But...on a day that was indistinguishable from normally, she met a special... teenager.

He wasn't really a man, and he looked a little weak standing with the Divine Horse, which could be described as beautiful. She was a little hesitant to come out from where she was hiding. Her prey was taken away. As a hunter, she had to get it back, but the boy didn't do anything. It was the Divine Horse that moved... feet.

Perhaps at that time she chose to grit her teeth and leave, maybe she would get a completely different life, but that is also a possibility, she met a person who was out of tune with Greece. He... is afraid of her, not because of her strength but because of her looks?

Clear and dodging eyes are as pure as his color, full of [Don't come near me].

Who wants to be near you, a trifling white-hair! I just want my prey!

Of course, she won't change her opinion of a man because this white-hair is a little different from other men. Of course, the transaction with him is only because of gold coins, definitely not because of some other factors. Looking for the best quality rope and crossbow just because she doesn't bother doing these little tricks.

...Sure enough, men are still dead, why can't women have children between women? Can't you make a river that can give birth to a child in one sip?

When she saw the white-hair sticking close to the Artemis-sama she admired, she wanted to throw the white-hair on the ground with a shoulder throw and strangle him with a rope , oh... She seems to have finished falling over the shoulder, so just strangle him to death.

But Artemis-sama doesn't allow it, saying that this white-hair is Child of the Moon! ? Born with white-hair, it is not without, that is, Artemis-sama... Virgin Goddess has a child, that's fine! ? Sure enough, it's better to shoot this white-hair to death for Artemis-sama's reputation!

There is absolutely no other idea!

In the end, the white-hair was not shot to death. It was not that she was soft-hearted but that Artemis refused to let it.

That special boy was just disappeared, and there was no news. No matter how powerful a hunter is, it is impossible to hunt prey without any clues, but it is still possible to make some preparations, such as how to shoot a head. reputation.

But this reputation is like bait, attracting heroes and evoking their desires. Whenever she blows a hero's head, she can't help but think of that pure white boy, if that boy is dyed the same color as these guys, she doesn't mind blowing his head, of course now she wants to blow him too head of.

She rode The Argo for Artemis-sama's reputation and her goal of making a name for herself. Sure enough, she was lucky, the pure white was quite conspicuous in the crowd, and she achieved one of her goals at once, and the rest was, um, ask him clearly, and then throw him into the sea.

However, he... seems to have become a very difficult person to deal with, with a slender and robust body that has a different aesthetic than Heracles. The boy became a man, he seemed to have changed a lot, but it seemed that he had not changed at all.

The eyes are still so clear and dodging. It should be a very proud thing to set foot on The Argo. They are about to write a legend, but he refuses to get on the boat.

What, lying on the stone looks like a piggy who was dragged by his legs and was about to be dragged out of the nest but refused to come out, although he was taken away with the nest in the end.

This man named Cyd is very special, really special. In this world where heroes and robbers are no different, he seems to be more suitable for the title of hero.

The trip to get the Golden Fleece brought her to the person whom Artemis-sama was following.

Compared to the so-called glory, he seems to be more willing to help up the child who fell to the ground, um, this is very good.

Gentle, confident, unassuming, easygoing, he seems to have everything the Greek hero lacks.

Of course he also has some annoying things, such as running fast, running fast and so on...

Maybe heroes are not special, they just have Ordinary person of power, some ordinary person choose to use this power to satisfy their hidden desires, while some ordinary person has not changed, just because of strong power, they have done a lot of things that ordinary person can't do.

If the heroes are really classified in this way, then in her eyes, the entire Greek hero group will be divided into Cyd, Heracles, and other heroes. Because of the curse of the Queen of the Gods Hera, Heracles can only stand in the middle.

He is really special, in this world where even gods obey desires, he chooses reason. No, maybe he is also obeying his own desire, but this desire is too ordinary and small.

However, this is not a place gentle enough to make people choose ordinary.

So this white-hair is too strong, the body of invulnerability and the blessings of God are all like this, do you still want to be an ordinary person? ! Although it is a very dangerous world, it is too outrageous to become so strong.

The world is not cruel enough to not even give ordinary life, but it is not gentle enough to make people happy. The more you move towards a goal, the more you will deviate from it, so... maybe it's a good choice to stop.

She tried to move towards this special man and stretched out her hand, which was probably the first time she had done so, and the strange emotion in her heart made her turn around subconsciously. But the man ducked as if joking, and told her a secret in a joking tone.

Having lived an absolutely extraordinary life for the sake of an ordinary life, this man embarks on his journey with a relaxed smile. This is a arduous and long journey. She wants to follow it if she can. Of course, she doesn't have any special purpose, just to have a look.

She heard the poet singing Cyd, the hero who defeated the dragon, Hero of Pure White.

Whenever her father unloads the bridle at her twin, she will be stunned and worried. cha dazzling quail search impeachment thorns ⑿ y arrogant ye impu thou also forcibly transports swollen bucks to lower neon concerns Never plundering, Hero of Pure White is just an ordinary person who has the powerful strength to maintain his heart and is out of place in Greece.

Cyd is still the boy who was aggrieved and crawled on the ground after she fell over his shoulder and fell to the ground, but no one cared about these things, and their praises made Cyd's kind gesture of goodwill become Cyd. of all.

What he does is worthy of being called the Hero of Pure White, but he is not the Hero of Pure White you speak of, the Hero of Pure White that you each minding their own business sings about... a little sad .

He never wanted to be the Hero of Pure White.

Pure white Hero Cyd and Cyd, she only knows Cyd.

He became a hero hot enough to scald one's hands, with more and more blessings on him, and further and further away from the life he longed for.

At this time, her father urged her to get married, which is really ugly, can't wait to take her abandoned daughter as a gift to attract heroes?

However, she didn't refuse, because she... expected him to appear, no, it wasn't her idea, she was a believer of Artemis, she made a vow.

But she had an idea that she shouldn't have...

Cyd appeared in front of her, the last race of the three speed races, he said that the last race would not happen again It's a joking request, so this kind of obedience is not...

Fleeing...Cyd ran away from marriage, left the obedient princess and returned to his own journey, as if he was rescued Leave without caring, how many times have you done this familiar feeling?

But what you save is not the weak princess who is helpless, but the wild beast who has put away her minions.

You are Hero of Pure White, you have saved many people in the process of being blessed by the gods, your journey is destined to be shrouded in many glory, maybe one day you will be oppressed and forgotten by these glory who you are.

You saved them out of your own goodwill, you are not Saint! You get everything with your own hands, no one has the right to ask you to do anything, you don't owe anyone!

It's they who owe you!

You never asked for anything, just because you didn't! It's not your duty! You have no obligation to save everyone!

Don't forget...

Are you the pure white Hero Cyd, or the boy who yearns for ordinary happiness?

But...this world craved Hero of Pure White even more.

But it doesn't matter, there will be people in this world who desire to be just Cyd, she will remind you not to deviate from your true desire, but is there really such a stupid person in this world?


The hunter who was rescued by Cyd and should have stopped.

I will hunt until the end of your journey. That's right, when Hero of Pure White completes the story he is praised by the world and disappears into the world, the hunter Atalanta will not have to hunt, and two people who are not heroes will fulfill [Cyd]'s wish.

If you die as Hero of Pure White, Atalanta the hunter will hunt until Netherworld.

If you are Hero of Pure White even in Netherworld, hunter Atalanta will continue to hunt in Netherworld, even death can't stop this Eternal Hunt.

This is her love.

She thought death wouldn't be able to separate the two, but he went deeper into Netherworld, where she couldn't catch up...

It's so sad, Hero of Pure White embarked on a road to save the world for the ordinary life, he is not the kind of noble and self-sacrificing guy.

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