Maybe Vlad III could smash the war chariot down with iron stakes, but now that he and Karna are deadlocked, no one can stop Achilles.

"Tsk, why don't you just go find Cyd," Achilles curl one's lip on the war chariot.

He likes to abuse the enemy. It should be said that most of the Greek warriors like to abuse the enemy, because for them fighting is a tribute to the gods. the gods rejoice.

He responded to summon in order to fight against other heroes. Although it was fun to run over and over, there was always a sense of emptiness. Now he is even more eager to fight with other Heroic Spirits. matchup.

Born because he was soaked in the Styx River, he was impervious to sword and spear, and his only weakness was his heel. Therefore, his life was smooth sailing until his death. On the battlefield, he was an invincible existence. Desires to win, but he is more eager for a satisfying fight.

He wants to fight for his life!

He was very excited when he knew that Cyd was also one of the Heroic Spirits of Holy Grail War. He didn't care whether Cyd was a ruler or not. He had no interest in the Holy Grail. He knew in a moment that his wish had come true, and growing up listening to Cyd's story, he had always longed to fight Cyd.

His purpose now is to crush the Heroic Spirit of both red and black, um, eldest sister, forget it, and then have a no-regret fight with Cyd.

But it's so boring now!

If there is no Heroic Spirit who can fight him, then he will immediately kill Vlad III.

"It seems that our hero is very impatient," the black casterAvicebron flicks with the finger standing in the castle, "but the more aloof and remote people are, the more they can't see clearly under their feet. Something."

"clang ——————"

The Mercedes-Benz war chariot froze fiercely as if stuck in a quagmire, and Achilles, who was standing on it, stumbled and almost flew go out.

"Hahaha, roll over, look at the wheels, you're going to get caught before you can't even think about rushing around."

Some harsh voices at Achilles ringing in his ears.

"Shut up if you don't want your head to bloom." You don't have to look to know that it must be the same horse that taunts every time he's in a corner, but Achilles, who also drags it, also notices his own. There is a problem with the wheels.

Achilles stuck his head out and looked towards the wheel. I don't know when Golem's debris started to stick to his wheel. The accumulated dirt finally got stuck on the tire and instantly solidified and made him war chariot. The tire and the ground become one.

"Tsk, is the other party's Magician?" Achilles shot the surrounding Homunculus and Golem who were trying to get in the car to attack him, "It's useless at all!"

With that, Achilles raised his gun and poked it at the dirt on the wheel.

"No, that's enough."

A stout hand suddenly reached out from the shattering smoke of Golem and grabbed Achilles' face.

"Hiding behind Golem!" Achilles' eyes narrowed fiercely, and instinctively raised the long spear to block his face, but it was still a step too late, and the hand caught him accurately 's face, and was forcibly pulled off the war chariot in an instant.


At this time, Achilles had the illusion that someone was strangling his neck and dragging him with a war chariot, and from the constant feeling on his face, it seemed that this Guys are able to do damage to him.

Black should only be able to deal damage to him with one rider!

But what the hell is this hoof sound? Did this archer come here on horseback?

"Black archer!"

Achilles roared and swung the long spear at the Heroic Spirit who kind of took him off the war chariot, even if his vision was enough Hit this guy with this gun.

However, the black archer, who didn't even look at him, seemed to know the size of the long spear in his hand. The other hand stretched out and directly pinched the long spear.



Before Achilles was surprised, he was thrown into the forest, crashing and breaking. After a few trees, Achilles spins himself to the ground with a long spear and comes to a forcible stop.

"It's really brave," Achilles rubbed his sore neck, "an archer can do this."

"Don't underestimate anyone. ."

The familiar voice and intonation made Achilles' expression freeze.

"Achilles you have an immortal body, so you are always overconfident, showing off one's ability," Chiron peeled off the fallen tree and came to Achilles, always smiling softly. There was a hint of helplessness and bitterness, "It's my fault that you died because of this."

"Why..." Achilles stared dully at the familiar silhouette in front of him.

"Because of a wish," Chiron took out his bow and aimed it at Achilles.

Achilles clenched his fists.

"You're still too naive," Chiron shook the head, "You will defeat the enemy ruthless, but once you meet someone you know, or someone you think is good, you will become open-minded. It's definitely a plus for a hero, but it's an Achilles' heel in Holy Grail War, you see? Achilles."

Achilles took a deep breath seriously nodded.

At this moment, they seemed to go back to the past. Chiron, who was both strict and gentle, always patted his head with his hands and taught him. Nine years of time made him grow into no less than Hero of Hercules and Cyd, but he has one thing on his mind.

"There's one thing I've been wanting to know about Sensei until now," Achilles looked at Chiron earnestly.

Why does his Sensei always sneak out in the middle of the night in search of medicinal herbs for pain relief?

Why does his Sensei always look proud but bitter when he mentions Cyd?

Why... Sensei, who is obviously an immortal body, will die...

He has always been confused, but then he seems to understand a little bit, and all the problems are intertwined into one.

"Sensei, do you... regret?"

The world is singing Cyd, whether it's the father he can never lift in front of his mother, or the ocean of his mother Goddess always told him Cyd's story, but every time he got to the end his father was always sighing, and his mother was showing an expression similar to indignation.

He later heard some rumors.

King of the Gods Zeus is dreading, dreading the immortal body, Ruler of the Underworld Hades Blessed of immortality, including him Cyd blessed by Twelve Main Gods One day overthrow his reign, So let Cyd go to Tartarus and fight the previous King of the Gods.

Cyd impossible comes back again, what he has to face is the King of the Gods who is also immortal, the war between immortality and immortality has no end, even if it really reaches the end of eternity, Immortal Nature is exhausted , Cyd will never survive.

But Cyd will survive, even fighting to the end of Immortal Nature, because...

"I never regret it." Chiron smiled softly .

There is such a Sensei.

PS Mid-Autumn Festival will be updated, but after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it can only be updated twice a day. Occasionally, there will be more surprises. After all, the happy fishing time is decreasing.

PS About [Water ] I don't know what to say. After all, it's a fan, and the familiarity of the plot is unavoidable. I can only guarantee that the real high is coming soon

PS:;((?n??))); :( ? .')~(?F dish')??(= ̄. ̄||)? =???? =???? ?( ?Д`)?

The third Chapter 13 Dealing with this kind of empress is faster


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