Chapter 39 Goddess Seal【Gem】

"This is a misunderstanding, I saved these two little idiots from that fake Enkidu Came out and sent them to Uruk, now I'm going to collect my pay!"

Ishtar, who was tied to a chair by Medusa, jumped restlessly with the chair.

"It was obviously a gift service, but now I'm here to ask for a reward." Cyd took out a bag of gems and put it on Ishtar's lap, which is not just in name only, but also in reality The strongest seal against Ishtar.

Ishtar stopped jumping immediately to prevent the gems from spilling out of the bag.

"Anyway, they're fine. I'm worried that the fake Enkidu will catch up and speed up."

"My heart can't stand it, even if I know it's okay, my heart can't stand it. ." Ritsuka Fujimaru gasped, clutching her heart, she really didn't think about whether the fake Enkidu would catch up, she just couldn't stand being thrown out suddenly.

"So~ I'm not wrong at all, yes, no." Ishtar grabbed the bag of gems between his thighs and started bouncing with the chair again.

If Ishtar doesn't let go, she'll probably break the chair.

"Medusa, let her go."

"Bang." Medusa snorted lightly, obviously not happy about letting Ishtar go, but she let go chain.

"Ah, yes, maybe you can't feel it, but as a Goddess, I have a bad feeling recently." Ishtar rubbed his wrist, looking serious as if he was remembering something Said, "[She] is going to wake up."

"Athena?" wake up.

"I don't know about this~" Ishtar spread his hands irresponsibly, opened the door and moved towards Cyd at the door, waving his hands, "Goddess' hunch is very accurate, if you want me to help If so, remember to prepare the offerings that make my heart flutter, bye bye~"

Ishtar walked away in a dashing manner, but the mood in the house fell into a trough, and the surrounding sea of flowers drooped slightly as if they were about to wither.

Roman right hand on the other side of the communicator put the cup on the table tremblingly.

"Athena doesn't know that, the Goddess who gave Cyd Blessing of Wisdom is not some Evil God who can disguise the name of Athena."

"It's me, although I'm only far away Take a look from afar, but it's really Athena." The calmest person in the room was probably Cyd, who sat quietly on the table.

"Not a Mimic Servant, but a god of genuine who came to this age with the Holy Grail of King of Magecraft, and she fell asleep in order to gain the power of [a certain god]. If Ishtar's intuition is correct, Then Athena is about to wake up."

"Why is Mr. Cyd so calm?" Mash tried to hold his trembling right hand with his left hand, but both hands were shaking violently.

"Don't you feel sad that the people who once cared for you are now destroying the human rights and you have to fight them?"

"Mash, you are wrong. I Really sad to have to fight them, but I definitely didn't [have to] fight them."

Cyd reached for Mash's trembling hands, his face with the same sureness as ever. Gentle smile.

"I choose to fight them, I choose to save the sad people in the way I am good at, and this is my responsibility."

"And I use [responsibility] to cover it like this Full responsibility." Ritsuka Fujimaru muttered, leaning against the legs of the table, she had not read Cyd's mythology, so she was not surprised that the Greek god would be the helper of King of Magecraft.

So she can't carefree pat Cyd on the shoulder and say [it's not your fault], and she shouldn't say things like [share the responsibility].

"Mr. Cyd, I think I, I should be able to share part of the responsibility with you." Mash turned to hold Cyd's hand as if determined.

Her hands were still shaking, but only shaking.

“Me, me, and senior have to come to this Singularity because human rights are going to be destroyed, but what we do next is our own choice. Everything!"

The girl who has been shrouded in the power and back of Hero of Pure White is walking forward step by step, maybe the girl can only stagger along by herself, but the girl has many helpers, One by one, she helped the girl to her ideal silhouette.

Ritsuka Fujimaru wiped away the nonexistent tears from the corners of her eyes and sighed about Mash's transformation like an old mother. The movements of Stheno and Euryale on both sides of her are almost exactly the same as hers.

"I heard such an exciting announcement before entering the door. It seems that our new colleagues are quite good!"

Leonidas slammed the door open, watching His eyes snapped when he got to Mash in front of Cyd.

"en!? What the hell is this... Could it be that Cyd-sama and Atalanta-sama actually have children! Ah, with such pure brilliance who would but the descendants of Cyd-sama I have it!"

"Hey! I, I'm not Mr. Cyd's child, it's just that..." Mash didn't know how to explain it, so he cast his eyes for help at Stheno and Euryale.

"I'm not going to become a grandma, this is..." Stheno touched the chin tangled, "It seems pretty good, isn't it, me?"

"...great, but I also like the title [mother]." Euryale grabbed her hair reluctantly.

Medusa was breathing a little harder, apparently expecting Mash to call her [aunt].

The scene was chaotic for a while, and Cyd had no intention of explaining it. Although it was true, he didn't want to use the fact that he was still a virgin to solve the misunderstanding.

"Well~ don't worry about this little detail, the banquet is the most important thing." Merlin stood up at Cyd's death sight threat and made everyone skip this embarrassing topic for Cyd.

“This may be the last meal that can be eaten well. Let’s skip this kind of messy things... Mash’s era was a test tube!”

Cyd smashes an apple with Merlin's mouth before Merlin can say those words.

"I think it shouldn't be for everyone to lose their memory after I explain it."

Cyd stepped on Merlin's head and was moved towards Leonidas and a few people smiled kindly.

"I don't want to!"

PS After watching the newly updated Masked Knight, I said hello all over my face, because there are too many weak spots, I don't know where to start, it's just pure fire Big, the same scene is played three times, are they really okay? The only good news is that the metal locusts are here, and they were delivered by Qianqi himself. You can see that 1000% of them are shriveled.

Chapter 40 Just stop thinking at this time

Ritsuka Fujimaru feels alive whenever she eats at Singularity, whether it's Medea's dubious pastries or the lamb and butter cakes now on the table that make her forget about her recent weight gain about this matter.

"Damn, today I'm consuming too much energy, it's okay to eat more!"

"That's right, Lord Fujimaru, only after constantly eating protein You need to exercise to get a strong body, so eat more!" Leonidas kept pushing the meat on the table to Mash and Ritsuka Fujimaru, and his enthusiasm reminded the two girls of the scene of eating on The Argo.

"No! They can't marry if they have too much muscle on their bodies!" Medusa, who had become a Onee-san, raised her hand and placed her hand on the plate that Leonidas pushed over.

"What's wrong with not being married, isn't it bad to accompany mothers all the time?" Stheno sat on Cyd's left leg and dangled his feet, and Euryale, who was sitting on his right leg, agreed nodded.

Cyd is counting the muscle lines of the lamb on the table.

It's good to stop thinking at this time, it's really fun to breathe the air.

"Compared to this, I can actually see Ushiwakamaru and Musashibō Benkei!" Ritsuka Fujimaru swallowed a piece of mutton and stared at Ushiwakamaru, "I admire Ushiwakamaru very much!"

"Admiration? That, if possible..." Ushiwakamaru was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, Ritsuka Fujimaru was blocked by the fruit pushed by Medusa.

"For girls, fruit is more important than meat."

"Hmm." Ushiwakamaru lowered her head in disappointment, obviously she wanted to chat with Ritsuka Fujimaru about [ admiration] thing.

If Cyd wasn't in a daze, he would probably explain it for Ritsuka Fujimaru, but judging by Ushiwakamaru's super-high mobility, she would definitely find a chance to ask.

"A warrior is a mathematician, fighting for two hours and must nap for 15 minutes! Say it -- come back! Those young warriors are so outrageous, I'm the only one who can be calm and decisive on the battlefield!"

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