"Of course, I'm the King of Uruk." Gilgamesh put his left hand on his chin and raised his legs, showing a rebellious smile.

“All the treasures in this world belong to this King, and the right to choose also belongs to this King. The answer has already been chosen by this King, and it is not his turn to trouble him as a courtier.”


"Cyd's only duty in this era is to guard Uruk as this King's courtier, and the rest...including the Greek Goddess is handled by this King."

Chapter 15 Sleeping Goddess

It's a huge cave covered in bright red, and the surrounding rocks are pulsing like muscles in a trance. Just being here makes you feel uncomfortable.

The winding and twisting road forms a huge labyrinth of the entire blood-colored cave. I am afraid that just stepping here will be trapped here forever, and then become a part of this labyrinth.

A woman whose hair color is very similar to the surrounding rocks smashed the rocks in front of her with her feet and reached the end of the maze.

"Mother said that she didn't like that you came here in such a violent way." A handsome teenager with green long hair and a white shirt that was completely different from the surrounding color looked at the broken rock with some trouble. woman appearing on the wall.

This is a look that the people of Uruk would be astonished to see, because this look is the only friend of their great king, and an existence that cannot be desecrated.

He was supposed to sleep with Underworld forever, no, maybe he couldn't even sleep forever, it should be said that his body was placed in Underworld. But the body opened its eyes again, and began to act again in a way that the people of Uruk could not accept.

It's not Enkidu, Gilgamesh's best friend, but another being who uses Enkidu's body, and is the enemy of mankind who is on the side of the master of this purgatory-like cave.

"Only she can do such a delicate operation with a Magical Energy Reactor. It seems that you did good to resume exercise, Enkidu."

"Please don't put this body on a Call me by the name of the master, my name is Kingu, a more excellent weapon of the gods." Kingu, who denied the name of Enkidu, politely expressed his dissatisfaction, and said the name of the woman in front of him.

"Is Ares-sama going to give back the power of mother?"

"What to give back, this thing is not hers in the first place, isn't it strange that Virgin Goddess has this kind of power? [Hundred Infant Demonic Beasts]? What's the name?" Ares both hands crossed near chest kicked the stone wall next to Kingu, and countless cracks spread to the entire maze with Kingu's helpless sigh. end.

"Really, both mother and you are embarrassing."


What the shattered stone wall hides is Chaos Tide, another name is Holy Grail Mud. At the center of Chaos is a giant egg, and Chaos Tide is rippling silently with a huge heartbeat.

"Now I'm actually curling up inside the egg, it seems that I have reached the final step of absorbing Tiamat's power." Ares stepped into Chaos Tide carelessly, the turbid mud just trying to follow the battle. The boots climbed up and were driven back by the scorching, lava fighting intent that was the exact opposite of silent life.

"Well, it looks like we can't get along well at any time." Ares walked to the giant egg, and his bright red eyes seemed to see the silver-haired girl in the center through the eggshell.


“mother needs a bigger body in order to perfectly grasp the power of Tiamat, so he uses this Holy Grail Mud to shape his body.” Kingu is far away Standing on the outside of the Chaos Tide, he sang like a bard, "The day when the mother is reborn will show the most beautiful body in this world, and the mother's wish will be fulfilled after this."

"Still don't want to talk to me? At least let me make sure you're still alive." Ares ignored the self-absorbed Kingu raised his hand and tapped the eggshell, but as always, there was no response.

"That fine, [Cyd]."

The simple three seemed to have some huge magical power to shake the dome, and the silent chaotic tide set off heaven overflowing giant waves. The dull collision sound came from the position where it first touched the eggshell of the three words [Cyd], as if the wild beast in the dark was struggling frantically.

"You, what are you doing, why are you provoking mother mother?" Kingu shouted outside the chaotic tide, losing his calm and indifferent anxiety, "if mother mother doesn't conceive a perfect body, come out It's all in vain!"

"Isn't this confirming if she's still alive? Calm down, that's how old enemies say hello."

Ares seems to confirm something Nodding, turned his head and left the Chaos Tide and dropped the giant egg that was still making violent noises.

"You, you just left?!" Kingu glanced at the dome with some embarrassment, gritted his teeth and caught up with Ares after thinking that part of mother's power was still on Ares.

"Ares-sama, please return your power to the mother, only in this way can we create a more perfect human being in the next generation."

"A more perfect human being?" Ares stopped After stepping down, he slowly turned his head and looked towards Kingu.

Kingu thought Ares meant to listen to him, and immediately said: "Made by me as the prototype of the new human being..."

"I thought you were going to say something, even if If you really want the prototype, it wouldn't be you." Ares interrupted Kingu impatiently and turned to leave.

"Also, don't talk to me about recreating human beings, it's not like we haven't done this kind of thing."

"Wait, I'm the most perfect creature created by the gods. Creation!" Kingu quickened his pace and surpassed Ares as if realizing something, and said loudly, "I should be far better than Cyd's performance as an old human... eh!"

Closely The hand on the throat forcibly interrupted Kingu's speech, Ares's eyes were always looking straight ahead but the fierce gesture of clasping his fingers into Kingu's neck lifted Kingu up.

"I dug you out of Underworld only because I thought you might be useful for attacking Uruk, so I hope you'll stay in the arsenal as a siege weapon at other times, understand?"


"Clear... white."

"Very good." Ares let go, letting Kingu fall to the ground.

"Also, either I or Athena have long since lost interest in making new humans, no matter how many times they make it, it's pointless, what we expect is not making this cheap word can Got it."

"cough..." Kingu clutched his throat and watched Ares leave with some fear, just as Ares really planned to kill him just because he mentioned [Cyd].

When this body restarted, he gained a lot of knowledge, including knowledge of an individual named [Cyd]. From his point of view, Cyd is nothing but an individual made by The Greek Gods with old humans. As the weapon of the gods created by the Sumerian gods, he should be far more perfect than Cyd.

He should have dismissed the old human individual named Cyd, but both Ares and mother had a great obsession with this old human individual.

He felt unwilling and curious, he wanted to prove himself better. But neither the sleeping mother nor Ares even gave him a chance to compare.

As if that were taboo, no, provocative.

Kingu covered his head, and deep obsession emerged in his supposedly spotless eyes.


Chapter 16, the bench hero in front of mother

Ishtar has been quite unhappy recently, specifically [recent] The time period begins when Gilgamesh rejects her marriage proposal. Before that, she was smooth sailing as the center of the gods, even if there was a little setback like being tied into a hedgehog, the great Goddess Ishtar would not care too much.

Ishtar has to admit that Gilgamesh is pretty good, especially when it comes to angering her. First rejected her marriage proposal, then cut off her tribute, and now gave her temple to two little Goddess!

This is simply a provocative act of smearing her face with mud, even the generous Goddess Ishtar is impossible to let it go. But if it's too much to throw Gugalanna down as before, it's Gilgamesh who is at fault for breaking her fortune, not the people of Uruk who were going to give the gem but were cut off.

every injustice has its perpetrator, and if she's looking for trouble, she's looking for Gilgamesh and the two little Goddess who robbed her.

She was going to sit on Gugalanna's head and look down at the two little Goddess, telling them that she was always the only one Ishtar robbed and no one else could rob her.

But she overturned because she forgot where she left Gugalanna, and the timing of it was a bit unfortunate.

"[I], how long is this poor Goddess going to stay in that position." Stheno lay on Cyd's left shoulder and scratched Medusa, who was bowing his head, with the olive branch in his hand.

"I don't know, because has several points of the clock." Euryale yawned cutely on Cyd's right shoulder.

While they were supplementing the element of [the joy of the lovely son lose one's head out of fear], this naked Goddess fell from the sky, raising his hand to summon something as if he wanted you to look good. Cyd was going to knock the Goddess over on the spot, but because the Goddess had nothing to sum up and it was too funny to stay still because he didn't want to accept the reality, they stopped Cyd.

"I, I remember Gugalanna's response, it should have been properly tied there...probably." Ishtar looked stiff and sweaty as he stared at the patterned ceiling that was no longer her favorite.

“speaking of which, when was the last time I fed it... Could it go out to find something to eat when it’s hungry!?”

"pu hahahaha...[I], I can't take it anymore." Euryale slumped over Cyd, clutching his stomach and laughing, rubbing his stomach while wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, "Cyd knew when he was three years old that even crawling would take Get up and make three meals a day and feed us."

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