Read Dai Qin: I Sword God’s Identity Can’t Be Defeated – Chapter 314

Back in the tomb again.
Luc Truong An and Hong Lien fell into a huge secret room.
Through the faint light around, you can see the stone flat surface, not far away on the wall, there is also a large array of double stones.
Where does the light come from?
Luc Chang’an looked up and found that the top of his head was jet-black, but there were a few lights shining from above.
The others must be vent holes.
At the same time, it is also optical discharge.
“Sir, is it like or not chimpanzee?”
Hong Lien pointed to above the light.
Hearing Hong Lien say that, Luc Truong An also felt the same.
It’s just that this image is a bit familiar.
In Diem Phi Bao Ha, the bullets of Chu Jiang Hua Yueye that night, he saw it.
After that, he looked up for a while and knew that this star symbol was called: Cang Long That Tuc.
Love Dragon That Tuc
In the Ancient period, the ancients divided the starry sky into the Twelve Eight Stars.
The Twelve Eight Stars in the direction of the equinox are divided into east, south, west, and north four arcs.
Each sign is associated with a kind of divine beast.
East Thanh Long, West Bach Ho, North Huyen Vu, South Chu Tuoc.
Twenty Eight Stars
In which, Thuong Long That Tuc lives in Dong Phuong, also known as Dong PhuongThat Tuc.
Why is it based on the layout of the Cang Long That Tuc here?
Hard to say, what’s the meaning?
Luc Truong An knew the Yin and Yang family well while researching and researching the secret of the Cang Long That Tuc.
Is this not the domain of the Yin and Yang family?
Luc Chang’an looked around a bit and discovered that there was a door in front of the wall.
He looked at the other three walls and found that there was also a door.
Is this an option?
Luc Chang’an doesn’t like to choose the most, he likes everything he wants.
That is, now he can’t help but choose.
He suddenly thought of you.
Suppose you are in the vicinity.
Luc Truong An immediately transmitted the sound to Quy Bo.
“Sir, I’m here.”
Soon, Lu Chang’an heard a small voice.
He transmitted the sound to Ji Bo, let him come over here to gather, and think of a way.
“Brother-in-law, I have lost my way, there are many passages in this ghostly place, I look around, I don’t know where it is.”
Luc Truong An heard Ji Bo just say that, roughly understood.
“Is this a labyrinth?”
Hong Lien also said.
Luc Truong An nodded once.
He soon guessed that someone intentionally designed the labyrinth, let Ji Bu surround this place, and then led him to come first.
It’s just that this person played with a high degree of authenticity, allowing the masters of this type of thief to be surrounded.
Also, why does that person think that I can definitely break this labyrinth?
If I break this labyrinth, what danger will await me in the next step?
To tell the truth, Luc Truong An is not afraid of danger.
Since he came to this world five years ago, this world is not even dangerous that could make it difficult for him to fall.
It’s just that he’s curious, what kind of danger will that person design?
Regardless, find Ji Bu soon, solve the maze and say again.
He can’t do anything but transmit soundfor you, so that you should not move on the spot.
He can rely on the touch of jade to harmonize the sound of his voice to go and find Ji Bu.
Luc Truong An looked up at the position of the Cang Long That Tuc for a while, and used his mind to remember for a while, confirming a little East, West, South, North.
Then he pushed the gate in front of the wall and brought Hong Lian.
The front is a very long passage, the passage is not straight, but curved.
In the dark, the light can’t be seen clearly too far.
He couldn’t help but scatter his gaze, only to find that there were four sections at the end of the passage.
He brought Hong Lian’s figure with a flash and went to the end.
Looking at the four sections, Luc Truong An couldn’t help but smile.
Another option?
He sensed the direction of the jade for a while, it should be in front of him.
However, he knew that the passage was a turning point, so he couldn’t consider it the standard choice.
Can’t waste any more time like that.
Luc Truong An is afraid that Zhao Co will be worried when waiting for people in the city, he must quickly save everyone and leave this place.
Immediately after, he took out a pen and drew on the ground.
Hong Lien looked down curiously.
At first, she thought that Mr. Mister had drawn something, but as a result, each head of the rafters was born and crawled out.
Hong Lien was afraid to jump to Luc Truong An behind.
Luc Truong An smiled and said: “Aren’t you going to communicate with snakes? How can you be afraid of snakes?”
“I only know how to communicate with the Scarlet King Snake, the rest of the snakes don’t listen to me.”
Hong Lien leaned his head on Luc Truong An’s back, heard Luc Truong An’s heartbeat, and felt very happy.
Luc Truong An did not pay attention to Hong Lien, but added a number to each beam.
Then make the rafters into four nests, making them enter the passage.
He quickly moved one hand, and the other beams quickly ran forward.
Luc Truong An remindedClose your eyes, use force to feel the direction of these beams.
Those pipes are indeed bent, and there are four sections in front of each pipe.
The other beams continued to make four nests towards each climbing pipe.
Following the movement of the snakes, they formed a front line in Luc Truong An’s mind.
Luc Truong An is like a posterity who plays a map detective game, very quickly, he has a prize for the surrounding.
There are a few pipes that are the road of death, can not run through.
There’s a bit of a pipe back to Bim looking around back on the other side of Guan Dao.
Without these beams, it’s really hard to find.
Not long after, a serial number “36” raft towards Luc Truong An emitted a signal.
Originally, it detected you.
Find out!
Luc Truong An was just about to open his eyes, but found that his mouth was as real as if he could touch something, soft and warm.
He knew that Hong Lien was playing the devil.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Hong Lien kissing over.
Luc Truong An hugged Hong Lien and kissed it.
Hong Lien noticed, opened her eyes, and separated from Luc Truong An.
“Sir, still continue to find people.”
“Then why are you bothering me?”
“I . . . I can’t help it, sir, he looks too serious, hehe.”
Luc Truong An smiled and patted Hong Lien’s buttocks lightly for a while.
Then, holding Hong Lien, he followed the thirty-six snake trajectory and sprinted forward.
Making him and Hong Lien appear in front of Ji Bo, Ji Bo’s face was full of surprise.
“Brother, you have finally come.”
The excited father also wanted to cry.
“This ghostly place is too terrible, I’ve been gone for a long time and I can’t get out.”
Luc Truong An laughed on the contrary.
“In the beginning, who blew the ox in front of me, saying that this is a very small matter?”
Father smiled shyly.
“Let’s go, let’s continue looking for people.”
Luc Truong An broughtHong Lien walked forward.
Ji Bu widened his eyes and asked, “Brother, how do you know how to walk?”
He didn’t know how many times he walked here, but Yep looked around but still didn’t leave. ,
Luc Truong An just arrived, how to go?
“Follow me, you throw it again, I’ll ignore it.”
Luc Truong An hugged Hong Lien and quickly flew towards the front path.
You quickly chased after him.
He followed Lu Chang’an to look around, and soon, he went out of those labyrinths and came to a big secret room.
You obediently looked at Luc Truong An.
He was locked here for a day, couldn’t think of Luc Truong An for a while and came out.
“My lord, you are so powerful.”
You can’t help but praise.
Luc Truong An did not answer, but looked at the wall of writing.
Ji Bu walked over to take a look, and found that they were all Ancient Van Tu, he didn’t know anyone.
It was Luc Truong An who felt drunk and delicious.
“Brother, what did the above say?”
“Relating to the Seven Deadly Dragons.”
Luc Truong An simply replied.
The heart was filled with shock.
Originally, he came to this world because of the Cang Long Seven Tucs?
. . .
==============================314==END================ ============
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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