Read Dai Qin: I Sword God’s Identity Can’t Be Defeated – Chapter 405

Luc Truong An thought to chase after Zhao Co, good to explain a bit.
Can’t think of it, Trieu Co directly rides on a horse-drawn carriage.
Straight to Trieu Co’s palace, Luc Truong An just chased.
Trieu Co stood in front of the palace door, turned around and smiled, taking the lead into the house.
Luc Truong An could do nothing but follow.
Enter the palace, enter the hall.
When he discovered it, he was out, and there was only Luc Truong An left in the hall.
Luc Truong An was not in a hurry, sitting down to one side.
Very quickly, Zhao Co came out.
Trieu Co changed into a pair of red long pants and pretended to be disguised for a while.
She slowly walked over, sat down next to Luc Chang’an, looked at Luc Chang’an with a hint of love, smiled slightly and said: “Sir, can you explain now?”
“Do you really want to explain? It’s estimated that you want to waste a lot of time.”
Luc Truong An smiled gently.
Zhao Ji smiled and nodded: “Don’t be afraid, there is time.”
Luc Chang’an thought for a moment and said: “Okay, first come from Zhuan Liu City.”
He took out a pen and drew lightly.
For a moment, the entire hall was invisible.
Trieu Co was surprised to discover that she and Luc Truong An were sitting at one end of a small boat.
Small boat floating on the lake.
The lake surface is very quiet, very large, the trees on the bank are not clearly visible, only a green plate is visiblec.
She remembers.
This is Truan Luu Thanh North Lake!
That day, she and Luc Truong An sat on a boat in the north of the lake to travel.
After that, Luc Truong An even turned the entire lake surface into ice, and also taught her to skate.
Trieu Co excitedly looked at Luc Truong An, his body couldn’t help but lean on Luc Truong An gently.
She gently took Luc Chang’an’s hand.
Ten fingers tightened their posture.
Because Zhao Ji made such an inclination, the small boat also swayed.
Trieu Co thought he wanted to capsize the boat, so he quickly hugged Luc Truong An.
When Luc Truong An saw Trieu Co’s face change, he smiled happily.
“Your Majesty, do you still want to explain?”
Trieu Co tried his best to speak, pretending to be angry and said: “Sir, call me Ah Chu.”
“Ah Chu.” Luc Chang An smiled and looked at Zhao Co, “Do you still want to explain?”
Trieu Co also laughed excitedly.
She hugged Luc Truong An tightly and slowly lay down.
“Sir, can you let the boat move?”
Luc Truong An also lay down, tilted his head to look at Trieu Co.
“How do you think?”
Trieu Co smiled softly.
“God of speed!”
Luc Truong An lightly hit a finger.
Small boats float on the surface of the water at lightning speed, the lake surface rises with white waves, splashing waves.
He was just about to ask Trieu Co if he was satisfied or not, but he couldn’t think of Trieu Co pasting it here.
Seal his mouth.
For a moment, the surroundings were quiet.
Only small boats are hovering.
There is also a small boat clapping on the surface of the water.
. . .
At Luc Truong An and Trieu Co, the country fought for 3,000 miles, and the Phu Dieu group was spent ninety thousand miles by the Master.
In the far distance of the steppe, Mong Diem also led a cavalry team in the steppe.
Soon, they followed the lead and found a small tribe of Langzu.
Mong Diem did not hesitate, immediately launched his armyoffensive.
After a battle, Meng Tian controlled the small tribe.
Capture the women and children of the Small Tribe and prepare to lead the Nine Yuans.
Mong Diem doesn’t look happy.
The Wolf Clan often disturbs the border of the Nine Yuans, it’s time for the Lang Clan to taste our pain.
Just as he wanted to bring these people back, he thought of one more thing.
He let people bring the tribe leader’s wife over here, asking: “Who is the most beautiful woman in your wolf tribe?”
The woman saw the sword in her hand, and was very scared.
She lowered her head and whispered, “Master.”
Military Master?
Female military officer?
Meng Tian was a little curious, so he quickly asked:
“What’s the name of your warriors?”
The woman did not dare to lie, and quickly said:
“Ho Co.”
Mong Diem secretly remembers in his heart, whether or not he can take down Ho Co with his hand and give it to Mr. Luc.
The other woman saw that Mong Diem did not say a word and thought that Mong Diem was not satisfied.
She quickly said again: “Moon Lang’s descendant of Nac Man is also very beautiful.”
Nguyet Lang’s descendants?
Mong Diem heard this word.
It is said that the descendant of Nguyet Lang is a tribe. All tribespeople have a knack for controlling the wolf and are good at using poison wolf.
After that, the tribe went to the mansion to take over, and all the tribesmen became Tou Man slaves.
Meng Tian looked at the woman and asked, “Where are Ho Co and Nac Man?”
“In the royal family!”
The other woman answered.
Mong Diem did not continue to ask.
The royal court is very mysterious, and these Minor Tribes have no way of knowing the location of the royal court.
Mong Diem could do nothing but let a part of the generals bring all kinds of people and sheep together to the Cuu Nguyen.
He wasn’t worried that these people would escape.
Because on the steppe, the rule is very simple: People are also a property, whoever is strong belongs to peoplethat i.
There are also many Lang Tri people in Cuu Nguyen, except for the appearance that is different from the Qin people, the rest are not different.
Even in Mong Diem in the army, there are also a part of Lang Tri people.
In fact, to them, it was the same in Qin Kingdom or back in the prairies, just for the sake of life.
Mong Diem brought the cavalry unit and continued to move forward to see if he could find the location of the royal court.
As for whether or not he was surrounded by the Langzu army, Mong Diem was not worried at all.
Tou Man has raised a large number of Langzu soldiers to run to Van Trung District, today the steppe has no strong resistance forces, very safe.
Not long after, Mong Diem received the news.
Saying that the Lang Toc royal palace was completely robbed by people, the barracks were all burned, and even the Lang Toc leaders were killed.
Mong Diem was both happy and scared.
Who did it?
Aren’t you supposed to come to the savannah?
It’s hard to say, sir, when I heard the beautiful Lang Toc military advisor, I really touched people’s hearts, really came from Ham Duong?
“Go! Let’s go find the fairy.”
Mong Diem excitedly rode his horse and flew, leading people to find Luc Truong An.
Along the way, Meng Tian encountered several small tribes, all of which were destroyed by him one by one.
He asked again, and found that the other side’s explanations were the same.
“Ho Co and Nac Man are the most beautiful.”
Mong Diem was still interested in Ho Co and Nac Man, he couldn’t help but smile towards the South.
“Sir, wait for me to surprise you.”
. . .
At the time when Mong Diem was looking for Nac Man, Nac Man was also looking for Mong Diem.
Since the fall of Nac Man in Ham Duong, she returned to the steppe.
After Ho Co went to the front line, she arranged for her to stay in the steppe.
Can’t think that Ho Co just left not long after, she immediately received the news.
Tell the Qin army to enter the steppeperson, also went to the place to ask her and Ho Co’s whereabouts.
Nuoc Man was extremely angry.
Up until now, they were all Lang Toc who robbed the Central Plains women and assets, when was it the turn of the Central Highlanders to be so passionate?
She brought the Yue Lang clan people and a large number of wolves to run to meet the enemy.
Very quickly, Nac Man looked up Mong Diem’s ​​location.
Based on the familiar terrain, Nuo Man quickly detoured to the front to block it, even the wolves in the grasslands ambushed around.
At this moment, a clansman ran over with a child.
Originally, the child in the tribe was destroyed by Mong Diem, the other child was able to sneak out.
“Sister Nuo Man, you go quickly, listen to the Qin army general, he must take you and his advisor and give it to Luc Truong An.”
Luc Truong An?
Nuoc Man trembled in his heart.
Can’t help but think of that sword-dancing general, Xa Thien Lang, wearing a white coat.
How did Luc Truong An know my name?
He liked me, sent someone to pick me up?
Nau Man suddenly hesitated in his heart.
What should be done?
. . .
==============================405==END================ ============
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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