The disturbing air also drifted within the city of Kreutz.

There was no direct damage in Kreutz, but the topic of the plague caused by the 'Four Demon Kings' that took place within Rarband reaches all the way to this city. It is also great to say fear of the invisible: 'magic vegetables'. The anxiety of being unknowingly brought in with the disease because it is a city that is tolerant to visitors from outside: travellers.

Even if the Four Demon Kings perish, not all the illnesses of the world will disappear. Rapid epidemics do not occur on a vast scale, but the disease itself does not disappear, because the Demon King will not activate "magic vegetables".

If people's minds are disturbed, they tend to have a lot of trouble that would not have happened.

Still, what it does with the 'disturbing air' is the Temple of the 'Blue God (Neely)' and the gendarmerie responsible for policing, which has a role as a treatment center. And it was because the adventurers, the epitome of travellers, were above all guarding the city with discipline.

"Looks like the next step in the Four Demon Kings is to head for the Seven Demon Kings crusade, that idiot."

The sound of Rita's words, which she said so in The Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion, seeped emotions of awkwardness and anxiety. Since Dale disappeared, it was Rita who handled the Green God (Akdal) message board that was telling everyone about his trend at the Tiger Cat Pavilion. If you think it doesn't matter from the bottom of your heart, you won't bother doing that. To the worry behind his wife's poor mouth, Kennis, her husband, responded only with a bitter smile.

"'The Seven Demon Kings' would have destroyed several countries, even though they were far from the Rabband country. In the east, there's talk of refugees and confusion."

"There's been an impact on distribution... when will it calm down?"

Rita stared at her beloved daughter sleeping in her arms with an anxious look on her face. The anxiety in her chest increases in the appearance of her daughter, who rests easily and calmly.

That was because I was a parent.

It was natural psychology for my child to want the world he was about to live in to be a serene and peaceful one.

"I don't want that fool to bear it all..."

Pompous and squeaky, Rita sighed.

Because of the small number of guests, Theo cheers playing in the backyard in a quiet store just during an interrupted conversation. The thing about my son, who grew up healthy unchanged, was an indisputably appeaseable 'good topic' for the two parents.

"Welcome back."




To his son's voice, Kenneth and Rita raised their voices at the same time.

I feel like someone who hasn't shown up for a while and hasn't heard a voice was responding.

The couple, facing each other, stiffened with a similar face to the voice of their son, which went on further.

"Hey, Sioux, could you follow me?


"Obnoxious. Vee, that's amazing."

What did my son serve!? And what do you know!? - and were a couple of 'tiger cat pavilions' who communicated their will solely with each other in their complexion, but too suddenly, they got lost in the questioning language.

I suffer a little understanding of what's going on. Even if they know that the only person their son calls' hey 'is limited.

Theo's words continued, just saying that he had never known such adult common sense or anything.

"Hey Sioux, I say Vasuilio. I know."


"Hey, are you there now?


"I won't write to you. Vee, will you hang on?




Reality escape should not. The couple remained silent and came to that conclusion.

Swallow the facts that way, Kenneth spoke up to the few customers in the store.

"Things have changed! Get Zilvester!

"I can't even speak to Sylvia."

"Hey, before you do, Theo! Theo, what the hell do you know?

It was just after this that the adults learned that toddlers and wackos were conspiring.

In front of a toddler with no shards of guilt and with his chest stretched, there happened to be a scene in which the general public who visited the "Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion" at that time was frightened by the rare sight of the adults - including those strong enough to wake up crying and lose their crying voice.

For the record, Latina, who was to regain consciousness in Vasilio, was also deeply confused. She did not have a clear grasp of the words she spoke in her hazy consciousness. Besides, I never thought that was happening because I put it in my mouth.

Vint was not just a wacko, but a mirage beast heavenly wolf, the chief son of the mightiest individual, Hagel.

The fact that there was such an annoying noise in Kreutz also never reached Dale, who was in a distant place.

For Dale today, 'Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion' was too spicy a place. On the other side, I have gentle memories with Latina. There are traces of her spending time. Seeing that was something Dale couldn't do right now.

It is for similar reasons that we have distanced ourselves from the people of Tiger Cat Pavilion. That store was where Dale could stay. It was a place where Kenneth, my brother, and Rita, my fighting friend, didn't have to push their emotions to death. Even before I met Latina, Dale polished her mind down on her work, she never broke her heart because there was that store.

So I can't go home now.

I can't be who I am right now.

And I didn't want to show myself to the people in that store.

Dale had no idea that even more toddlers and wolves were holding the most important information he wanted.

"Seven Demon Kings" is the Demon King of War. A being who loves the war itself and hopes to ravage it with overwhelming force.

There will certainly be a desire for dominance there. But his demon king has no idea how to govern his own territory in order to preserve peace. Territories are allowed to exist only for exploitation as food for their own armies.

It's broken for a purpose.

We do not wage war to expand our territory. Do not wage war to satisfy your own desire to dominate. The expansion of the territory and its reign as a ruler are only consequences. The aim was only the war itself.

So the territory of the Seven Demon Kings is all exhausted and desolate. Even if you go down to that gate to avoid being destroyed, you will find yourself in despair just waiting to be devoured.

As for the "Demon King" versus existence, even today's Dale, who has the power of an unruly class, had difficulty accomplishing things alone to oppose the "Seven Demon Kings".

The opponent is the 'army'.

Instead of deciding on female males by their individual abilities, they have to deal with the great army. It wasn't a fight, it was someone we had to fight.

Having debated "The Four Demon Kings," the Rabband Nation, known as the Platinum Brave Men, joined forces with the surrounding countries against the army of the Seven Demon Kings.

Countries that are smaller and less powerful than the Rabband countries will only wait to be ravaged if the 'Seven Demon Kings' army continues to attack them.

Neither did the Raband nation want to hold a showdown with his demon king, within its own territory.

With national thoughts intertwined, the agreement was quickly concluded because there was no other moment of respite.

"In nominal terms, you will be under my command. Don't act alone."

"I know."

As a member of the Duke of Erdishdet family, Dale answered with a faint laugh to Gregor, who is the one who keeps an army.

"You're in trouble, too."

"... nothing, as a Larband country nobleman, I thought there would be some opportunity for this"

Riding and exchanging words next to Gregor, Dale is still dressed in platinum armor today to carry out his work as a symbol.

Hagel was accompanying him at a distance because his presence frightened the military horses. No matter how brave the military horses were, the pressure of the mighty carnivorous phantom beast was heavy.

To that look of Dale, the morale of the knights and infantry around him was clearly rising. A living legend that responds easily to excessive ambient expectations. Dale is not feeling heavily pressured by growing expectations and fame every day.

(... no, you're not feeling the pressure, you're not interested in your own evaluation)

Sighing inside, Gregor turned straight ahead and advanced the horse.

Let not our troubles be distracted by the soldiers around us.

Our role is a symbol. It must exist as a symbol of unwavering support for people's hearts.

I wonder if it would be a sin to seek a being that supports our own minds.

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