The next day, we decided to spawn from Dawn Torres. Elegant spawn after getting up in the morning at ship time, completing your usual routine of dressing, eating, and exercising.

"I'm glad there's no liquor left."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience..."

The tension of the cougar sitting on the sub-pilot seat is constant. As a result of being in touch with the pace of the drinking guards, she fell into a pleasant drunkenness quite early on. And I slept with Suya until morning, when a hangover hit her.

In the morning, when Mimi noticed that Kugi, who was usually the first to wake up, did not wake up, she went to see Kugi, and it seemed that Kugi was roaring on the bed. She managed to get to the infirmary with Mimi's help, and she was taken care of by the Simplified Medicine Pod in the morning.

"Alcohol is a punishment."

I'm so happy to have a Shimodo companion.

Mimi is not that strong on alcohol, but she can drink it normally. Kugi is just like me and doesn't seem to be very strong on alcohol. As for me, my shoulders were a little narrow, so I was happy to have a Shimodo companion. I'll drag you into the swamp of carbonated drinks.

So, what's your plan for today?

Elma asks me that through the main screen. We discussed this with Mimi yesterday and decided on a policy.

"There is a point in the asteroid belt between the hyperlane entrance to the Tescalope system and the Dawntress. That's the usual ambush. Antrion cuts off his power and lurks in the shadow of an asteroid, and Krishna jumps out of Black Lotus when the cosmic thieves fall into a trap, so watch the timing and unleash Gravity Jammer.”

Roger that.

Elma nodded with a strange expression on her face.

The Tescalope system is one of two unexplored systems adjacent to the Kensan system we are in. We are still investigating, but it appears that we are currently detecting a gas planet capable of extracting useful gas resources. The other systems are named after each other, but they are being explored admirably.

"Master, permission to spawn has been granted." We will be launching soon.

"All right. Drive safely."

Looks like they're spawning more mercenaries besides us. I have to be careful because there may be some hedges that bump into me. Well, I'm sure it'll be damaged by the Black Lotus. The shields and armor are thick, Black Lotus.

Mae-san, I'll send you the coordinates of your destination.

Yes, Mimi-sama. Thank you.

While listening to Mimi and May's conversation, I checked Krishna's condition. I don't doubt the work of Tina and Whiskey, but I don't care how many times I have to do this kind of check. She sat cross-legged and said, "You two are doing it right, so I'm sure you're going to do it! 'Cause you might be stomping your feet where you don't think you're doing it.

Kugi, let's check the state of the plane together.

Yes, my lord.

The information of the aircraft is displayed on the main screen, and the self-check program is run to confirm each item by two people. This was my training as a sub-pilot. The check items are varied, but the sub-pilots should pay particular attention to whether the subsystems such as chaff, flare, emergency cooling equipment, shield cells, etc. work properly and whether the generator's output distribution works properly.

You should also check if the number of times the ammo is used is maxed out, as far as the subsystems are concerned. If possible, it's better to check the live ammunition remnants and the operation of various thrusters.

"Of course I'll check it too, and Tina and Whisker check it before that." Still, you mustn't fail to check around here. Just in case there is a malfunction around the subsystem, around the generator, or around the thruster, it will kill you. "

Yes, my lord.

Even if your weapon is defective, you can escape if your subsystems and legs are alive. But the opposite was difficult. Basically, the moment you use the subsystems around here is when you're somewhat cornered, or when you're taking defensive action. If you can't use it when you have to, it could cause a fatal injury.

When I explain this to Kugi, she nods and listens honestly. At last, Mimi sitting next to her nodded. This area is also familiar to operators. In other words, everyone in the cockpit checks out as many times as they want. Since it is life-threatening, efficiency can be overlooked and checked by anyone over and over again.

While doing so, Black Lotus set off from Dawn Torres and Elma's Antrion docked on Black Lotus.

Master, we're moving to the designated coordinates.

“Understood. As usual, I need you to maximize the sensitivity of the passive radar, and if you pick up any reinforcements or distress signals, give it priority.”

Eye Iser

The active hand we use to hunt down cosmic bandits is "Fishing", but if there is a place where fighting with cosmic bandits has already occurred, it is more efficient to make it delicious. You can start fishing at any time, but it's a blast to encounter a space thief. We won't get away with this.

What happened was that we were about to arrive at our destination.

Master, we've received your request for help. It appears to have come from a fleet of Explorers called Scratch Owls. "

"Whoa, almost there." Okay, then turn around. "

I understand. One hundred and twenty seconds to arrive. "

Shut up, okay?

Ayesa, I'll decorate the first Antrionic formation.

"Don't make me look gorgeous in a different way."

I said that to Elma, and turned my attention to Mimi and Kugi. Kugi seemed pretty nervous about his first actual fight, but Mimi was calm.

"Generator output in combat mode. Weapon system activated."

"Yes, generator output, combat mode." I will start the Weapon System. "

Following my instructions, Kugi carefully begins to manipulate the subsystem. Yeah, it's not fast, but it's accurate. Well, I don't know if I can do this much, but it's good that I'm polite in my work. Once I got used to it, my speed would go up even if I kept quiet.

"Mimi, the degree of threat is sorted by firepower."

Got it!

You don't have to be too vigilant if you have an Antrion and his legs run faster. Simply consider a high firepower ship to be a threat.

Soon, we will be in contact with the enemy. I'll shoot you right away, but that's okay, right?

Of course.

The Black Lotus roars and warps out into normal space at a time when my response is over or not.

Rear hatch release. Catapult activation and injection

"Okay, let's go!"


Mimi, Kugi, and the two responded and the electromagnetic catapult activated, ejecting Krishna from the Black Lotus hanger into space. Well, it's been a long time. Let's go flashy.

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