I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 668: This is life

This is where the most crucial point is.

Qian Jingqiu looked at Ling Jingqiu who had been silent for a long time, realizing that Qian Mo was watching him, Ling Jingqiu turned his head away.

"This is related to Jingqiu"

Ling Jingqiu was engulfed by depression and was very painful. He lost hope of living and wanted to find a suitable way to leave decently.

Inadvertently, he found Xiaoman's father following him, so he found a private investigator to investigate the matter. He found that Xiaoman's father not only followed him, but also followed everyone except Yu Changmo.

Why don't you follow Xiao Hei?

Xiaohei was in Kongte, and it was impossible to find him.

From that moment, Ling Jingqiu began to plan his suicide ritual.

He looked around and thought that the mountain was good, and spread the news that he was going to build another courtyard, because the mountain was relatively biased, and building a house could not be completed overnight, which also gave Xiaoman's father more preparation time.

Xiaoman’s father has been looking for these people for a long time, and he has never been able to find a chance to start. Seeing Ling Jingqiu building a house, he thought that he had found a great opportunity to dress up as a monk and came to this abandoned ancient temple.

This is also the break of many places in the ancient temple after the arrival of Xiao Mo and Xiao Hei.

If someone is living for a long time, they will not be repaired.

Not to mention the true monk who is okay to finish drinking? Also eat seaweed and peanuts.

"Jing Qiu's plan is that he died here quietly, leaving a suicide note, in order to dispel Xiao Man's father's entanglement with you a few. In his view, he can realize his wish for death and can You do the last thing, this is a good deal."

Qian Mo told everyone the story, Chengzi and Ahai's eyes were red.

No one thought that Jing Qiu had planned this way.

Everyone's reaction was different. Ling Jingqiu's friends were heartbroken and moved. Ling Jingqiu was helpless and ashamed of being disassembled. Only the fake monk was not willing to roar.

"Fake! All are fake! You guys, in order to extricate yourself, deliberately slandered my Xiaoman! My daughter is not such a person, no! These medical examination reports are fake!"

The report that Nono took out contained several injuries in Xiaoman's condition, and she was not rumored by the bad guys at all. She had rumors out of herself, as well as various medical reports.

For a father, it is really impossible to believe that his daughter has a problem with this style of work.

"What kind of person is your daughter?" Qian Mo asked back.

The fake monk froze.

"How many points did she take in the college entrance examination?"

"What's your favorite food?"

"When did you get your first boyfriend?"

"How often do you meet her?"

This series of questions asked the fake monk.

He worked abroad all year round, and his children were brought by his wife.

Husbands think that paying money every month is the biggest responsibility for family members, but until his daughter is gone, he finds that he has nothing until middle age.

For frugality in other provinces, sometimes a pack of mustard is a meal for a steamed bun. The money is sent back by mail. When the daughter does not have it, she feels that her entire life has lost her goal.

I don’t know who I’m fighting for, or what I can do to save money.

Revenge became his only goal.

It's hard to see hope, but these people, these people even said, his little man?

"Some words are cruel, but your daughter will become like that. It is related to the family's misalignment. It should belong to the father's vacancy. She can't wait to fill the vacancy in the heart with the love of men and women."

It is easy for adolescent children to go back on this path because of this.

"I have been looking for someone who has hurt my daughter, and you told me that all this, all this is me, and I am the culprit?"

The fake monk took a big hit.

Originally, everyone hated him very much. If it wasn't Silent and Smart, then this guy might have to make a mess, maybe everyone would be here.

"Strictly speaking, you are not the culprit. Leaving home, you have bread without feelings, stay at home, without bread with feelings, this is how many people are helpless, including when I was young."

Silently thought of his childhood.

Chen Baichuan is also very busy.

In her past life, she and Chen Baichuan were in an irreparable situation. In the final analysis, it was her parents' lack of love.

From the child's point of view, it is blamed that parents can't always be with them, but she is now growing up, thinking back to her father's days, working hard for buns because she might be a mustard too.

There is no way to make money by holding the child, letting the child down and losing the family warmth.

Who doesn't want to live a good life, but reality is so helpless.

After all, reincarnation is a technical job.

Except for the fake monk, everyone on the scene was almost without exception an expert in reincarnation.

Born in wealthy and wealthy families from an early age, they did not experience the pain of struggling for life, but they could understand the analysis of the silent, seeing the dazed false monk, everyone looked at each other.

"How to deal with this?" Tiexin asked Xiaohei.

If you make a report, it’s also a pity to see this guy. Don’t report it. I’m afraid he won’t be able to trouble everyone.

"Leave it to me." Nono said.

Everyone agreed that the majesty of Nono was there, and everyone believed she could handle the matter.

"Jing Qiu, now you know the whole thing. I know it’s very painful for you to live, but is there a possibility that you are willing to try again, for the sake of your brothers? ?"

Qian Mo said sincerely to Jing Qiu.

To survive, these three words are very painful for patients with major depression, but you must try again if you feel painful.

It will not necessarily be better to continue struggling forward, but there is always a glimmer of hope that depression cannot disappear. It will follow people for the rest of their lives, but in addition to the eternal darkness, there are still many people who have successfully achieved reconciliation with depression. Coexistence, symbiosis, and age.

Like a **** of death, everyone has followed everyone from the moment of birth~www.readwn.com~ It's just the moment when the sickle falls.

Nono looked at Xiaoman's father, she would not report the case, and after taking him down the mountain, he would let him walk through the rest of the day without regret, because--

Nono looked behind Xiaoman's father, and the man in black that only she could see compared to her with a gesture of three.

Three months, three months.

Nono looked at Ling Jingqiu again, and the man in black shook his head.

Ling Jingqiu's remaining time is too long to count.

Some people try to survive, but they cannot escape the cycle of fate.

Some people want to sleep for a long time, but they are still left in the world by the bonds of family and friendship.

Those who leave are not necessarily suffering, and those who stay are not necessarily happy at all.

But everyone has to keep going, this is life.


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