"Okay, go? Mimi, apply for a launch."

After we had breakfast, we decided to begin our journey to the next destination, the Sierra system-a system with resort planets. We have little taste in this Alain system because the independent anti-pirate fleet, led by Major Serena, will aggressively hunt down pirates. It's too inefficient to crush pirate bases that have been reduced by crushing them.

"Okay!" "Elma will ask you as usual." "Okay, leave subsystem control."

The ship is all green. There are no problems with the ship's AI self-check.

"Departure permission, we got off."

Undock from the hanger bay, retract the landing gear and move slowly through the colony. You can't get angry if you speed up here and hit another ship. If you are bad, you can end up crashing with other ships in a chain and exploding, you may go bankrupt at a stretch with not only the repair cost of your own ship but also the repair cost of other ships, the repair cost of colonies, compensation and others.

"Um, the order of passing through the gate is number three, next to that yellow transport ship."

The catastrophe is confirmed on the day a ship floods the narrow gate that separates the inside and outside of the colony, so the order of exiting the gate is assigned to such a high traffic colony. If it's the third, it's vacant.

"Next," "Oh, for now, I'll drive safely until I leave the colony." "Yes," "Because accidents near the gate won't be a joke ..."

Elma has a distant eye. It may have been involved. The power of the shield must be reduced to a minimum because it may interfere with other ships in the colony. Soon after the yellow spaceship got out, it's our turn.

"Hiro, you can go" "Oh"

Slowly move the ship past the hermetic shield that separates the colony from outer space. It is a mysterious barrier that allows the hull to pass, but not the air and keeps the air pressure. I think this is the most mysterious device. After passing through the hermetic shield, there is infinite space. Immediately increase the output of the generator and accelerate, leaving the colony.

"Mimi, set the navigation" "Yes, set the route"

Mimi controls the console at the operator's seat, and navigation to the target stellar system begins. I follow the display on the screen. He bowed to the target star.

"Super light speed drive, charge start" "Okay. Super light speed drive, countdown"

Elma starts charging the superluminal drive according to my instructions.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ... superlight speed drive start"

There was a sound like a bang and an explosion, and Krishna left behind the light and ran. Stars that are far away begin to move.

"Goal, Pamoni system ... is the Sierra system at the final destination four points ahead of the lane? OK, hyperdrive charge started", "hyperdrive charge started", "successful connection to hyperlane", "countdown, 5, 4, 3" 2,1, -Hyperdrive startup "

Space is distorted, and light is distorted. The next moment, brilliant light filled the sight and Krishna rushed into hyperspace. The small boat we're on begins to move in the torrent of light that moves. The sound doesn't actually sound.

"Now, I can relax for a while."

Basically, navigation in hyperspace is operated by autopilot. The sailing time is long, and the bow just keeps gently pointing in the direction of the flow so as not to get out of the "flow" of the hyperlane. It is customary for sailors to leave only one person to check if there are any problems with autopilot navigation just in case. I heard this from Elma. Because stellar online did not take dozens of hours to navigate from system to system hyperdrive ... If it took so long to move between systems, it would be completely crazy. Basically hyper drive start, rush into hyper lane, dawn! arrival! Because it was like that.

"Now, what about the lookout?" "Well, do you really need to watch?"

Mimi tilts her head, as if she had been wondering before.

"What the hell. I'm wondering what Elma would do for me, so I can't theoretically explain the need. To be honest, I'm wondering. Auto Pilots seem to have a mechanism to correct errors if they behave unexpectedly, and they will generate alarms. ''

With that said, I look at Elma. Elma, questioning me and Mimi, nodded and opened her mouth.

"Yeah, that's a lie." "Eh" "What the hell." "Even if it's such a long time and it's time to spare without doing anything ... I guess it would be better to have time to be alone."

Elma turned her face away from us and looked in the direction of the day after tomorrow. So that's it.

"Then I'm not going to look out from now on." "Hey, a bit ..." "It's all you need to do if you're sensible. You'll needlessly shift or sleep poorly. Is too ridiculous "," That may be the case, "" I don't think it's bad to live a ragged life, "" Is that true? "

Elma turns to Jito. That's a man's romance. Well, even when I was in the cockpit turn in a shift system, I lived a rather incongruous life and I think it will not change much. By the way, it takes dozens of hours on a small ship ... if you go bad, you can cans for over a hundred hours. Of course, you can't collect information on the internet during the hyperdrive because the network is not connected, so if you do not prepare in advance a holo video for killing time, a game, or an e-book, you will move your body in the training room and eat food I just take a bath and sleep. Basically it's really free. Under such circumstances, men and women who forgive each other for their body and mind have to decide what to do. It can be nodded that there were many children's homes in the days of little entertainment.

"Okay, let's disband. Let's give each of us free time as a captain." "I see." "Is there something like a tourist guide for the Sierra system?" "Yes, there!" "Let's see everyone in the dining room. I'm interested in resort planets. Look at Elma." Hey, hey! If you don't press it! "

Pushes Elma's back and takes him to the dining room. Nothing is in the way, so let's relax at best. Because I couldn't relax much in the Allein system.

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