I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 645: Dedicated little monster

This positive character fell down, what to do if the little monster is swollen!

If this monster wins, isn't it not in line with the main theme?

At the critical moment, sesame oil also exerted 200% of its fighting power. I saw her holding her heart and screamed twice.

"I was defeated by the strong value of the sailors!" After shouting a slogan, he lay still on the ground.

Such a dedicated little monster naturally wins applause from the audience.

Ma Jingtian took the lead in applauding.

Amidst the applause, Qian Mo couldn't pretend to be dead anymore, got up and smiled reluctantly with the magic fairy stick.

Why is life so difficult...

Xiaohua's self-cultivation is that even if her dear boyfriend witnessed the second moment of her life, she can tenaciously get up from the ground and put on a beautiful pose.

A lot of little monsters played on stage II!

Although sesame oil is also a little monster, it can still see a face anyway, but it is dressed more like a black demon-don’t ask why the sailor Murray has a black demon.

Duoduo's shape can't see his face anymore, he got a pure dinosaur costume from the Altman crew.

Xue Laosi has been looking attentively, both eyes are about to look right.

He remembered saying a lot that she played a very important role, he just waited and didn't see his face after waiting for a long time.

Finally, inferring from the pace of dinosaurs, this may be much smaller.

I instantly felt that this little dinosaur monster was the cutest one he had ever seen. He took six consecutive shots with his mobile phone, went back and immediately searched for the same little dinosaur, and placed it on the head of the bed, which was also excellent.

Only Mr. Xue was staring at the monster. Ninety-nine percent of the men were staring at the school flower.

Under the stage, all the brethren and brothers were intoxicated. In addition to being intoxicated, Xiaohe also scored a bit more than these candid photos of his future daughter-in-law.

On the stage, Qian Mo made a few gestures with the little monster, the little monster could not fall to the ground, and Qian Mo was also ready to call the curtain in the music.

Accidentally facing Xiaohei's shining eyes, Qian Mo seemed to hear his own crying voice.

Pang Pang Pang, the house leak happens to rain all night~

Xiaohei looked at her and said she was tortured with her shame.

Xiaohe thinks again and again, and finds that the mobile phones of the crowd are relatively difficult.

It was only regrettable to use his second plan. While Qian Mo was still fighting a lot of little monsters, he made a phone call.

Let his men take the lily flower in his car, which was originally intended to be sent to her when they were alone, but this will feel that the surrounding green eyes are staring at his wife's eyes, and Xiao Hei can't wait any longer Too.

In the eyes of many people, a little black employee came with a large bouquet of lilies. Xiaohe took the flowers and took the stage. In the eyes of surprise, he dedicated this large bouquet of flowers to Chen Mo.

Qian Mo seemed to hear the sound underneath, and she wanted to fall to the ground again at this moment, but she guessed that if she dared to fall, Xiaohei would dare to hug, and she would have to go to school headlines by then.

The arrival of Xiaohei was not in the silent plan, nor did he expect that he would come to the stage to send flowers, these were not in the silent script, and after seeing many little monsters on the side, he took a breath.

How to do? This is going to happen!

This drama was the most exciting moment to sing at this time. It took so long to plan to close the net, the second man suddenly came up, and many of them changed into claws on the spot.

The first reaction was to look at Fumo. The silent on-the-spot response was better than sesame oil. Seeing Xiaohei stepping up, she shouted loudly when she was only one step away from her.

"Thank you brother!"

Xiaohei's face turned away from the audience, and she saw Mu Shao's face clearly... well, it was as green as the leaves of the bouquet in his hand.

Qian Mo and Xiao Hei have been in the school for a long time in the name of brothers and sisters, except for a few people in the bedroom, no one can guess the relationship between these two people.

Just when Duoduo had a headache, what to do next, she saw Qian Mo's back pointing to the audience and Xiao Hei's hand.

Special sign language, this is also their homework to learn.

This gesture means to act early.

Duoduo immediately pressed the button in her little monster's clothes, and the stage that had just flashed the lights instantly went dark.

power cut? !

The whole venue was dark.

The quality of the police school students is relatively high, no one screams, everyone is looking for the flashlight function of the mobile phone.

The reaction time left for Qian Mo was very short. I saw her whispering something in the little black ear on tiptoe,

At the same time, there was a muffled sound from the stage.

With the screaming of so many flower accent sopranos, power supply was restored.

The eyes of the people were not enough to see what was happening on the stage. The curtain had fallen. Within a few seconds of the curtain, the sharp-eyed person saw it.

"Is the person upside down on the stage?"

"It seems that... the brother of Xiaohua has fallen? And there seems to be something on the side."

The time is too short, the people in the back row did not see clearly, but the front row did.

Xue Laosi sat closest to him, he saw it most clearly, and rushed backstage as soon as his face changed.

He saw it!

Yu Changm fell to the ground, and he silently knelt beside him crying. There was a fallen lamp stand on the ground, and there was a big blood...

Most people don’t know what is happening behind the curtain, and the power outage is too abrupt, so that everyone’s eyes have no time to adapt to the darkness.

The crowd dispersed, and no one noticed what had happened except for Mr. Xue.

The background has been a mess.

Xue Laosi jumped directly onto the stage, and when he lifted the opening cloth, he saw the big red on the ground, and several people carried Yu Changmu out, and Xue Laosi was shocked.

Grab a staff member and ask.

"What's wrong with this?"

"The light fixture on the stage suddenly fell and hit people..."

After the explanation, the staff hurried out, and it was already in a mess.

Xue Laosi was in a state of confusion, seeing that the few people who had lifted Yu Changmo had already reached the door, he also wanted to rush over, I don’t know what was wrong with the second son, it’s better not to die...

Silently saw the old Xue Xue up~www.readwn.com~ I thought there were so many accidents tonight, but fortunately she reacted fast enough.

Xue Laosi can find what others can't see, it's because he pays a lot of attention throughout, and his eyes didn't leave too much.

Seeing him coming up quietly, he quickly pushed Duoduo and took off the little monster's headgear and ran over.

The monster jumpsuit made her bulging, and her stomach swayed when she ran. If it wasn’t the case, Xue Lao Si must have thought she was too cute.

"Poet friends!"

"What's wrong with Yu Eryi?"

"Let the lamp smash, hey... what can this be swollen!" Duo Duo pinched the lower leg with red eyes.

"Good way, how can this happen, I want to see him!" Xue Laosi wanted to chase, and reached out to stop him.

"Our second child has already called an ambulance and will be able to take it away immediately. Don't follow along, stay with me and follow up."


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