He nodded, he had done his duty.

Back in the dormitory, John refined the willow branches of the Whomping Willow into a vigilance amulet that would warn of danger.

This amulet is more sensitive than the Blast-Ended Skrewt, and even a malicious intention will be felt by the Whomping Willow Amulet.

Now you can try to have a try.

Thinking that he still had a bird in the forest test, John armed himself fully.

After getting the small bag, he stuffed some magic potions into it, including antidote and fire prevention.

After everything was ready, he headed to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

After thinking about the training ground three times in his mind, a door appeared in front of him.

Walking inside, Gryffindor was already waiting.

John nodded and said, I'm ready to start the test.

With a wave of Gryffindor's wand, the Room of Requirement instantly changed.

Roots of vegetation grew in the training ground, covering it, and trees rose from the ground.

The change lasted for a while, and when everything stopped, John was already in a vast forest.

This was the first time he knew that the Room of Requirement was used in this way.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought he had been taken into the forbidden forest.

Chapter 57 Birds of the Forest and Lions of the Mountains

Gryffindor stood next to John. He fell on a tree and lay down comfortably, saying: There is a golden bird called the Golden Snidget in this forest. You need to find it.

...Are you sure you are here?

John looked at the huge forest that was like a forbidden forest. It was difficult to find anyone here, let alone Snitch, who was only as big as the Golden Snitch.

Gryffindor said with a half-smile: Of course it's here. In addition, you'd better find it before dark, otherwise other things will appear at night.

After saying that, Gryffindor looked like he was watching a good show, and John thought for a while that he might as well look for it first.

He took steps to search in the forest.

The Snitch is a very fast bird that is as elusive as the Golden Snitch.

Finding the Golden Snitch in Quidditch was a headache enough, but now John felt like he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

After walking for a long time, he saw no trace of Jin Feixia.

So he directly raised his wand and pointed it at a tree to activate the spell.


The white light hit the tree and instantly exploded the tree. The huge movement caused a large group of birds to fly up.

John stared at the flock of birds carefully, but saw no golden light inside.

In that case, let's have a bombing.

John did what he said and used his flying boots to fly into the air. He started bombing in all directions.

One by one, the crushing spells fell on the ground and exploded, causing the forest to shake.

The Gryffindors were all shocked by what he did. They didn't expect that someone would choose to directly search for the Golden Snidget.

But if you think about it carefully, John's approach is absolutely correct.

The Snidget is a sensitive bird and flies incredibly fast.

Before the danger arrives, Jin Feixia is enough to escape and fly out.

In other words, John's method may seem reckless, but it is actually very shrewd.

A clever wizard can see the most convenient method at a glance, but you are still too young.

The corner of Gryffindor's mouth raised with a smile, This method is indeed very convenient, but it consumes a lot of magic power and you can't last long.

Humanoid bomber?

Gryffindor was ready to see John's joke.

However, after a while, John's magic power gradually bottomed out. He took out his small bag and took out a bottle of recovery potion.

Tons, tons, tons.

After a long breath, the magic power in John's body began to recover.

Immediately, a new round of bombing began.

This operation stunned Gryffindor, I don't believe you have much left.

He didn't believe it. No matter how much medicine a person drank, he had to have a limit.

As John drained potion after potion, Gryffindor became increasingly confused.

Didn't you say that he was born as a Muggle? Why do he have more potions than the ancient pure-blood family?

John drank at least a dozen bottles of recovery potion, and the forest was changed beyond recognition by him.

Finally, after finishing another bottle of potion, a golden figure flew out of the forest.

John's vision, enhanced by the fire dragon blood, locked on the golden figure, and without saying a word, he activated his flying boots and chased after him.

Along the way, Jin Feixia flew extremely fast, and his body was flexible and he kept dodging in the forest to keep distance.

John chased for several hours but failed to catch him. As the sky turned dark, strange screams appeared in the forest.

A guy with bird feathers running on two legs rushed out. Its shape looked like a hairy fire dragon. When John saw this, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the guy to attack.

The white light hit the strange bird accurately and made it fly out. Soon more strange birds ran out. Even if the crushing spell was hit on them, they could continue to stand up and chase after a while.

A bird-shaped man-eater.

Recognizing what it was, John increased his output and punched a passage with all his strength.

Taking the opportunity to fly high, Jin Feixia has become a small dot on the horizon.

All petrified!

Aiming at the location of Golden Snidget, John kept issuing spells behind him.

Golden Snidget is so nimble that even if you ride the best broom, you may not be able to catch it, let alone with the interference of so many bird-shaped man-eaters.

John's brain was spinning rapidly, and he released a fire spell at the woods.

The fire spell engulfed one tree, followed by the second, third...

The flames gradually spread out, and the bird-shaped man-eater was burned by the flames until it screamed and fluttered strangely.

Others were so heavily smoked that they fell one after another.

Jin Feixia flew very fast, and without any interference, John also flew at full speed.

The speed of his flying boots was adjusted to the maximum, and the flames and smoke interfered with Jin Feixia, and Jin Feixia gradually became unable to fly.

After the wings stopped flapping, Jin Feixia fell down.

John catches it before it falls into the fire, and he completes the trial.

But the price was the burning of the entire forest, which made Gryffindor frown.

“Clear water like a spring (Aguamenti)”

John summoned a giant water ball and headed towards the fire.

Seeing this scene, Gryffindor's frown finally relaxed.

Although he will use some means to win, he will make up for it after achieving his goal.

After commenting in his heart, John also controlled the fire.

Landing in front of Gryffindor, John opened his hands and saw a golden bird trying to stand up in his hands.

You have completed the test of the Bird of the Wood.

Gryffindor nodded and waved his wand to disperse the forest scene.

[Ding, trigger the challenge mission, Gryffindor Legacy Phase 2, Lion of the Mountain, get rewarded with any point +1, blessing: heavy attack]

Gryffindor said: Lions do not lack courage and strength. The lions in the mountains need to be stronger than other lions. You need to prove to me that you have enough strength.

“I want you to climb mountains.”

After saying that, Gryffindor waved his wand again.

A mountain peak rose from the ground, and the Room of Requirement instantly became a high mountain.

Gryffindor pointed at several pieces of alchemy equipment on John, and John's amulet and flying boots were removed.

Your alchemy skills are very good, but you can't use them now.

Climbing mountains, John would be cheating if he wore flying boots.

John was also speechless. Why was his alchemy level not considered his own strength?

Looking at the mountain, he took a deep breath, and when he exhaled again, it turned white.

Did it cool down?

He looked around for a moment, and saw little snowflakes falling. John knew that if he didn't speed up, he might not be able to complete the test.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, he moved towards the top of the mountain step by step.

The snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, and with the strong wind blowing, John felt that his body was almost freezing.

At first he could still see the road, but as time went by, all he could see was white.

John trudged on.

On the road, John saw a snowman with white hair.

The white-haired snowman roared and came towards John. If he got hit this time, John would have to lie down for at least a while.

With a solemn look on his face, he dodged the collision from the Tibetan Snowman's feet. Without any hesitation, John pulled out his wand and pointed it at the white-haired Snowman's head to cast a spell.

The white-haired snowman rolled down the mountain and formed a big snowball.

John thought this was the end, but when he turned around, he saw a snowman with white fur.

You call this a test?

John's lips moved, but he still didn't curse.

Casting a disillusionment spell on himself, John attempted to go around.

But he underestimated the snowman's sense of smell and was spotted by a snowman as he passed by.

The snowman opened his mouth to roar, but John looked at him with a look, and the intimidation started immediately.

The white-haired snowman stiffened, and John had already drawn Ironwick's sword.

I am a fire dragon.

The sword ignited flames, and John slashed the white-haired snowman's body with his sword.

The white-haired snowman fell to the ground, and the wounds on his body burst into flames.

It seems like deterrence works.

John's eyes narrowed dangerously. A group of snowmen in front of him blocked the path, and he stopped being polite.

Holding the sword in both hands, he shouted: Come on!

The intimidation was activated, and all the snowmen he saw involuntarily stiffened.

As Ironwick's sword continued to kill, the Yeti's visible speed decreased.

By the end, there was no snowman standing next to John.

He held the sword tightly and walked towards the top of the mountain step by step.

This scene also caught Gryffindor's eye. He reached the top of the mountain and the wind and snow stopped.

Gryffindor was already waiting for him here, and now there was only one last test left.

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