They should have looked up at the great heroes from under the huge medallion, but just like ten years ago they didn't see anyone and the heroes left the king there .

But this time the king didn't drop the medal, but shook his head and put away the medal to announce the start of the banquet.

Is the king grown up? No, he still wanted to throw the medal, but this time the heroes didn't let the king's dove go because [the medal] was worthless.

They are leaving.

The Great Sinners have done their job well to defend the Liones in the midst of a great crisis, and it's time for them to be released back to where they belong.

"father, what's wrong with you?" Elizabeth tilted her head to look at Bartra, who looked sad.

"It's nothing, just a little emotional." Bartra clenched the birthday present Elizabeth gave him, still a little sad that the Old Partners who had been with him for more than ten years were leaving.

Time didn't leave a mark on [Seven Deadly Sins], and he subconsciously thought he was still young, but when he said goodbye, he realized that he was old, to the age where he would sigh.

"Goodbye, [Seven Deadly Sins]."

The Royal General Medal of the country was thrown into the sky, which is the glory of the heroes, even if the heroes do not care, but apart from No one other than them is qualified to hold this honor.

The old camp of [Seven Deadly Sins], which should have been demolished ten years ago when [Seven Deadly Sins] was framed, but Bartra has been well preserved, as clean as the turmoil of that day Nothing happens in general awaiting their master.

"It wasn't so clean when we left." Cyd stood in front of the house's huge door with the Reformed Pandora on his back, and the soft moonlight stained him and the house with silver.

"Oh! didn't expect this place is still there?" Ban walked out of the woods with his hands in his pockets.

"There's no smell of alcohol in it, did Bartra really clean it up?" Kim walked out the other side in a hoodie that hadn't changed in ten years.

"Aren't you supposed to be by Elaine's side now?"

"I'm a person who knows the atmosphere?" Ban lifts the head looked towards the sky, and sighed softly , "Well, although I know this day will come back sooner or later, but didn't expect that the first person to leave will be Vice-Captain, I always thought it would be to resurrect Elaine's me."

" Do I drag it back?" Cyd turned his head and smiled helplessly, he didn't even think about leaving secretly, it was just that they happened to meet here in this brief moment.

"Meliodas, Gowther, Escanor, Merlin, come out, and Diana, you can't hide."

"What, I want to sneak attack." Meliodas Holding the back of his head and walking out of the woods, "I think everyone thinks so."

"Captain, it's only you and Ben who want to do this."

The seven sinners came out from seven directions, and they all escaped the ceremony who was awarded the honor and came here.

They are about to part, but it's not such a painful thing. They gathered here for their sins, and the moment they parted means that they have no regrets.

"It would be great if we could always be together, but we are not children anymore, so saying goodbye is also as it should be by rights." Diana, who had been squatting and talking to everyone, stood up for the first time. Straight, because then she can hide the tears in her eyes, she doesn't want to be a little girl who needs to be taken care of in the end.

"Cyd, the ending must be so perfect because you are here." Meliodas didn't get close to Cyd, everyone kept the same distance from Cyd. In terms of tacit understanding, they did not want to show an expression that would make their companions worried.

"Like you said, I can roar as much as I want, and no matter how many times you stop it, it hurts a little."

"Vice-Captain, because you're here for me I can do my best to find a way to resurrect Elaine. Even if it hurts my companions, I don't have to worry, because you will always stop me."

"Vice-Captain, maybe you are suitable for being a king, I saw in you what it takes to be a great king. As long as I do what you do, even if it's just to protect everyone, I will definitely be a good king."

"Vice-Captain, I Thank you and Meliodas for allowing me to meet Kim again, I don't remember Kim but that's why I can meet everyone again. I don't like fighting, but fighting to protect everyone feels really good."

"Vice-Captain, I always thought there would be no pain without a heart, but I learned from you that I am so happy now because of pain."

"Vice -Captain, you have given me a home and a companion for the lonely me. Everyone treats me the same day and night. Even if I burn out for you, I feel it is worth it. You really helped me a lot, so please let me Let my magical power help you."

"..." Merlin curled one's lip without saying a word, until everyone looked at her, and then reluctantly whispered.

"I'm sorry to trouble you until now."

"Ha~ you guys, did you say this at the end? I usually say thank you for taking care of your aftermath. "Cyd looked at the head helplessly.

"I just want to thank you? Thank you, because of you I can really feel that my illusory wish is coming true."

"I'm going back, I don't Then there is the hero who can carry everyone by one person, and many things have to be shared by someone...and someone can share it with me. It's not just you who can fulfill your wishes."

Walking alone, walking, walking Only then did I realize that I was really walking alone. The end of the wish was near, but he was getting farther and farther, because the end was where he began.

But as he walked, he started to go around in circles, looking into the distance when he was doing something similar to the past but completely different, maybe he would be able to return to his destination soon.

"I'm very happy, whether it's meeting you or fighting with you, but it's a pity that I haven't reached the end yet, and you have reached it first. So, in order not to lag behind you, I also Come on, you have to live a good life at the end."

The seven turned their backs to Cyd, waiting for the words that would come back eventually.

"What, because I'm not at the finish so it's up to me? What a bunch of tough guys."

Cyd put his hands in his pockets and used them as much as he could. He shouted in a relaxed tone.

"[Seven Deadly Sins] is now dissolved, seven deadly sinners, you have no sin from the very beginning, the pain engraved in your soul has been healed, and you will leave your sins behind to find happiness Let's go!"

"Yong, goodbye, my friends."

The seven turned their heads at the same time, their center had disappeared, and their sadness had been pulled The man has left without a trace as if it never existed.

"How could it not have existed."

Meliodas and the others unannounced their sleeves and looked at the faint patterns on their arms with a gentle expression.

"Isn't the family's logo right here."

The family's logo, which has been on the arm since long ago, will connect them across everything.

[Seven Deadly Sins] group rules eight.

[Seven Deadly Sins] will never be disbanded.

Chapter 123 Who are you? Who am I!

"Wow ahhhh...Hope you're finally back, hurry up and explain the strange time record of the communicator, it's only one year old..." Roman complained loudly about himself just about to move towards Cyd who completed Rayshift What kind of inhuman treatment was received, but the moment he saw the expression on Cyd's face, he reached out and patted Cyd's shoulder as if recalling something, and said softly.

"Go and rest for a while, I think you're tired too. I clean your room often. Chaldea's simulated sun keeps your quilt warm."

" "Cyden's nod. It is obviously an immortal body, but he feels tired. He has never been tired after fighting with Chronos, and his brain is not as cloudy as it is now.

Cyd dragged his tired body slowly towards his room, and his consciousness stopped when he fell on the warm blanket full of sunlight.

Is he tired? Ah, yes, he was tired, because those ten years were so happy, so happy that his body was tired.

"Good night, Medusa."

Medusa came out of the shadow and covered Cyd with the quilt, not because Cyd would catch a cold, but happier sleeping under the quilt. She lay quietly beside the bed and watched for a long, long time without seeing Cyd sleeping peacefully after being tired. The last time she saw Cyd like this was on a peaceful and comfortable island.

"Would it be better to stop you at that time... Ha, what am I talking about now?" Medusa stroked Cyd's white hair, squinting and lying beside the bed .

"Good night, my younger brother."

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