"Good chance!"

【Ritsuka Fujimaru 】eyes shined moved towards Ritsuka Fujimaru and slammed down.

It's over!

Ritsuka Fujimaru opened his eyes a little unwillingly.

[Wait, and be hopeful—]

With the strong wind blowing, a dark green hat suddenly appeared between the two of them.

King of the Cavern, you guy!

Ritsuka Fujimaru bit her lip, forced her body to move with the pain, and punched [Ritsuka Fujimaru] on the head at the moment when [Ritsuka Fujimaru] was blocked by the hat.

How, it will be like this!

【Ritsuka Fujimaru】 widened his eyes unwillingly.

It is clear that I am stronger!

Consciousness to-

"pa ---"

A hand wrapped around the waist of [Ritsuka Fujimaru] from behind, the white coat on his body fluttering in the wind.

"It's hard work," Roman sat down on the ground and touched the head of [Ritsuka Fujimaru] lightly.

"No, did I tell you not to come?" [Ritsuka Fujimaru] reluctantly raised his hand and punched Roman's face, then slapped it down softly.

The feeling of peace of mind made her want to fall asleep uncontrollably.

"Have a good rest," Roman gently stroked [Ritsuka Fujimaru]'s messy hair.

"Idiot," [Ritsuka Fujimaru] slowly closed his eyes.

Ritsuka Fujimaru stared at Roman and 【Ritsuka Fujimaru】 with his fist clenched.

The two Mash released their shields at the same time, and the moment Ritsuka Fujimaru won, it was already decided.

[Mash] put away his shield cautiously and sat beside Roman, his gentle smile seemed to be urging something.

“senior,” Mash reached out to Ritsuka Fujimaru.

"Let's go Mash," Ritsuka Fujimaru wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and passed Roman with the same firm steps he had made up his mind.

Our doctor had long ago-

Ritsuka Fujimaru only felt dark and began to lose consciousness.



With a sigh of not knowing what to do, he embraced Ritsuka Fujimaru with both hands.

"How, is it possible?" Mash covered his mouth and looked at the man in a white coat who picked up Ritsuka Fujimaru in disbelief, "Doctor?"

But , I always feel that there is a bit of inconsistency.

"Ah~ So that's the case," Roman was stunned for a while, then showed a helpless smile, moved towards the man who hugged Ritsuka Fujimaru and spread his hand, "This is yours."


The man stared at the ten rings in Roman's palm in disbelief, almost subconsciously opened his hand to take all the rings away, but the moment he touched the rings, he seemed to recall Whoever started just gently picked up a ring.

"Is that enough?" Roman chuckled.

The man didn't answer Roman but handed Ritsuka Fujimaru to Mash.

"Thank you, thank you," Mash subconsciously picked up Ritsuka Fujimaru's somewhat restrained nodded.

The man put the ring on the middle finger of his left hand, and a technique exuding soft rays of light appeared on top of Mash's head, and faint particles of light fell like rain.

Mash only felt that his body lightened, the fatigue and injuries disappeared, and even the magic power consumed was accelerating recovery.

Ritsuka Fujimaru's eyes moved, as if waking up at any moment.

The man hesitated and reached out to Ritsuka Fujimaru's face.


The faint babble made the man's hand snap back like an electric shock.

"Let's go."

Sure enough.

Mash lowered his eyes.

Not a doctor.

She had heard such a voice, and probably would never forget it.

Because of him, they lost their doctor and Cyd disappeared.

The prisoner who was burned by human law, Goetia.

"Thanks," Mash cautiously moved towards Goetia with Ritsuka Fujimaru on his back, bent down, and swept past Goetia.

"Thanks," Goetia looked at her hands.

He gazed calmly at the world unbearable to look at.

He listened indifferently to the annoying noise.

He knew that was wrong.

But he ignored or acquiesced to this fact.

As an omnipotent king, he does not change such a world.

He doesn't understand.

Especially after witnessing such a world, he was even more confused.

Beloved by God, able to see all the pain in the world, choose to go on forever and create this gentle world.

Almighty King, why don't you do this?

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