"Has anything changed the Latina vibe?


To Sylvia's words, which I haven't seen in a long time, Latina is frightened. and react. There are various verses that come to mind.

"Am I right...?

"Well. It's clear at last, hey. Will it change a bit?"

Sylvia, smiling wildly, looked at Latina's fitting engagement bracelet. The beautiful craftsmanship, where its fruits and flowers coexist, was designed to mean the traditional 'marriage' of Tislaw.

"I'm sorry I can't see you as Latina's bride."

"I haven't made any plans like that yet."

The two of them now were open style cafes as close to the temple of "The Green God (Akdal)". It was one of the shops of the priests of the Green God (Akdal), who tend to forget to sleep and immerse themselves in their work.

It was Sylvia, who heard that Latina was officially engaged to Dale, who set up a celebratory seat to listen to stories and love.

And Sylvia's "Travel" was also close.

"Where does Sylvia go first?

"At first, you followed seniors from the near field. We have to get used to the journey itself."

Sylvia, who had been trained in the Temple of the "Green God (Akdal)" for many years, was also on the verge of embarking on a journey, as an official cleric.

The look on Sylvia's face shines as we approach that time we've been waiting for.

"I'd say I'm not careful, but I also know Sylvia's been working hard, so I'll tell you congratulations. Have fun."

"Of course."

For the Green God (Akdar), it is a supreme joy to satisfy one's own desire to go to strange lands and feel strange.

It was the moment when they raised their eyes to get a replacement for the tea they drank while having such a conversation.

I noticed a man in an exotic hat looking at the two of them - to be exact, Latina. Sylvia didn't pay attention to it at first. Best friend Latina's beautiful girl - For the first time in beauty with a femininity added to it lately, many of the people on the road catch their eyes. If that's heterosexual, it's not even more rare.

Latina just tilted her neck a little, wondering why she was being seen.

But the next moment - when the man knelt down in front of Latina and drooled his head, the two of them looked at each other in surprise.


"Huh... Latina, do you know him?

"And one I don't know. Yikes!?

That was the Latina who answered, but I was scared by the man's voice. shall be

"" Princess of Platinum. ""

"... Huh!

Pfft, Latina, who saw the man's face again, eventually opened her eyes wide and paled her complexion. Trembling voices were squeezed out by nostalgic sounds (...).

"" Are you… ""

"" Did you remember? Instructor Smaraguti has protected you safely. Now where is the mentor? ""

"" Rag... smaraguti,... already, long ago... ""

"" Was it... the princess godson's trust is still established... ""


To Sylvia's voice, Latina looked at her friend's face, as if annoyed.

"Sylvia... you know..."

"" Platinum Princess. ""

To the bewildered and bewildered figure of Latina, the exotic figure man called her again.

"" My Lord is out. ""


To the man's words, Latina forgot Sylvia's presence.

With a stunned look, I just stare at the man.

"... why..."

In a plundered voice, I groaned.

"Why, Frisos...?

So Latina fluttered and moved on. Sylvia grabs her shoulder in a hurry.

"Latina? Should I call someone?

"Huh! Sylvia......"

Sylvia looked unclear about the situation. Latina finds herself unconsciously uttering 'the (familiar) language of her homeland'.

Latina, who finally remembers Sylvia, turns her gaze to the man who rises from a kneeling position. And then he turned to Sylvia again, with a face that seemed to sink.

"I'm sorry, Sylvia... I have to go..."


"... please, don't tell anyone about today. I'm going with this one... don't tell anyone."

Sylvia frowns, guessing that 'it' would include one of her favorites, more than Latina bothered to push.

But Sylvia nodded.


"Thank you, Sylvia"

"It's okay, isn't it, Latina?

"Yeah... there's nothing dangerous about me"

Sylvia raised a small voice of doubt as her giggling friend escorted her after a stranger.

"Gold (Frisos) …?"

And without a sound, he rose out of his chair.

"…" Why, Frisos… is the King of Gold here? ""

"" The Lord, along with Master Smaraguti, has been searching for your whereabouts when he left Vasilio. ""

Exotic men headed for the West Side. Even though Latina is a region that doesn't usually come, she even forgets to walk while checking the road, chasing the man's back.

"And we found you."

"... Huh!

Latina was frightened once by the answer. and pull yourself back. I bit my lips and looked up at the man.

"" Why...? ""

"" I can't believe I misjudged you. We have reported to the Lord that it is only a matter of time before we can find you in this city. ""

That's what the man said, looking at Latina.

It was by chance that I found traces.

The 'horn' shard that the inhabitants of this city had in their hands. It was a shard that wrapped the same magic as the 'princess' one that should be in Vasilio. The one who searched was in an unemployed position and was deprived, and the magic of the horns was a sign of calm warmth.

Then I don't know the process, but the princess gave up her own shard of horns to one. And the "magic" remained so colorful that it had not been so long.

At the same time, there are rumors in this city about the 'Princess of Platinum', although I don't know the details. There was a better chance of finding one than any other land I've ever been around.

Bright blue and faintly trembling, Latina was not pleased with this encounter, no matter how she saw it. That would be no choice either, the man thought. Because he could also have guessed that this' princess' would not have been willing to appear again before the 'Lord'.

He was also well aware of Master Smaraguti, who was once in a position to teach many, beginning with himself. If you were that one, you would have included me in this' princess', my daughter.

The Lord's desire is to bring back The Princess.

And the 'princess' and the mentor didn't want it. As the "Princess of the Prophecy that brings calamity," he did not wish to be an avenging being to the nation, to the king.

It is not that he and the rare princess godson have no fear of the prophecy of disaster left behind. But "The Life of the Lord" takes precedence over such own emotions.

For it is also a question of the power of the Lord to defy His Word, beyond saying that the 'king' is fearless, such as prophecy.

The King of Gold as the Sun guides the kingdom of the One Demon King (Vasilio).

All the people waited. There is no need to doubt the words of being, like the light itself, that illuminate a glorious future.

In front of a mansion in the West Side, the man stopped on his feet.

From the cold conditions somewhere with no sign of a fire, Latina perceives that this is an uninhabited empty house.

But I could also imagine renting this hall in a regular way as a man plugged a key into the door. Apparently they are renting this hall as a temporary residence, not an inn.

Inside, it was quiet. But they're cleaning up the space in their eyes with dust. There was no sense of life, but there were no signs of desolation again.

Follow the leading man and go up the stairs. In front of the door the man stopped, opened the door and let Latina through.

Beyond the open door, the figure stood on his back with a window of sunlight about the sight of him.

".................. Huh!

Swallow the thoughts that his voice could not, Latina stood up.

There is no mistake.

On that face that leaves a dark shadow of childhood. To the way it was when we met in "Place" that wasn't "Reality (Here)".

"" Frisos… ""

"" Platinum ""

One of him called Latina in a low majestic voice, not resembling a young appearance, in the name she was once called. It was a name already distant, in my childhood memory, called by adults other than my parents.

The standing latina was so tightly embraced that she could not breathe when she noticed.

Wrapped in a scent that is different from either your own or the one you are used to. Latina turns to escape from her arms trying to restrain herself with a puzzling look on her face.

"" Let go, please, Frisos... ""

"" Why? We finally met... my dear Platinum. I won't let go anymore. Now that he has reigned, there is no more to command. I will try to protect the rest with all my strength... ""

""... eh! Frisos, let go... eh, I'm not going back to that country, my place is elsewhere already! ""

In response, more power was caged in the arm that held Latina. My eyes faint as they show emotion.

"" How much I've been waiting for this time for the rest... ""

"" Even I... Even I... ""

Latina swallowed the word that she missed you. No matter how sincerely I thought I was, I can't go home with this one.

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