Fortunately, I fixed the restaurant.

"Hey, Soma."

"Aren't you ready yet?"

"Today is the day for you to report to Totsuki!" Joichiro Yukihira, holding a toothpick in his mouth, shouted loudly to the second floor!

"Coming, coming!" After hearing Joichiro Yukihira's urging, Souma Yukihira hurried down the stairs after changing clothes.


After seeing Yukihira Joichiro in a suit in front of him, Yukihira Soma couldn't help but rub his eyes.

Is the person in front of me really his bastard father?

"What are you looking at?"

"Is there something on my face?" Yukihira Joichiro said, raising his hand to give Yukihira Soma a violent shudder!


Familiar pain, familiar sounds.

That's right.

The handsome man in a suit in front of him is really his father.

"lets go!"

"Today is the day for you to report for work. It wouldn't be good if you were late!" After Yukihira Joichiro finished speaking, he strode directly outside the house.

"Oh oh oh!"

See this.

Yukihira Souma quickly followed Yukihira Joichiro's footsteps.

Outside the hut.

As Joichiro Yukihira drove away, a figure slowly walked out of the corner.

Mayumi Kurase.

"Soma-kun, I wish you good luck in martial arts!" Mayumi Kurase murmured while looking at the car in the distance.

do not know why.

Kurase Mayumi always felt that after Yukihira Souma transferred to another school this time, she might never see Yukihira Souma again in the future.

Totsuki Academy.



"This is Totsuki Academy. Although I heard you talk about it, I just didn't expect Totsuki to be so big!" After getting off the car, Yukihira Soma was completely shocked by Totsuki.



"Totsuki is even bigger than what I saw!" Joichiro Yukihira smiled softly, with a trace of reminiscing expression on his face.

"Follow me closely."

"Don't get lost then!" Yukihira Joichiro said, placing his palm on Yukihira Soma's head and rubbing it hard twice.


"Dad, I'm not a three-year-old child anymore! I've grown up a long time ago." Soma Kohei pushed away Soma Kohei's hand and said a little depressed.


"When you meet someone who wants to serve your food willingly forever, you will truly grow up!"


"What are you talking about again?"


"You will understand later." Yukihira Joichiro smiled heartily.

"let's go."


Toyuki's commander-in-chief's room.

Nakiri Senzaemon is sitting at the top, and below him Roland Schaper, Shiomi Jun and other lecturers from Totsuki are also sitting.

except ... for.

Dojima Gin also appears here.


Shiomi Jun's eyes were fixed on his thighs and knees, not daring to move.


"Liang..." Facing the extremely dull atmosphere in the general manager's room, Jun Shiomi felt as if he was about to faint at any time.

Time passed by minute by minute.


The door to the general manager's office suddenly opened!


Yukihira Joichiro took Yukihira Soma and walked in from outside the door.

"Commander in Chief!"

"Long time no see, I'm back!" After entering, Joichiro Yukihira greeted Nakiri Senzaemon respectfully.

For Nakiri Senzaemon.

Yukihira Joichiro still respects him very much.


"You finally came!"


"These are the teachers of Totsuki. They look completely different from what I imagined, don't they?"

When Joichiro Kohei said hello to Nakiri Senzaemon, Soma Kohei habitually observed the professors and lecturers present.


"Why are you here? Are you the new guest lecturer mentioned by the commander-in-chief?" Shiomi Jun's voice suddenly rang in the commander-in-chief's office.

For Shiomi Jun.

Yukihira Joichiro was her nightmare during the first two years of Totsuki!

After seeing Yukihira Joichiro, Jun Shiomi, who was so frightened, subconsciously forgot that he was still in the general manager's room and shouted in horror.

After shouting.

Shiomi Jun suddenly covered his mouth with both hands and almost cried.


Nothing good will happen to him when he meets Yukihira Joichiro.



"It's been such a long time since I saw you. After so many years, you still haven't changed at all! You're still the same little person as before..."

After hearing Jun Shiomi's voice.

Yukihira Joichiro laughed and walked towards Jun Shiomi, not caring at all that this was Nakiri Senzaemon's general office.


As Yukihira Joichiro walked towards him.

Shiomi Jun's mind immediately recalled the nightmare time when he was forced by Yukihira Joichiro to eat all kinds of dark dishes!


"You haven't changed at all these years!" Schaper said from the side.


"Professor Schaper, isn't it the same for you?" Yukihira Joichiro replied carelessly.

"Current students."

"Do they still call you the chef who can't laugh?"


"Live, survive!" After seeing Joichiro Yukihira being stopped by Shaper, Jun Shiomi was so excited that he almost cried.

Teacher Schaper.

Sure enough, it's still so reliable.

After chatting with Schaper for a while, Yukihira Joichiro suddenly remembered that he had brought a son with him.

"Chuangzhen, come here!"

"This is Professor Shaper. When I was at Totsuki, Professor Shaper was the teacher who taught me French cuisine..." Joichiro Yukihira introduced Soma Yukihira.

“French food?”

"What is that?" Xing Ping Soma's mind was filled with questions.

Yukihira Soma, who has worked at Yukihira Teishokuya since he was a child, has never been exposed to French cuisine.


Yukihira Soma still said hello to Schaper honestly.


"Joichiro, is this child your son? I hope he can be as outstanding as you were when you were studying at Totsuki." Shaper said calmly.


"Professor Schaper, is Souma still far behind?" Yukihira Joichiro waved his hand.


"This is Jun Shiomi!"

"When I was a junior in class 73 at Totsuki, I still had a relationship with Dojima and Shio, and they were very good friends!" Yukihira Joichiro continued.

"Don't look at Xi's stature!"

"She is now the youngest lecturer and professor in Yuanyue, and she is also an authority on spices!"

"If you have any questions, you can always ask Xi!"

"Professor Xi! Hello!"

"Hello..." Jun Shiomi replied stiffly.


Look at Shiomi Jun's expression.

Yukihira Soma always felt that the relationship between Professor Xi and his father did not seem to be as close as his father said!

Soma Yukihira doesn't know.

Shiomi Jun is scared to death now.

If it weren't for Yukihira Joichiro blocking him.

Shiomi Jun ran away long ago.


"Who is this……"

"Gin Dojima, like Joichiro, I am a student of Totsuki 72nd Class!" Before Joichiro Yukihira could speak, Dojima Gin took the initiative to introduce his identity.

"Professor Dojima!"


"Soma, Dojima is not Totsuki's professor!" Joichiro Yukihira patted Soma Yukihira's shoulder hard...

As Yukihira Joichiro finally left him.

Shiomi Jun couldn't help but let out a breath and felt that his legs were slightly weak.

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