How many times have you "come" to this "place" - and "she" thinks.

A world where everything is in all light and all colors.

In front of the only 'throne' that is the void in it (...).

Visited over and over again.

From the time "I" made up my mind.

An unfulfilled thought, a 'wish' from an early age that I thought was somewhere in my mind. That's what I decided to do when I was accepted.

And that was the 'condition'.

Fu, there are signs full of "The Throne of the One" in front of me.

If you look up to heaven, you "understand" that the "Seven Colored Rainbow" is twofold and announces the birth of a new king to the "world".

- - "I" knew the darkened "signs" well.

That's why I shrugged.

"" Congratulations.... "The Demon Nation (Us)" has been worn and a new king. "

I felt like I heard a reply. There is no way 'I' can mishear this one (...).

"" A new king, with the name of 'gold'. As in 'Prophecy'...... I'm so glad you were 'chosen'. 'I wasn't chosen,' it was me, really good... ""

In addition, I shook my head to the left and right quietly in response to "I heard".

"" Yeah. It was really good. Because I'm fine. It was you who should have been king. So... ""

Yes, whine, 'she',

Turn your gaze to the new (...) throne (...), which appeared at the center of the seven (...) thrones (...).

"" I won't ask for this throne... it's okay. ""

Zero, or eight, "Number Out of Reason," in front of the crowning "Throne," "She," yes, groaned.

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