Latina vanished.

Later, just a little sooner, if the arms to hug had arrived, would it have been possible to stop the connection - - and let unfounded thoughts circle, while Dale was so calmly checking the situation.

Using witchcraft does not prevent this from happening. If it's some kind of magic you don't know, there's no sign of anyone else here. It's too unlikely to suspect magical interference from the outside.

That's how I deny the possibility of coming up with one thing at a time.

And most importantly, Latina seemed to foresee this happening.

"... Demon King"

After leaking a whine, he unwittingly rattles his back teeth.

Even the numerous pieces of "blessings" from the aftermath of "God" do not think this can happen. Then only a single being could wield it.

She described the 'Demon King' as the lower 'God'.

In one short body, even as if it were a miracle that cannot be performed, 'God' would change the story.

Latina said this, too.

The only ones who can harm the Demon King are the "brave men" who can override their destiny to protect the Demon King, and the "Demon King", who is also an equivalent to be brought to the last seat of God.

If so, then only a limited number of beings can harm her who has now become the 'Demon King'.

Ever since "The Brave", you can't cause the phenomenon of erasing the Demon King, who doesn't know where he is. That I know better than anyone. "The brave" is not such a versatile thing. If that were the case, I wouldn't have had to brush my arms so desperately or slaughter them repeatedly while polishing and reducing my spirit.

Then the only thing that harmed Latina could be The Demon King.

Even more superior, 'God', is not directly involved in world events. That's what she told me, too.

I don't know why. I don't even know how. However, it concluded that only the possible 'opponents' were.


In the overnight attic, my body, which makes me think in the dark, never complained of my desire for sleep.

That was my change that I had felt thin since I became a 'demon tribe'.

I can sleep and eat the way I've always done. But it was no longer an act truly necessary to sustain life. It will not be necessary. Still, it was an act that could not be compared to the time when it was a "human race".

It would mean that the body and spirit are strengthened by becoming demonic.

By morning came, there was still time. Thinking repeatedly was about a dear girl who had vanished.

What should I do?

Thoughts get there.

What should I do? I don't even know what happened.

Even if the one who avenged her is the Demon King, he doesn't know which Demon King harmed her for what reason.

- And I don't think I can accomplish this on my own.

The thought that leaves you calm derives such a straightforward answer. Until now, I know because I've been waving my sword in contracts with Larband countries.

"Demon King" exists in multiple ways. That is why we are holding each other back and maintaining a delicate status quo. If 'Demon King of Disasters' activated something into a cut, it would be a catastrophe involving many countries.

A girl vanished. Accepting it is probably the most convenient choice.

Yes, his logic shows him one choice. That's the most unhappy choice anyone can make.

That's when, uh, I captured 'it' in the corner of my sight. 'It', which I would never have had in my hands if I were myself. A notebook of a thick clothed cover, her diary she held to her chest from time to time and smiled.

Open it half unconsciously. I was drawn to what would house her trail, as I searched for her face, which I had lost.

Spelled in a tiny, easy-to-read few letters like hers was about everyday things that I didn't love. Depending on the day, the length and sentence are urban, and sometimes the date is flying.

'I don't love anyone else' and even though it's all casual to say so, 'the world' for her is full of calm and gentle light.

Find 'yourself' there. Was this what she looked like from her point of view? Were you also looking at such a trivial thing? Did you think of me this way?

When I realized, I had the next book in my hand. And then next. As the date goes back, what makes awkwardness a visible letter even reminds me of the illusion that I've been watching, rewinding how she's grown.

My hand stopped at the mention of 'Her Name'.

The role name of the clan given to her by her grandmother is a sign of adulthood for our own clan. I remember never hearing that name from her. "When you grow up, right?" That reminds me of her smiling in the light.


That (...) was by no means a rare 'name' for Tissue. You can say it's common. The house is the name of many women who protect their families.

But that's the most honorable 'role' for Tissue. The best thing for Tislaw is the clan itself. Because what "Muto" protects is the clan itself, and even the next generation of the clan.

And the meaning given to her by the name of "Muto", who wanted me to be next to her on her side, who played a role in getting out of the clan called "Leki".

That, even for me, is her grandmother's wish that she 'should be where she is'.

Even if you cannot return to your birthplace, you will be able to build a new 'clan' in a new place. - - It wasn't just a 'wish' directed at her (...).

The letters seeped.

There was no way I could give up.

She, Latina, is a 'place' for herself. It's where we should go. There is no substitute. I don't have anything to replace. It's the only thing for me.

I've spent the same amount of time, the same amount of time she's been spelling out in this diary, thinking of her myself. I have loved you dearly. It's never an easy thought to throw away.

There's no way we can accept that she's vanished.


That's when I realized.

Reflect on your thoughts.

Unconsciously, I thought, 'She vanished.' Confirm that fact. I wonder why I was' convinced 'that it was so.

I never thought she was "doomed."

I had ruled out that possibility from the beginning, even though I should have thought about it more than it could have been an unlikely event.

Look at your left hand.

Light magic there to the point of possibility.

"... Huh!

The letters came to mind.

A clear connection with her, the 'Lord'. A sign that I am her family and that I am under her influence.

That was a testament to her 'being somewhere'.

"You don't need to give up..."

I truly thought it would be nice to have a family. I still have something to live with. While there is this' proof ', Latina is always present in' somewhere '.

"If they take it away... you just have to get it back"

By the time the light of day told the city of Kreutz that morning had arrived, Dale looked up and muttered.

Rita raised her voice blaming Dale for coming down the stairs.

"What's the matter, dressed like that"

Dale in a coat of black warcraft checked out the traveling bundle. I didn't hear you talk about going to work so early. Such Rita herself, it is unusual to be on the ground floor at this time. It's too early for Theo and Emma to wake up. At this point, we left the room to stretch our wings a little bit.


To that short Dale voice, Rita felt a chill in her spine. It was a cold voice like I'd never heard before.

It was him in "At Work," a tiger cat pavilion that Dale had never shown where he was staying.

Kill emotions and intimidate your surroundings. It's another look at him that's different from the usual Dale.

Latina's gone.


I can't even ask what you're talking about. Dale didn't even try to forgive Rita for making her voice sound decent right now.

"Get it back. Never."


Rita didn't know what happened. She had already guessed that she could neither tear it up nor shed it as a joke. It hisses that Dale is furiously angry when he says his voice is flat and his expression is flat.

Something irrevocably happened to me when I didn't know I was keeping it. Understand just that.

That's why Rita raised her voice with the utmost empathy.

Then come home with Latina.

"... eh"

"Because I'll wait for you"

Dale went out the back door, not responding to that Rita's words. Turn your gaze to your feet and speak to the sleeping beast.

"Vint, are you coming too?

Vint, questioned, moved his nose several times and lay down on the ground again.

"Latina, it's on. Rusubansu"

"... right"

Dale, who answered briefly, never looked back.

It was her husband's powerful arm that supported Rita, who was powerless in her legs and was about to collapse.



"What... what happened? What happened to Latina?

"I don't know either."

Power caged in my husband's arm. But he was a 'warrior' with a tougher body and mind than Rita. He was anxiously frightened and a man who chose to move forward instead of stopping his legs.

"That's why you'll need to start by knowing what happened. You'll need to know what Dale's up to."


"There's not much we can do. But there's nothing you can do."

The only thing that Kenneth and Rita know today was that the platinum girl vanished was the end of a peaceful day of happiness.

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