Mordred reluctantly lifts the head, and what she sees is the face she hates but yearns for, and no one's eyes are reflecting her embarrassed appearance.

The king is hugging me?

Mordred's face instantly turned red and he pushed Artoria away, slammed into Cyd's arms and started gasping for breath.

Artoria maintained a motionless posture with her hands raised. Although her face was still indifferent, the hair on the top of her head fell softly.

She's probably lost.

At this time, Mordred also realized what he had done.

The king was hugging me just now, and I pushed her away!

Am I stupid! ! !

Mordred rolled on the ground, covering his face.

"Senior, Miss Mordred's Saint Graph is about to disappear, right?" Mash pulled on Ritsuka Fujimaru's clothes.

"Well, don't ask me," Ritsuka Fujimaru silently covered her face.

Bedivere is spinning in circles with some not knowing what to do.

His stance, which was going to be desperate, has become super subtle, and the king doesn't look like he is going to continue fighting, but now he will be too ignorant in the past.

Anyway, Bedivere hesitated again.

"Go ahead," Cyd raised his hand to patted Bedivere's back, "don't forget that it's because of your hesitation."

Bedivere was stunned. Afterwards, nodded moved towards Artoria.

“Back me up,” Mordred, who was lying on the ground, grabbed Cyd's trousers.

Cyd sighed, bent over and took Mordred's hand on his back.

"It's really a headache for the king."

"Are you still willing to call me king now?" Mordred's hands fell weakly on Cyd's chest. , the faint rays of light slowly overflow.

"I chose you first," Cyd raised slightly at the corner of his mouth. "Look at it, the king you dream of."

"Well," Mordred's head rested on his head. On Cyd's shoulder, golden's long hair fell slowly.

"Who are you?" Artoria stared at Bedivere suspiciously.

She should remember this Knight, but she doesn't want to raise.

"I'm just a third-rate Knight, King need not remember me, I came to the king's There is only one thing in front of me," Bedivere one-knee kneels stood in front of Artoria, his silver arm disappeared, his right hand was slowly raised, and the dazzling Holy Sword appeared on his right hand, " King, please raise the Holy Sword again."

Artoria's eyes narrowed fiercely, and the memory began to emerge.

By the way, how could she forget the person in front of her.

"senior! Bedivere's body!" Mash's eyes widened.

"Mash, watch here!" Ritsuka Fujimaru took Mash's hand and stared at Bedivere whose body began to turn to dust, "That is the last redemption of the hero named Bedivere , is also the end of glory."

"I don't need this Holy Sword," Artoria instinctively took a step back.

Because she failed, she fell, she is not a qualified king, as long as she holds the sword again, she will become the king who cannot bring happiness to the people.

"King, please hold up the Holy Sword again, because that's everyone's favorite king," Bedivere looked at Artoria with a smile, "King, you are right, you are more loving than anyone else. , I still remember the conversation that day, so please don't deny yourself, you are the king who knows love better than anyone."

Artoria stared blankly at the Holy Sword on Bedivere's right hand.

As long as you hold it, Lion King's efforts until now will be in vain, and the human beings she loves will fall into an unknown crisis.

"It's alright, this time we all take responsibility together," Cyd lightly said with a smile, "Wang only needs to move forward with confidence, everyone will catch up, and will not give up chasing, as long as the king does not Just forget to look back at us."

What, is it just that simple?


Artoria reached out and grabbed the hilt of the Holy Sword, and slowly raised it above her head as if she was pulling out the sword of choice for the first time.

Tell me sooner.

The king raised the Holy Sword again, but this time what she pulled out was not The Sword in the Stone, but the Knight named Bedivere before 1500 years ago, even if the body turned into dust The Holy Sword held up.

"Is Wang handsome?" Mordred asked softly.

“Cannot compare to you,” Cyd said softly.

"Liar," Mordred's body turned into faint rays of light and slowly floated towards the sky.

"The king is more handsome than anyone."

Chapter 42 When should you go to bed? Hero of Pure White ah

"did King lose?" Looking at his hands that had become transparent, Gawain sighed, "In the end, I still didn't stay by the king's side until the last moment."

"Hate me, Gawain," Lancelot let go of his sword, "you have the right to hate me."

Gawain was stunned, and with a soft sigh, he called the head, The smile that is very sunny doesn't know when it is full of bitterness.

It was because of his inexcusable hatred for Lancelot that it became irreparable at that time, so this time.

"I won't hate your Lord Lancelot," Gawain drew his sword back to its scabbard, "never again."

"Really? I'm still thinking at least Lord Gawain punched me," Lancelot scratched his face.

Then in his field of vision, a fist enlarged infinitely.


"Sure enough, I'm still immature."

Gawain rubbed his fist and closed his eyes contentedly.

"It hurts," Lancelot, who was lying on the ground, touched his face and sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Are you the son of a sad person? , why are you sad when you don't look at anyone anymore?"

King Hassan pinned the greatsword to the ground, hands folded at the end of the hilt, with motionless Tristan behind him.

"Have you fallen for yourself because of past mistakes? Stupid!"

"ka-cha ――"

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