"Why are you accompanying me when you have no protection?"

"My brother's death this time has given me the possibility of succeeding him. I don't have a mother's back. Required to have a clear track record"

Their squads, which gathered the elite, did not weaken their footsteps, even if they were strong in the forcible army. At that night camp, Dale spoke to Gregor that way.

Only the tip of his mouth seemed to slap lightly, but the fruit, Gregor was in deep fear of Dale's appearance, not at all relaxed. But I never put it to the face.

It was the danger of Dale, which was once in Dale and had faded since she met Latina.

Dale doesn't try to tell us more.

Still, the fact that Latina was missing was for Gregor to know too.

My father, the Duke of Erdystedt, seems to have other information that he seemed to have, but which he still cannot give himself.

The eldest son, a man, lost his life under the influence of the Four Demon Kings, and the Erdystedt family was in the extreme of confusion. But as the principals of the kingdom, the dukes were determined that it was not now to mourn death. Territorial damage is enormous, and even the country is in danger as it is.

Gregor also just did what he had to do as part of it.

The second brother entered his son-in-law on the occasion of the birth of a son to his eldest brother, wanted by one of the daughters of the borderline uncle of the Larband country. In this confusing world situation, it is not in the interest of returning my second brother now. Tensions persist not only with the threat by the Demon King, but also with the Larband country and other countries adjacent to its borders. I need my second brother to support the border guard.

What Gregor wants is for me to behave as a hero again next to this friend who was celebrated as a hero.

Sooner or later, it will survive this period of chaos and become one of the symbols of gathering popular support when the country raises its reconstruction.

I don't think this kind of role would be right for me if I were you.

Still, as a 'friend', I don't think I have anything to say compared to Dale, who's letting me play the role of brave man.

('Brave' or... This guy seems far from 'heroic' or 'noble' right now)

Dale's eyes are faint, creating a dangerous atmosphere.

Gregor corrects his perception, thinking it was like Dale once did. Now Dale has something more like a deep madness than what he used to have. Once Dale suffered the separation between his heart and his deeds, but now Dale has the indication that if he can live up to his true meaning, even his heart is not spared in exchange.

Perhaps it's for her.

And I guess it's also for her that Dale stays with herself without still trying to let go of her own mind.

(Where are you... she is)

Gregor grabbed the Blue God (Neely) talisman he offered to his chest and sighed.

This was made by Rose, a high priest of the Blue God (Neely). She is not serving in this squad. She created a powerful talisman to mediate her own hair and blood tide so that she could protect Gregor from that change in herself. Gregor is more than willing to fear even the Four Demon Kings than this Rose guardian is.

And I'm not going to leave to protect Rose, who's in the king's capital.

So Gregor prays.

The only girl my friend loves asks me to return to him safely.

I don't know what would happen if I lost Rose. If I go crazy, I know Rose herself won't forgive me for it, even if she thinks it'll be easier. Then I will remain myself and continue to suffer.

Gregor guided his friends because he understood one end of Dale's madness.

"I don't want to die"

In front of the "incarnation of death" for himself wrapped in platinum armor, disturbing his long dark hair, the "Four Demon Kings" should have sprinkled their magic - a disease itself that erodes all living things - around him.

"Why, why, why"

Repeat the word, like a broken toy. Since becoming the "Four Demon Kings," the power that could have been used as a matter of course had ceased to be the norm. The magic, my abilities, I can't shake them the way I thought.

The pair of beings, "The Brave" and the first relative, "The Four Demon Kings," did not know what the brave men were capable of. The only thing of interest to The Four Demon Kings was themselves. I don't want anything, I don't need anyone. And they gave birth to their families because they were like themselves.

Being invaded by the disease of death and on the brink of despair. That was his presence before he became the Four Demon Kings. The thirst for life attracted itself to become the 'disease of death' itself. By becoming the despair itself that I once had, The Four Demon Kings were born.

I am more deeply afraid of the disease of death than anyone else, yet I don't hate to sprinkle the disease of death. Because they are distorted, they can become demon kings.

For the four demon kings who are only interested in their own things and do not try to understand anyone around them, even the 'brave' was a matter of outside interest.

Reasons to overturn the destiny given to God, where the Demon King continues to be the Demon King.

That's why there's nothing to it. There is no way that 'man' can resist himself, the disease itself.

I panicked when a woman named "Five Demon Kings" talked about the existence of something called "Eight Demon Kings" that would destroy the Demon Kings themselves, but I was able to get rid of it lightly. I didn't even have to be afraid.

And yet, why am I being hunted down now? I didn't understand.

"I don't want to die, I want to die..."

Summoning an ugly obsession with raw, The Four Demon Kings fell and fell before Gregor's shaken flashing blade.

"... more than I thought, you weren't surprised"


Next to Gregor, who shrugged baffled, Dale looked at his left hand. I feel faintly feverish. I can't see the complexion in the back of the gloves, but this must be how 'name' comes to life.

Gregor's discussion of The Four Demon Kings is no surprise or anything.

'The brave' is not the only one who can defeat the demon king. Dale has the power to fight for himself, but 'brave men' who don't, too, exist in past history. He was most famous for his presence, called the Virgin, who guided his fellow men who excelled in battle.

To the battlefield with Dale, the guardianship of his brave men works.

The fact that Gregor's blade, in the first place as a swordsman, cut off the Demon King was a natural consequence.

So what Gregor questions is not there.

The unique magic of the Four Demon Kings, known as Magic Vegetables, has always been duller than expected. Dale and Gregor. Those other than avant-garde warriors were building defensive magic in the rear guard on multiple occasions. I had taken protective measures that could be taken that way, but it was still a strange phenomenon.

"... sharpen the power of the Demon King..."

"Did I say something?

"... no. It's nothing."

Dale answers Gregor without hesitation as he strays from his left hand.

That's probably not power as a brave man. Being the only family member of "The Eight Demon Kings," I may be endowed with powers of a similar trait to hers.

The power of being that controls the power to be the demon king of demons.

If it was a force that could bring her back, it was until any force was used.

Was it because it was ravaged by overwhelming forces and distorted?

- I woke up.

I don't know why, I tried to think, but my head didn't work well.

My eyelids are terribly heavy. Like when you're sleepy and sleepy and you can't help it, you can't move well.

But you should never give up here. - and that was all that was in her mind blurry, and she desperately dissolved and stopped connecting her vanishing consciousness.

Long, long time, open your eyes.

The colorless world was like a dream.


She shrugged so on the tiny throne at the center of a world where only the Demon King could exist.

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