The entire ghost island was almost burned to ashes under the raging flames. Countless people were about to fall into hell. Only a desperate fight would give them this chance.

However, Trafalgar Law and Kidd were already very weak, and they had no chance of winning against Kaido.

The entire track is in a bloody storm, and people are constantly dying. This place can really be called a hell on earth.

Far away, someone seemed to be doing something. It was Straw Hat"500" Luffy, who was lying on the highest place.

He is now completely comatose and can even be said to be dead.

At this moment he was just a lonely corpse, but at that moment something would naturally become different.

What does a person learn in times of despair?

An invisible voice spreads here, and the first thing heard was the elephant owner who came from afar to help in the battle.

This super elephant hears sounds all the time and has unlimited energy.

When he heard it, it was the sound of the drum of liberation, which existed 800 years ago and came again 800 years later.

"Joey Boy is back!"

An unprecedented strong aura is gathering above the track. What does Kaido of the Beasts feel?

It should be said that everyone feels this aura. It is the aura of Straw Hat Luffy.

"I can do everything I want to do"

"The sound of the heart is also interesting"

"This is my pinnacle - fifth gear!"

Straw Hat Luffy suddenly awakened his powerful will and came with thunder, and the terrifying power shone throughout the ghost island.

This was the domineering haki, and it was extremely powerful. A large number of pirates fell to the ground and were This powerful force instantly injured.

What's more important is that some warriors were unscathed, and their overlord-like domineering energy could be used accurately.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts flew upwards and came to the hole in the roof.

One The giant hand stretched out and grabbed Hyakushou Kaido's body.

The power of this hand was still too terrifying. After grabbing him, it dragged him back directly.

You must know that Hyakushou Kaido, in the form of a giant dragon He was very strong and fierce underneath, but he was grabbed by someone and flew upwards with his whole body, feeling the unparalleled divine power.

The person who did it was Straw Hat Luffy.

His body can change instantly, and the mirror can change into various shapes just like at the beginning. A kind of giant.

After Straw Hat Luffy pulled him up, he held on tightly. He shouted loudly and swung Kaido back and forth as a chain in his hand. Straw

Hat Luffy completely changed. His previous battles were quite impressive. His aura is always powerful, but this time it is simply a joke.

He is always controlling great destruction here, and Hyakushou Kaido is thrown to the ground by him.

In a short time, Hyakushou Kaido Most of them were smashed to pieces.

The most powerful creature in the world was attacked in such an undignified way. This made him very angry, and the people opposite were still laughing loudly.

"2.9 Straw Hat, are you still alive?"


Hundred Beasts Kaido is actually happy that he still has a chance to make up for the unfinished regretful battle. He is actually extremely excited now.

Filled with anger, he turns into flames and goes forward. The flames he spits out can burn. Everything in the world has infinite effects and is terrifying. This is the powerful and domineering energy of Kaido.

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