to the first metal fenced place where the Demon King was, it was a place with a similar feel to the pier overlooking the stage. I can see Gregor and the others in Dale's sight looking down the stairs. In a rough room with remnants of the battle, we also saw people with the characteristics of several demonic tribes who fell.

Gregor, who noticed Dale's gaze, raised his gaze and spoke to Dale.

"It's over?


Confirming the end with just that short exchange, Gregor quietly laid down his sword.

Before and after "The Two Demon Kings" were disputed by Dale, the demons the Gregors were fighting for were to lose their lives.

The expression of the families, who had mourned the Lord and were forced to martyr at it, was nevertheless terribly calm.

Outside the hall, Hagel, whose turn was at the entrance, looked up at the thinly evening stained sky and was shaking his tail loosely.

Dale, who was becoming aware of the extent to which 'he' was a habit when thinking, voiced doubts.

"What's up?


It was unusual for Hagel and seemed thought-provoking.

Seeing Dale, he roars even more troubled by the smell of blood that is so strongly entwined by him.

"Your son..."

Eventually, Dale's expression changed to the words Hagel uttered.

"There's a sign of your son... far away."

"Where...? Where's Latina?

Hagel turned his gaze slightly against Dale, who exposed his fierce emotions, as troubled.

"… my child is better at exploring distant signs (smells) than I am. I can't go that far."

"If Vint... eh"

Bitterly, he turned to Dale, whose face was distorted, and Gregor sounded a quiet voice.

"Easy, Dale."

"This is it, calm down... eh"

Dale manages to hold back his feelings that are about to boil. That was because Gregor's quiet gaze allowed him to be slightly objective.

"I also have information that concerns me. Still, I couldn't say for sure, so I kept my mouth shut..."


"Now for the first time, the Raband countries are officially preparing to start national traffic, following Vasilio's declaration of inauguration"

To Gregor's words, Dale gave his expression a peek at something like an irresistible rush and hatred. Without being frightened by it, Gregor continued his words.

"The head of Vasilio, he says, is called the 'King of Gold'. His king..."

Gregor's voice didn't feel high at all. In contrast, Dale makes his passion more dewy so that he can't contain it.

"You think I adore a beauty called the Platinum Princess?"

A regular Dale would have noticed that Gregor's expression seeped into confusion similar to that of Hagel's.

Dale was unauthorized in one line and disappeared late at night with Hagel.

Gregor chose to drop it off without even stopping, even if he had noticed that Dale's movements. Even if we try to stop it, Dale won't stop now.

(Does this unnaturalness... mean you're inviting Dale...?)

Gregor looked up at the moon and sighed, groaning at the prayer complains of 'The Red God (Ahmal)'.

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