They ran to the women's room and saw Hermione in the corner.

It seems the troll didn't get in.

The two of them just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Hermione's trembling and anxious voice, John, John has lured the troll away, let's go rescue him quickly.

Even Ron wouldn't care about Hermione at this moment.

Gryffindor did not lack the courage to take risks for his friends, and they chased in the direction of the troll.

John calculated the distance and found that it was far enough away from the women's bathroom that it would not affect Hermione.

Stooping forward and rolling to avoid the whizzing wooden stick, John turned around and released the spell without any hesitation.

“Wingardium Leviosa”

The rubble of the wall shattered by the troll's club floated up and hit the troll under the guidance of the wand.

The giant monster was hit in the face and retreated in pain.

John pursued the victory, snatched the sword from the medieval armor's hand, swung the silver light in mid-air, and slashed at the troll's arm holding the wooden club with all his strength.

The blood spurted out and the silver sword dance was as elegant as a waltz under the moonlight.

This blow did not cut off the giant monster's arm, but it also made it painful to hold the stick. The pain stimulated the giant monster and made it more manic.

The troll's attack pattern is as simple as its head, and becomes easier to see through when it becomes manic.


Using the same trick again, John dodged the sweeping wooden stick and hit the giant monster in the head with a bone-shattering shot, causing it to fall directly.

The sword in his hand swung down and cut off the giant monster's fingers, making it unable to grasp the stick.

Before the wooden stick hit the ground, John used a floating spell to freeze the wooden stick and swing it with all his strength to hit the giant monster, knocking the giant monster away.

it's over.

John breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the troll made no movement after hitting the unfortunate medieval armor.

Stepping forward, he wanted to confirm that this thing was really dead.

As soon as they got close, the three Harrys chased after them.

After seeing the mess, the three little ones opened their mouths wide enough to swallow a potato with the skin on.

John are you okay?

Harry yelled.

John looked back, and the giant monster he thought was dead opened his eyes at this moment.

His still intact left hand swung at John, making the three little ones scream.

Instinctively, John swung his sword and collided with that hand.


The sword flew out and penetrated into the ceiling. John's right hand was numb and he lost his weapon.

But don't forget, he is a wizard.

The wand in his left hand pierced the giant monster's eye like a poisonous snake before it got up.

Holding the wand, John's face was filled with coldness.

The troll was sentenced to death.


Even a giant monster can't withstand a blast of shattered bones in his head.

That ridiculous head exploded like a cooked bean.

The extremely unsavory scene made the three little ones a little off-putting.

In fact, they spit it out.

Chapter 16 Forbidden Forest and Unicorn

After a while, Professor McGonagall arrived.

How dare you-!

What the hell are you playing?!

Harry swore that he had never seen Professor McGonagall so angry.

His lips were pale, and even the face of Professor McGonagall, who was always serious, flashed expressions of surprise and joy, but more of an expression of anger.

Turning her gaze on the three little ones who didn't dare to look up, she said with cold anger in her voice, Why don't you just stay in the dormitory!

The three little ones were also very aggrieved, especially Ron. He also felt that he was a hero and could at least bring 50 points to Gryffindor.

But the look on Professor McGonagall's face told him that he was lucky not to get any points deducted today.

For the sake of her friends, Hermione stood up without hesitation, Please don't do this, Professor McGonagall, they are looking for me.

Looking into Professor McGonagall's eyes, Hermione lied to the teacher for the first time.

I came to see the troll because I... I thought I could handle it on my own, you know, because I'd read about them in books and knew them well.

If they hadn't found me, I would have been dead by now. They didn't have time to find anyone. The troll was about to swallow me up before they arrived. John lured the troll away, and Harry and Ron saved me. .”

Hermione stepped forward, which surprised Harry and Ron, and at the same time they felt warm in their hearts.

No one doesn't like friends who will bear everything on their own. Even Ron, who had objections to Hermione, has now put aside his prejudices.

Professor McGonagall was very pleased to see Hermione taking on everything for her friends. Friendship is the most noble quality of Gryffindor.

But it was obvious that Miss Know-It-All had forgotten one thing. Even if she tried her best to make up lies and wanted to bear all the blame, Professor McGonagall was not a fool.

You mean... John Wick killed the troll?

Looking at the messy scene, in addition to the fallen finger of the troll, there was also blood splattered all over the wall and a sword stuck in the ceiling.

Even Professor McGonagall was stunned by this scene.

She didn't think that the little wizards could do this, at least not the three little ones from Gryffindor.

Turning his attention to John, who was pretending to be a dead fish, Professor McGonagall pursed her white lips seriously, Mr. Wick, what do you have to say?

Ahem, Professor McGonagall, actually there is a reason for all this...well, I did it.

John bit the bullet and wanted to explain, but Professor McGonagall's death review made him feel that it was better to be honest.

Oh my God, I can't believe a little wizard like you killed a troll.

Professor McGonagall was a little in disbelief when she saw him admit it.

Even an adult wizard would find it difficult to defeat a troll without special methods.

But John killed a giant monster in the first grade, which was simply unbelievable.

Okay, Miss Granger, Gryffindor will be deducted 5 points for this incident. I am disappointed in you. If you are not injured, it is best to go back to Gryffindor Tower as soon as possible. The students are all here. Halloween dinner at your own college.”

Hermione lowered her head in despair and left.

Harry and Ron were left nervous, but Professor McGonagall did not blame them. On the contrary, they fought the troll for their friends and received a reward of 5 points each.

This made both men feel guilty, because they both knew that it was John who took down the troll alone.

At most they took Hermione in the back.

The two were also driven back.

John was left alone.

Professor McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor, and she thinks she should wait for Snape to come over and deal with it.

Soon, Professor Snape and Quirrell, who came from behind, were stunned when they found out.

Especially Quirrell, he was the one who released this giant monster, and he captured it himself.

He knew more about the power of the trolls, and it was a nightmare for the first-year little wizard to encounter them.

But now the troll died directly, and died miserably.

This made him focus more on John.

The student was doing well in class, but he didn't expect to be able to deal with the troll.

Voldemort, who was on Quirrell's head, also had thoughts. Such an outstanding little wizard might be able to become a qualified Death Eater.

Mr. Wick, it seems you always thought you were good enough.

Professor Snape still had the same old hermaphrodite tone, and he began to re-examine John.

Snape never spared any effort in giving Slytherin points.

John received 20 points, which was much more generous than Professor McGonagall.

Because of your recklessness, Mr. Wick, you are going to the Forbidden Forest for a while this school year.

John was feeling that it was rare for Snape to be human, and his face turned dark when he heard this.

John would have gladly accepted this punishment before he learned that Quirrell often visited the Forbidden Forest.

After all, traveling at night is not traveling, but now that a Dark Lord might go shopping in the Forbidden Forest at any time, he really couldn't be happy.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to do it unwillingly. Professor McGonagall still needed to tell Dumbledore about this matter, and John was driven back.

I just left the trophy room and have to go to the Forbidden Forest. What is this?

After complaining, John didn't regret it very much.

Just saying that any point has increased makes him feel that it is not a loss.

He did not use it immediately, but was prepared to use it after reaching the bottleneck.

Why don't you learn Li Huo, or learn Occlumency first?

Thinking of the bug spell of Legilimency, John decided to learn Occlumency first.

He didn't want his mind to be read by an old bat or a guy without a nose all day long.

November 1st.

The story about a giant monster being killed by a first-year wizard spread like wildfire.

John became more prominent in Slytherin, and even Malfoy couldn't help but curiously asked, Did you really kill a troll?

John ate the bread and water gracefully. He didn't want to see milk and tomato juice at this time. I believe Harry and the others thought the same.

Glancing at Malfoy, who rarely took the initiative to talk, John said calmly: Do you really want to know? I can describe it to you in detail.

Malfoy thought of Filch who was complaining and cleaning the wall in the corridor on the first floor, and suddenly felt that the milk in front of him had turned into something else.

No need - ugh.

Obviously Malfoy's young mind couldn't bear this huge impact.

After this battle, John became even more awe-inspiring in Slytherin.

Even the senior Slytherin no longer dared to be arrogant in front of John.

John changed his position in disgust, and as soon as he sat down, three little ones came over.

John, there is a Quidditch match tomorrow, will you come and see it?

The three little ones got back together, and John also gained the friendship of Harry and Ron.

Especially Harry, he remembered where he had heard John's name. Dudley, who had been bullying him, was most afraid of John Wick.

Quidditch? I think I will go, but before that I have to take a stand. I have to cheer for Slytherin.

John naturally had no reason not to go. Harry and Ron smiled. They almost forgot that this was a Slytherin. It seemed that there was no hope for John to cheer for Gryffindor.

Hermione was more concerned about John's punishment and said worriedly: There are still werewolves in the Forbidden Forest. I can't believe the school actually allows first graders to patrol the Forbidden Forest.

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